Viper Riot in game thread

Discussion in 'Pro Indoor Soccer' started by Joey Tee, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. FireMLS

    FireMLS New Member

    Apr 26, 2009

    This league is really disgracing the gistory of this sport.

    They can talk all they want about new teams but it means nothing if 2 new teams come in and 3 old teams leave.
    If either Baltimore or Milwaukee quit this league is done
  2. MRAD12

    MRAD12 Member+

    Jun 10, 2004
    Chicago Fire
    I actually had a fun time at the game. I was there all day for the Metro league games and stuck around for the Riot/Vipers game.
    I'll do the same next Sunday when they play Baltimore.

    But you know what impressed me the most? Capt. Chaos' new slim, trim look.
    Dude looks in shape and ready for the Fire tryouts soon. :D
  3. GoStorm

    GoStorm Member

    Oct 24, 2008
    have to admit - he has lost some weight
    he was not the fat Elvis in the net

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