We got cheated?!!!

Discussion in 'CONCACAF' started by gethomas3, Jan 29, 2008.

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  1. gethomas3

    gethomas3 Red Card

    Aug 3, 2007
    Miami, FL
    Deportivo Saprissa
    Nat'l Team:
    Costa Rica
    Can someone please explain to me how is it that MLS get 4 spots, two in the group and 2 in the pre, while we, who have had so much success since 1986 in the club level gets 1 in the group and 1 in the preliminary? I did coefficients using the European formula and this is what I came up with:

    Team (Country) points - number of appearances
    Necaxa (Mexico) 10 - 1
    Mocarcas Morelia (Mexico) 11 - 1
    Club Toluca (Mexico) 24 - 2
    Club America (Mexico) 17 - 2
    Pachuca (Mexico) 12 - 2
    Monterrey (Mexico) 11 - 2
    UNAM Pumas (Mexico) 10 - 1
    Guadalajara (Mexico) 9 - 1

    Alajuelense (Costa Rica) 20 - 3
    Saprissa (Costa Rica) 22 - 3
    Puntarenas (Costa Rica) 2 - 1

    LA Galaxy (USA) 5 - 2
    Columbus Crew (USA) 5 - 1
    San Jose Earthquakes (USA) 4 - 2
    NE Revolution (USA) 3 - 2
    Chicago Fire (USA) 5 - 1
    Kansas City Wizards (USA) 1 - 1
    DC United (USA) 12 - 2
    Houston Dynamo (USA) 5 - 1

    Motagua (Honduras) 1 - 1
    Olimpia (Honduras) 1 - 3

    Arnett Gardens (Jamaica) 1 - 1
    Portmore United (Jamaica) 0 - 1
    Barbor View (Jamaica) 0 - 1

    Communicaciones (Guatemala) 2 - 1
    Municipal (Guatemala) 4 - 2
    Marquense (Guatemala) 0 - 1

    Arabe Unido (Panama) 2 - 1

    W Connection (T&T) 3 - 2
    San Juan Jabloteh (T&T) 2 - 1

    FAS (El Salvador) 1 - 2

    This is the result...

    1-Mexico 8.667
    2-Costa Rica 6.286
    3-United States 3.334
    4-Panama 2
    5-T&T 1.667
    6-Guatemala 1.5
    7-Honduras 0.5
    8-El Salvador 0.5
    9-Jamaica 0.334

    Now this may be a bit off but you guys can correct me if I am wrong. What kind of formula did CONCACRAP used?
  2. sidspaceman

    sidspaceman Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2002
    America de Cali
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    My guess the Chuck Blazer one. After seeing those numbers there is no way that MLS should have four spots.
  3. GIO17

    GIO17 Member

    Nov 29, 1998
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is the formula that CONCACAF used.
  4. pc4th

    pc4th New Member

    Jun 14, 2003
    North Poll
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    TRUE. Not saying that it is right but MLS teams = $$$$$ for CONCACAF

    1. Univision is broadcasting the tournament (more MLS teams = higher rating)
    2. CONCACAF is trying to get money from ESPN or FSC (more MLS teams = more $$$)
    3. Average ticket price (MLS = $30, Costa Rica = $8)
    4. Attendance (16,000 vs. 2,000)

    The three highest average attendance for Costa Rica were:

    1. Saprissa 6,721
    2. LDA 4,150
    3. Herediano 1,773

    The average attendance for MLS is 16,700+

    It would have been better if Mexico (4) MLS (4) and Costa Rica (3) and take one away from the weakest league that has 2 teams (Panama or El Salvador).

  5. manudo1987

    manudo1987 New Member

    Jan 22, 2007
    Heredia,Costa Rica
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    The attendance is much better when we play CCC, MLS attendance is higher, though
  6. Onionsack

    Onionsack BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 21, 2003
    New York City
    FC Girondins de Bordeaux
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    Did you? Really?

    FMF and MLS got the most spots because they are the two leagues in this whole equasion that are vital to it being a success vs. a flop. CONCACAF cannot support this event without sponser money and TV access.

