Watch Party

Discussion in 'Sporting Kansas City' started by Helghallen, Oct 25, 2003.

  1. Helghallen

    Helghallen Member
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2003
    Raymore, MO
    Does anyone know if there will be a watch party at Coach's this week? They have been very good about providing us a place to watch for every televised away game. If they are going to have one, I think everyone who can should turn out to thank them for their support this season.

    Once they open later today I will post and let everyone know if they are going to put the game on for us.

  2. Helghallen

    Helghallen Member
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2003
    Raymore, MO
    It's On

    It's official. I just got off the phone with Coach's. They are hosting a watch party tonight. Who all is going to join me?

  3. ockk

    ockk Member

    Jun 1, 2003
    i will be there
  4. Helghallen

    Helghallen Member
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2003
    Raymore, MO
    6:30 game time

    Game is at 6:30 according to the paper. I'm hoping there will be more than just my group of three. Come on folks. Let's turn out and thank Coach's for being there for us this season.

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