Who do you think are practitioners of the cowardly art? I don’t mean the average guy who tries to get a free kick out of a real push or elbow, it has to be blatant fakery and/or a time wasting tactic, but if you don’t know the difference then you shouldn’t waste any time voting in this poll when you should be busy devising the most entertaining way of killing your self. The subject has had some international attention as of late. Iran’s complaints to the corrupt AFC have fallen on deaf ears for so many years so maybe now something can be done about it.
oman easily, for their disgraceful performance against australia, they went down as if there were 'snipers in the stands' shooting at them, as one of the australian players said
lol @ Caliguy we told him over and over and over again Polls in BigSoccer is fabricated..... yet he made another one I wonder why he made this poll? btw.. why Iraq number on in the list (Alphabetical order ?)
They are sorted by group and standing in that group minus the irrelevant hosts. Example, Iraq toped grope A so you got the honor of being first on the list.
This is a bad list..That doesn't make any sense.… Accourding to your logic .... we should be last You should Made this poll upside down Example...who is the top Grassrollers Oman Australia Iraq
Again this poll is fabricated why I'm not surprise? But I have just one question for the guy(s) who are fabricating the polls Do you have any Dignity?
Just because you are the first name on the list doesn't necessarily make you the winner/loser of the poll any more than if you're in the middle or the bottom. Just look at who is ahead in the poll. If you still insist that the poll should be "upside down" then you can either stand on your head or you can turn your monitor upside down.
there is clearly some dumb shit sock who is against korea in these useless polls. i mean, come on, korea is definitely not known for diving
what? i am just telling the truth from a neutral stand point and you need to check the poll result too.
oh man this thread is perfect example of hatred toward the Saudis among Asians ! Love it or hate it Saudis along with Iraqis were the best teams in this Asian Cup !
You are EMBARASING to JAPANESE people with the World. We do not sit HOME on our computers voting and ERASING COOKIES again and again all the day like you do. WE JAPANESE have a life. Your level is less than otaku. Sorry to my Asian friends.
I have noticed on bigsoccer peeps vote rather in such biased manners than neutral stand point of view!