I'm sure we used to have a W-League thread somewhere- but I think it got lost in the upgrade. http://www.smh.com.au/sport/cricket...en-ultimatum-by-club-20120529-1zgkw.html#poll Please tell me this is a gee-up. Surely having a dual international on your books would be worth the great publicity, rather than trying to force her out of the club.
Considering I didn't know they had a dual international on their books maybe the threat to axe her is the attempt to get publicity.
Most cricket fans know who Ellyse Perry is, as she made her name as a cricketer before she became well known as a football player as well. Is it worth putting a link to a gallery showing off her sporting achievements? http://www.smh.com.au/photogallery/...yse-perry-20120529-1zhit.html?selectedImage=0
I've got a lot of respect for Perry; she's always got twenty-odd things going on at once. Footballer, cricketer (playing both at the top level), student (apparently doing a double-degree), media personality (was host of Football Stars of Tomorrow, if I remember the name) and so on and so forth. It does make sense, however, that a national-level football club would demand a commitment of their players. The only problem is they're not a professional club and they don't offer the incentives that would give reason for any player to act for them as a professional. (i.e. full-time wages) I can understand the problem from both perspectives, but I have to say that Canberra United are not in a position to make such demands. They need to stand down.
Meh ! It's been "live to WA with two hour delay" last few years anyway - this is an improvement. Are all of last years teams playing, plus WSWFC ?
Sydney have announced their big signing today. Not ADP- but Ellyse. http://www.smh.com.au/sport/footbal...s-perry-to-play-two-codes-20120905-25e40.html
Adelaide United? Same ol' story. Clearly a change of coach to Dave Edmondson wasn't the solution. There be other problems at hand; one of which is probably their ridiculously out-of-reach FFSA training ground, while a large number of the girls (possibly most) live on the polar opposite side of Adelaide. It's a pig of a training ground to reach; I had to get there around the same time as many of the girls for my own training over the last few months. It's not easy on the best of days. The fact that they finish late (and therefore many of them get home very late, perhaps around 11PM) doesn't help the situation.
W-League Rd 5 - Brisbane v Adelaide match photos. http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/iCpk5W271LJ/W+League+Rd+5+Brisbane+v+Adelaide/browse
Well the 2014 season has been wrapped up already by Perth Glory, with 2 rounds remaining. They are 10 points ahead of nearest rivals, and have a goal difference of 25 (the next best is 7). Quite a dominant display by them so far ... surely favourites to take out the final series too (considering their semi is at home too). Can anyone 'beat' them? (Adelaide beat them this season, only team to take points off them, but they don't look like making the finals).
2012 : And they are scrapping it again for next season . . . . . . http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-11-...-as-part-of-budget-cuts/5914336?section=sport
Hopefully Foxtel pick up at least a highlights package or one game a week. Better than showing the same A-League replay 3 times a week.
Well, yeah, but one of these options is essentially Free and the other costs money. I'ds say more likely the W-League games will be televised locally by state-based football networks - e.g. here in WA, by Football West TV, and then watchable on youtube (and thus not geoblocked for overses audiences as is the case now with iView). fingers crossed.
Yeah not a bad idea the telecasting via streams for non-mainstream sports. Could really create a real 'underground' buzz for the sport. Our local club has strong women's teams and I am sure if the W-League could appeal/reach more of these players they could dramatically boost their audience (at games and via streams/TV).
Congrats to Canberra. http://www.news.com.au/sport/footba...ague-grand-final/story-fndkzvnd-1227163618459
Congrats Canberra ... unfortunately Perth the best team all season just couldn't bring it together on the day that mattered most. I like Canberra's high visibility uniform ... they would have fitted right in around Perth!