Those fiscally responsible Repubs are at it again! "Strong on Defense" my a$$... Actually, this is only mostly about Republicans. All of Washington is in on this horribly anti-American game. "The Boeing Co.'s campaign to win federal backing for a lucrative new military airplane contract was in trouble in October 2002. The head of the Office of Management and Budget had just told the Air Force and Congress that the acquisition plan -- which featured the most costly government lease in U.S. history -- was not urgent and would squander billions of dollars. Then White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr., acting at what officials say was the direction of President Bush (news - web sites), told the Air Force and OMB to resolve their differences. ...And with Card's intervention, obstacles to the deal eventually fell away. Vehement objections raised by OMB and Pentagon (news - web sites) budget analysts -- that the planes were too expensive and that leasing would set a bad precedent -- were muted or withdrawn."
I assure everyone, there is bipartisan support for this cost over run in the State of Washington. This is a case of regional politics trumping all, kind of like agriculture subsides.
Great. Question is, is it right or wrong for this to happening (not to mention legal or illegal)? If its wrong, what needs to be put in place that ensures that "government of, for and by the people" trumps all? Or, is it a case (among many) of a lack of transparency, a lack of enough hours in the day to be observant citizens who can take afford to take a break from both consumption and production of consumables to authentically BE citizens?