wanna laugh? check out this thread about balotelli

Discussion in 'Italy' started by heuer0007, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. heuer0007

    heuer0007 New Member

    Apr 3, 2006
    this is a hilarious thread on the ghanaweb forums... these guys are trying to figure a way to convince balotelli to represent ghana even though we all know he has his heart set on italy and hes already made this clear numerous times.. check it out, it starts getting really spicy on around page 7 after he scores the 2 goals against juve....

  2. temo

    temo Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    If I was Ghanaian I'd want him to play for my country too. But the fact remains, he'll receive his first Italian cap at the end of this year and their hopes will be exterminated.
  3. FNU

    FNU BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Mar 6, 2007
    Monte Vesuvio
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Let the kid decide what he wants to do. If he does decide to play for Italy, his heart has to be in it.
  4. FNU

    FNU BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Mar 6, 2007
    Monte Vesuvio
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Maybe the kid will realize his parents SOLD him, why would he want to play for people who SELL their children?
  5. JumpinJackFlash

    JumpinJackFlash New Member

    Mar 15, 2007
    Soviet Britannia
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    Its unfair to put this much preasure on him, because he is only like 17 years old and does not realise the implications of his choices. However, he is Ghanian, fully Ghanian of blood and should man up and play for them if they are calling for him to play right now.

    I have great respect for African players like Drogba and Eto'o who had the balls and the dignity to play for the country who's blood flows through their veins instead, rather than the likes of Vieira. There is no guarentee that he will even get a place with the Azzurri, there is a hell of a lot of competition for the future with Giovinco, Palladino, Lupoli, Rossi, etc. With Ghana he would be a king.

    Italy is not France, Italy doesn't need to steal Africas talented players to win competitions.
  6. sardus_pater

    sardus_pater Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    Sardinia Italy EU
    Cagliari Calcio
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    you seem to imply that a black guy being born in Italy, raised in an italian family, never lived outside of Italy, who thinks in italian etc. etc. has no right to claim he is italian.

    and all that because of some bullsh1t about blood.

    Do you think the same for black people in the USA or UK?

    balotelli is italian. so, no surprise he wants to play for italy. it would surprise me if he chose to deny his own way of being. I would respect it yet it would surprise me.

    i cannot really understand your POV.

    being italian is a cultural fact, not something related to "blood".

    p.s. Italy is historically a mix of peoples and genes.
  7. JumpinJackFlash

    JumpinJackFlash New Member

    Mar 15, 2007
    Soviet Britannia
    Juventus FC
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    Black people in the United States and the UK have citizenship of those countries from birth, Barwuah does not have Italian citizenship even to this day, nor does he have Italian blood so exactly which part of him is Italian?

    He doesn't tick either of the boxes which makes somebody Italian (ethnic or citizenship) and even if the Azzurri wanted to call him up right now, they wouldn't be allowed to because he is legally Ghanian, like both of his parents. If Ghana tried to call him up and he actually had the dignity to accept, then they would be allowed right now.

    Camoranesi for example, is clearly mixed of Indian and European.. yet he has atleast some Italian blood and citizenship so him playing for Italy clearly isn't a problem even though racially he is different to full Europeans. Its not an issue of race, its an issue of Italy possibly needlessly robbing Ghana of a player who the Azzurri doesn't even need and isn't even Italian in any way.

    Why should Italy stoop to the levels of France, when Italy can actually field Italians who are just as good as this guy? If he plays for Italy, instead of Ghana, then it makes Italy and European football look ridiculous and enforces the view Africans have of Europe stealing their players. He needs to look at what Drogba (grew up in France) has done with the Ivory Coast and take a long hard think.

    Claudio Gentile was born in Algeria, do we pretend he is actually Algerian instead of Italian just because of where his mother gave birth to him?
  8. sardus_pater

    sardus_pater Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    Sardinia Italy EU
    Cagliari Calcio
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    That's just bureaucracy.

    1) there were some problems in the adoption otherwise he would be already (officially) an italian citizen.

    2) people born in italy from foreign parents have to wait being 18 to make THEIR decision. ie they are entitled to get italian citizenship. they have the right to. Noone can take that right from them.

    you failed to explain why a boy (black or not) who is born in italy, grew as an italian, who thinks in italian, thinks as an italian, speaks italian and live as an italian should feel ghanian instead of italian.

    who are you to deny him is "italianity"? and why do you hope for it exactly?

    certo che ne spari cazzate.

    why don't you try respecting what the boy thinks? what the boy feels?

    why don't you get that the boy has nothing of ghanian?
    what's hard to understand that natural parents and real loving and caring parents are 2 well distinct things in cases like this?

