Website for cap information?

Discussion in 'Statistics and Analysis' started by mtr8967, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. mtr8967

    mtr8967 New Member

    Aug 15, 2003
    With the ongoing controversy over how quickly Arena should be bringing along new players I thought it might be interesting to look at who he has brought in, and how aggressively. And I'd like to compare it to other countries. Does anybody know of a place I can get this sort of information?
  2. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    Don't want it to seem like noone is trying to help, but if I knew of such as site I'd tell you. Haven't run across such a list. is the closest thing to what I think you're looking for. They have player bios that might be a little outdated.
  3. mtr8967

    mtr8967 New Member

    Aug 15, 2003
    Thanks. We need a soccer encyclopedia.

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