    WHo's gonna do it? Costa Rican TV? They gonna round up the investors and sponsors needed to keep this from going broke in 2 years?

    CONCACAF needs the US and Mexican economies and markets if they have any hope of turning this into a profitable event for the federation and the leagues involved.

    From a competitive standpoint i dont see what all the crying is about. CR just got an automatic birth when they previously had none, and the secured a second team the right to qualify by winning one 2-leg series.

    More importantly it assured ALL the other major leagues in the central americas an automatic chance to compete as well as offering them a chance to get a second team from their leagiue into the event.

    But CR wants to feel somehow special? You should be happy they argeed to take you along for the ride instead of biting the hand thats feeding you.
  7. SideshowBob

    SideshowBob Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    It is also worth pointing out that Canada's involvement -- which is highly deserved and overdue, anyway, IMHO -- is also probably key in making the tournament financially viable. Canada isn't nearly as strong as a soccer broadcast/advertising/sponsor market at Mexico or the US, but you can't just ignore the 33 million wealthy (by overall international standards) people who live there.
  8. manudo1987

    manudo1987 New Member

    Jan 22, 2007
    Heredia,Costa Rica
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    All we are asking for is one more spot, i think we have earned it dont you think? At least we deserve it more than the rest of central american countries, and we deserve it for what we have done in the field not by money issues:)
  9. Onionsack

    Onionsack BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 21, 2003
    New York City
    FC Girondins de Bordeaux
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    No one is going to argue with you that you deserve more than El Salvador, or the other central american nations etc based on on the field play. Hell, i may not even press the argument that MLS and CR should be the same, but thats not the point.

    This event MUST make money and be succsessful if it has any hope of contining more than a year or two. As much as some central american side may deserve it or not, the hard truth is the less US and Mexican sides the less attractive it is to investors and corporate sponsers that are going to make the evemt financially viable.

    If it works out and the new CCL over the years gains great reviews and earns great long term commited partners perhaps they will look at the qualification system again.

    Still, its a better deal than what you had before, no automatics and had to qualify in a multiple stage event from Central America vs. 1 Seeded Automatic and 1 Qualifer (1 two-leg match).
  10. MoRado

    MoRado New Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    San José. Costa Rica
    Deportivo Saprissa
    Nat'l Team:
    Costa Rica
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    CR should not send any team at all, this is crap, US and MEX are fine, 4 from each is fair, but 2 from ES? 2 from panama? are they insane? what is a belize/nicaragua team gonna do vrs a mexican team? a 20-0 score maybe? this is ridiculous, i expect a severe protest for our federation
  11. gethomas3

    gethomas3 Red Card

    Aug 3, 2007
    Miami, FL
    Deportivo Saprissa
    Nat'l Team:
    Costa Rica
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    So basically, it is a must for the tournament to work at our expense, you greedy ass America? You are the main reason why CONCACRAP is even worse now...
  12. Onionsack

    Onionsack BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 21, 2003
    New York City
    FC Girondins de Bordeaux
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    Yeah, cause it was so bitchin' awsome before 1995. :rolleyes:
  13. Onionsack

    Onionsack BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 21, 2003
    New York City
    FC Girondins de Bordeaux
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    I doubt CONCACAF would even care, they would say OK, and give your 1 automatic to the carabeen champ, and the other qualifier to someone else.

    Sadly, you wouldn't even be missed. As i said before your participation is not required for this tournement to make money.