    I don't think drogba was in the same position. apples and oranges.
    That can be said for Okaka Chuka whose parents are nigerian and actually grew him.
    And still it's up to him to decide who to represent, you, me, noone else can take him (okaka) the right to be italian 100%.

    mettiti l'anima in pace (e le tue idee sul sangue su per il...)
  9. JumpinJackFlash

    JumpinJackFlash New Member

    Mar 15, 2007
    Soviet Britannia
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    What is nonesense? The law is the law. He has a right to admire the culture he was brought up around (Italian), live there (unless the law decides to deport him) and such of course, anyone does, nobody is denying him that. However its supposed to be international football not club football, the peoples of one nation taking on others... Ghana is not part of Italy and this guys Ghanian parents selling him (which has to be illegal??) to some family in Lombardy doesn't change that.

    Europe robbing Africa of their talents is just repulsive and I hoped Italy would have more honour than to sink that low, I critisised the French for it when our rivalry with them intesed (as did many others) and won't become a hypocrite and make excuses if Italy decide to steal this kid. All of this crap FIFA say about hoping to level the playing field and their puppet Pele saying how there will "one day be African World Cup winners" is just lies. They don't protect the Africans, they let other nations steal them (France). Let Ghana have their hero, with them he will certainly go down as more of a great than he ever could with Italy.

    Okaka Chuka's situation although not ideal, is a bit different since his real parents have become Italian citizens, not just Nigerian citizens. So by law he and his family are now Italian nationals. Barwuah's situation is far more shady, there is still an ongoing dispute between his real parents and the people who bought him (just saying it makes it sound like an international version of a club transfer), it all sounds pretty much illegal and makes Italy look bad.
  10. FNU

    FNU BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Mar 6, 2007
    Monte Vesuvio
    SSC Napoli
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  11. sardus_pater

    sardus_pater Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    Sardinia Italy EU
    Cagliari Calcio
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    in your world adopting a needing child and loving him as their own = buying him. That's not my world.

    you refuse to grasp it, don't you?
    in august when he turns 18, Balotelli will claim his right for italian citizenship. he will. it's 100% sure.

    can i hope you will stop with this BS then?

    poi te lo voglio chiedere in italiano, e sei pregato di rispondere in italiano, ma tu chi cazpita sei per decidere l'italianità della gente?

    Come cavolo ti permetti di insultare dei genitori adottivi, colpevoli di aver dato amore, una famiglia ad un bambino di 2 anni abbandonato alla nascita dai veri "genitori" in un ospedale di Palermo?
  12. indestructible

    indestructible Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Jan 14, 2007
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    I'm 100% with Sardus_Pater here. Mario was born, grew up and raised in Italy. Skin aside, the guy is more italian than me or any other poster on the italian board who wasn't born or raised in Italy. It's the guys decision to play for Italy, no one is putting a gun to his head. He probably doesn't speak Ghanian, or has never even been there. So why the fuss? Italy is not stealing anything here. He learned how to play the game in Italy.

    I really don't care whether he is white, black, or yellow. The guy can play and has shown more promise than any centravanti we have playing in the U21 squad right now. Pozzi? Matri? Aquafresca? Jack, if you said the kid is nothing special, you've never seen him play.

    Welcome to the new Europe. This isn't 1939. If italians abroad have such a problem with more and more immigrants in Italy then why the hell did they leave in the first place? If you're so concerned with "italianita", why are you living in England Jack? And guess what? A low italian birth rate will mean more and more immigrants in Italy. Here to 30 years, italy will be a different place, and what an "italian" is will no doubt change.

    And let me just say that i'm very proud of my heritage, but this is reality
  13. NuvoleNuvole

    NuvoleNuvole New Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    Tanto non ti rispondera' in italiano. Posso capire che la maggior parte della gente qui si e' trasferita all'estero e sente una forte appartenenza all'Italia...ma quando iniziano a fare i discorsi del cazzo di chi e'/non e' italiano...che fastidio.

    Lascia perdere, non ne vale la pena.
  14. FNU

    FNU BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Mar 6, 2007
    Monte Vesuvio
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    E tu, Brute?
  15. JumpinJackFlash

    JumpinJackFlash New Member

    Mar 15, 2007
    Soviet Britannia
    Juventus FC
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    I'm not sure of all legalities behind adoption, but I know that some rich Italian families merely buy kids (such as Romanians), instead of adopting ones from their country. His blood parents actually want him back and there is a big fight between his blood parents and his adopted ones, so it is in the balance what he will do when hes 18. Although selling a kid is a f***ed up thing and his parents obviously made a mistake by abandoning him in Palermo, but if they want him back, who is to deny them their genetic son?

    It doesn't seem right. If you look at the World Cup line-up from 2006, every single man on there is has ethnical roots that lie within the country currently known as “Italy“, even though Camoranesi is born in Argentina and Perotta in England. There is something incredibly honest in that, something other nations can't do. Great Italian footballers are in abundance, great Ghanian ones are harder to come by so of course the Africans in that link are pissed off. It has to be embarrassing for a country like Portugal that they had to steal Eusebio, a man without a drop of Portugese blood from Africa instead of having one of their own as their greatest.

