Want more

Discussion in 'Coach' started by nogsl coach, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. nogsl coach

    nogsl coach New Member

    Feb 14, 2007
    I have my National Diploma,National Goalkeeping Diploma and my National Youth License.I coach at the Club level.but i also was convicted of a felony 18 years ago.. I want to coach at a higher level ie high school college.Anyone have any thoughts or comments....
  2. ranova

    ranova Member

    Aug 30, 2006
    google expungement and if interested talk to an attorney.
  3. JoseP

    JoseP Member

    Apr 11, 2002
    Not all felonies will, neccessarily, get you denied a job. I am a teacher and I know a felony DWI will not get reported. The background checks, here at least, only are checking for certain crimes. I will tell you that any violence, sex crimes, crimes involving weapons, and ones involving children are sure to get reported. There may be more.

    And not all school systems have zero tolerance. If they decide they want to hire you, come clean and explain your situation. They may have leeway in hiring you.

    I'm a little surprised your club isn't doing background checks on the coaches. I thought that was the norm these days.
  4. nogsl coach

    nogsl coach New Member

    Feb 14, 2007
    I did get a backround check and i passed ,the crime was forgery and recieving stolen property that was in 1989 i was a kid..almost 20 years but some never forgive..

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