    So boycott away... Jack and Chuck may have an intern send you a "note".
  14. manudo1987

    manudo1987 New Member

    Jan 22, 2007
    Heredia,Costa Rica
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    Sadly this is why this confederation is such a piece of crap, all they care about is money, they dont give a shit about the sport, filling their pockets is their only goal.
  15. gethomas3

    gethomas3 Red Card

    Aug 3, 2007
    Miami, FL
    Deportivo Saprissa
    Nat'l Team:
    Costa Rica
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    Is there any noise about this back in Costa Rica's media?
  16. Crazy_Yank

    Crazy_Yank Member

    Jan 8, 2001
    Matamoros, Mexico
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    Yes you deserve another spot, but not at the expense of MLS. The idea that MLS should give up a spot instead of many other less deserving nations is ridiculous. El Salvador and Panama aren't deserving of 2 spots.
  17. jpg75

    jpg75 Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    Toronto, Canada
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    Thanks for the props. I assume the representation by nationality will eventually get changed once the games get played and a few seasons of CCL demonstrate the strenght of each league. But, how in the hell does Canada get the same rep. in the CCL as Belize and Nicaragua!? :eek:

    And if attendance is a measurement we're willing to use, how about the 20K per game at BMO (assuming TFC represent us)....even Mtl and Van average atleast 5K in the USL. And Mtl will have a 15K seat stadium next year.

    I think the Ticos probably got jobbed a bit (ES gets the same spots?), but if they show their strength then there's no way CONCACAF can keep the status quo.
  18. kronz21

    kronz21 Member

    Mar 17, 2006
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    there going by talent, MLS is more talented as a whole than any other league in concacaf except for mexico. Although MLS is in preseason and will always be an underachiver in the concacaf cup. since MLS underachives they probably shouldnt get the second amount of spots, even though iam an mls fan i think i agree with you..
  19. backwithblack

    backwithblack Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    Your results for CR are skewed by the fact that only two teams have proven anything in the competition and by the fact that MLS has only been in existence since 1994. 7 out of the 8 MLS teams STILL have a higher "coefficient" than Puntarenas (CR's third place team).

    If CR were given a third spot it should come from one of the weaker Central American leagues (some of whom have no teams with a higher "coefficient" than Puntarenas).
  20. The Marquis

    The Marquis Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    Washougal, WA
    Portland Timbers
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    jpg, Montreal averages over 10,000 fans per game. That's significant considering its higher than any Central American or Caribbean clubs average attendance and Vancouver would come in 3rd in attendance if it were in Central America.
  21. gethomas3

    gethomas3 Red Card

    Aug 3, 2007
    Miami, FL
    Deportivo Saprissa
    Nat'l Team:
    Costa Rica
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    I oughta tell you to go do your research but you are too lazy to do it and if u did, you will not like the results. There is a reason why sometimes we can't get 3 teams in the CCC and there is a reason that since 2003, three times we hava had only 1 representative. Is easy to say for you what you did when u get AUTOMATIC spots.

    However, in our case when we have to qualify against teams around the level of the top MLS sides or better, then it is inevitable we will lose 1 or two teams. And you know what else? except in 2 occasions, every single time our third team gets eliminated it has been because a fellow Costa Rican club eliminated it.
  22. Ron86

    Ron86 Member

    Jun 7, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    Buddy, at the end of the day Costa Rica has 2 good teams. They will most likely make it to the final 8(unless Saprissa plays Chivas and bow down). $$$$ Eveyone likes it$$$$. And MLS and FMF are the top LEAGUE's in North America. Look at the CCC final four.
  23. backwithblack

    backwithblack Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    Puntarenas had a chance to beat an MLS team last year. They couldn't do it despite the fact that the team they played was in preseason form and played their home match 100 miles away from their home stadium
  24. manudo1987

    manudo1987 New Member

    Jan 22, 2007
    Heredia,Costa Rica
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    I never suggested that it had to be at the expense of an MLS team, i think it should be at the expense of another central american country, maybe Panama or El Salvador, i mean no disrespect to this nations but their clubs havent done nothing lately.
  25. dna77054

    dna77054 Member+

    Jun 28, 2003
    Re: We got ********ed!!!

    While that is true, I believe that it is also true that NO MLS team has even advanced at the expense of LDA or Saprissa since home and away format. We are something like 0 for 7. I think the Costa Ricans deserve 2 guaranteed spots with MLS getting 1 guaranteed and 3 playoff spots. That fairly reflects the depth of both leagues as well as the proven quality of the top teams in previous CCC tournaments.

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