    Cause my father decided to, it is much easier in other European countries like Britain, Germany and the Scandanavian countries in terms of prospects than it would be in Napoli, though I'd never pull on an England shirt no matter how many Beckhams and Rooneys there are.

    I wouldn’t say that I’m concerned with “Italianita" in general at all, since I don’t fly that dirty Lombard green, white and red, Garibaldi is IMO one of the most disgraceful slaughterers in history and its disgusting how that Tuscan language was brainwashed on people (there are some good things too of course). But at the same time, I’d never deny having Neapolitan blood flowing through my veins no matter how "unfashionable" it is in Europe, unlike Barwuah who seems to be flat out ashamed of who his people are and what flows through his viens, which is Ghanian and a 100% African.

    Its more to do with nationalism with all nations, since this is allegedly national football we're discussing. Moroccans should play for Morocco, Swiss for Switzerland, Ghanians for Ghana, Polish for Poland, etc why should countries be able to buy (/steal) and sell from far less powerful footballing nations like it were a club football situation? That is the reality of it. If the world was at war, people return to fight for their father countries... international football is supposed to be like that (and once was) without all the "death" part of course.
  16. sardus_pater

    sardus_pater Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    Sardinia Italy EU
    Cagliari Calcio
    Nat'l Team:
    io ho come l'impressione che tu distribuisci patenti di italianità senza neanche saperlo parlare l'italiano.

    1) the balotelli's had already 3 natural children when they adopted Mario so they weren't so desperate to have a child that they needed to "buy" one. There's no chance. it was simply heart.

    Or do you really think that they "bought" a 2 y.o. child having health problems because they knew he was going to be good at playing calcio?

    not to mention the fact that they should have "bought" him form a public hospital...

    2) I don't know where you live but here in italy it's not like generic parents who abandon their children can claim anything 17 years later when the boy has become a gold mine.

    your problem is that you dogmatically refuse to acknowledge you're talking about an italian with ghanaian origins not about a naturalized ghanaian immigrant.

    And there's plenty of argentinians of italian descent, most of them see themselves as argentinians (of italian descent) not as italians.
    The same is true for US or elsewhere.

    They love their roots, they keep the culture, but they don't see themselves as italians only.

    someone feels otherwise and that feeling you have to respect. but the decision is up to them. and only a tiny minority thinks that way.

    Mario Balotelli knows he is an italian with ghanaian origins and he sees himself as an italian (with the ghanaian origins being mostly a simple anedoctal fact bearing no relevance in his life).

    That's the simple reason why he wants to play for Italy.

    again, why is it so hard to understand it for you? why don't you respect the boy's feelings?

    That's you. I bet there are many others who while being proud of their heritage did integrate in UK.

    do you think that if you were abandoned by your genetic parents, adopted when you were 2 by a 100% british family and grown as a brit in a british environment you would feel the same neapolitan "blood" flowing thru your veins?

    Be honest in your reply.

    It's all cultural... what you call neapolitan blood commanding you life is in your brain, it's cultural. and it's your parents that tought you.

    balotelli's teaching parents were italians.

    btw it doesn't exist a distinct neapolitan blood. it's not the blood that makes one a neapolitan.

    Je nun capisco e vote che succede
    e chello ca se vede nun se crere nun se crere
    E’ nato nu criaturo è nato niro
    e a mamma ‘o chiamma ggiro sissignore ‘o chiamma ggiro

    you simply hate the boy and i am not sure I want to know the real reasons why.
  17. sardus_pater

    sardus_pater Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    Sardinia Italy EU
    Cagliari Calcio
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    si, ho inquadrato il tipo... è difficile non incacchiarsi però.

    mi sto pure trattenendo per non rischiare di offendere altri che obbiettivamente non lo meritano.
  18. mattteo

    mattteo Member

    Jul 19, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    Non mi risulta che lo abbiano comprato (anche perchè in Italia è illegale)...lo hanno ricevuto in affido (procedura su cui lo stato italiano non transige) dopo che i suoi genitori naturali lo abbandonarono in ospedale....inutile inventarsi circostanze false per dar forza al proprio argomento. Certamente Balotelli, anche se scuro di pelle (ma chi se ne frega...cazzo, in sicilia è pieno di gente dai tratti arabi, nessuno ha avuto mai nulla da obiettare sulla loro "italianità"...oppure i casi di cui parla la tammurriata che ti è stata postata in precedenza), è più italiano di chi magari di italiano ha il cognome ma qui non ha mai vissuto e soprattutto non conosce la lingua (fattore principale, per quanto mi riguarda, per misurare l'appartenenza ad una comunità nazionale, molto più del presunto "sangue" di certo....e l'accento orobico di Balotelli non lascia dubbi). E nessuno ha rubato nulla....il ragazzo è cresciuto sia come persona che calcisticamente qui.
  19. mattteo

    mattteo Member

    Jul 19, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    in effetti....vediamo se chi distribuisce inutili patenti in base al colore della pelle almeno parla la lingua.
  20. JumpinJackFlash

    JumpinJackFlash New Member

    Mar 15, 2007
    Soviet Britannia
    Juventus FC
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    Unfortunetly, I can understand most and speak some Tuscan ("Italian" isn't a real language) but this is an English language website, its not Firenze... so why not post in the language that everyone reads? Are you afraid that even more Ghanians will see the messages and know they are getting robbed by FIGC?

    Here is an article about him turning down Ghana... note the part where Le Roy mentions that his blood and foster parents are fighting over him still. I don't hate the kid at all, he is a decent footballer (not as good as other young players like Giovinco) but he doesn't have much dignity by rejecting his fatherland (who need him) when they came calling, even if he does speak in a Bresciani accent. Anyone can learn a tongue (he could easily learn English, which people in Ghana speak) but you can't "choose" who your real parents are.

    Hypothetically speaking, if your (Italian) parents had given birth to you in Africa and then the azzurri wanted to call you up, would you reject them? That is the slap in the face Barwuah has administered to Ghana, though he is young and probably nieve. I do not understand how you can't see why Ghana has a huge claim to this kid? Oh well, I guess he'll become the next Marcel Desailly (though as he got older, he tried to make up for betraying his people and is now UNICEF ambassador for Ghana).

    Barwuah turns down Ghana
    By Ibrahim Sannie

    Mario Barwuah
    Barwuah has set his sights on an international career with Italy
    Inter Milan's exciting young prospect Mario Barwuah has turned down the opportunity to play for Ghana. The 17-year-old striker was born in Italy to Ghanaian parents and also holds a Ghanaian passport.

    He was named in coach Claude Le Roy's Black Stars squad for Tuesday's friendly against Senegal. But he declined the invitation and says he will play for Italy when he qualifies for an Italian passport at next year. "I'm waiting to play for the Italian national team when I turn 18 next year," Barwuah said in a letter to the Ghana Football Association (GFA).

    "I want to thank the Ghanaian authorities for giving me the opportunity but at this moment I am not interested."Despite the snub from the youngster, Le Roy is still keen on convincing him to play for the west African country. Le Roy, a former Cameroon coach, is credited with convincing Samuel Eto'o play for the Indomitable Lions when the striker had the option of playing for Spain.

    Barwuah was fostered by a Brescia family at the age of three but Frenchman Le Roy says the youngster would be better off playing for Ghana.

    "There is a serious tussle between Barwuah's biological parents and those who fostered him," Le Roy told BBC Sport.

    "The GFA is being prevented by some elements from talking directly to this exciting talent.

    "We will make an effort to reach him directly to tell him of our plans and he will not regret playing for the Black Stars."

    IMO Sicilians look more Greek if anything rather than "Arabic", but in any case, thats an unfair comparison because the island of Sicily is part of Italy, Ghana isn't, its in Africa. There is no Sicilian national team. Unless I missed part of the Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana which says Ghana and its people are all Italians. Plus there are lots of people, from less culturally endowed regions of Italy who deride the Sicilians and try to say that they're not part of Italy.
  21. sardus_pater

    sardus_pater Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    Sardinia Italy EU
    Cagliari Calcio
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    JumpinJackFlash, do you think that if you were abandoned by your genetic parents, adopted when you were 2 by a 100% british family and grown as a brit in a british environment you would feel the same neapolitan "blood" flowing thru your veins?
  22. sardus_pater

    sardus_pater Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    Sardinia Italy EU
    Cagliari Calcio
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    credo che il "lascia perdere, non ne vale la pena" di Nuvole sia l'atteggiamento migliore.
    E credo che mi adeguerò.
  23. Darkwan

    Darkwan New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
    We all know that by his 20th birthday this boy will be nowhere near the Italian team.

    Why are people arguing about a player who doesn't hold an Italian passport?
  24. Darkwan

    Darkwan New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
    What passport does he hold now?
  25. Forzaabruzzo

    Forzaabruzzo Member+

    Apr 19, 2006
    I honestly don't even know why this is even an argument. Balotelli has obviously made his choice quite clear numerous times, and that choice is that his heart belongs to Italian and that's the national team that he eventually wants to represent.

    It's not his, or his adoptive parents fault that his birth parents gave him up at a young age. The kid was born in Italy and raised as an Italian from infancy. He clearly associates more with the Italian culture and considers himself to be more Italian then Ghanian, so who are we to argue with the moral principles of his decision???

    As soon as he turns 18 he is free to make his decision official, so there's really no point in even trying to argue about it.

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