In other news, Fallujah is 70 percent under control. To put that into perspective, L.A. is only 60 percent.
Hey, it is unfair to make fun of other people's sexual inclinations. We are all born that way, you know.
It is a warning about making the future sentient pig police force with such large wangs that they cannot wear pants.
Frankly, if I were an MIT student, the fact that my paper would publish that crap would piss me off. Frankly as a student Id probably feel the editorial board should be removed and the cartoonist should never appear in the paper again. But treason? Treason implies action, this is just being a dumbass. Free speech folks, disgusting free speech that should never have been spoken. But free speech nonetheless, and we should defend the right to publish these cartoons, as vigorously as we decry their disgusting and pathetic nature..
yeah but I still hate technology. Wanna read my manifesto? I'll post it here after I'm done playing Halo 2.
Pssst... That crap wasn't in THE student newspaper, it was in some "alternative" paper. (If it's even on paper at all, those asshats might be web-only.)
Mrs Cheney the veeps wife was on the Today Show yesterday plugging a kids book 'she'd' written and had illustrated called "Patriot Kids" She was describing the book and how all american kids (Back then) were heros for standing up agaist the oppressor from overseas with the mighty army and winning independence. Matt Lauer said something about "Sounds like Iraq" It was quiet there for a moment.
Why exactly would that be treason when we were trying for a capitalist Iran and not a fundamentalist Iran?
Like Yoda said, "there is no try." Selling arms to the enemy is treason. Pretty simple. Using the profits to fund a drug ring goes a level or two beyond treason. That Reagan, what an optimiist! At least he "tried."
1. Arms were not sent to an enemy. 2. Profits were not used to fund a drug ring Sounds like you were probably 5 years old during Iran-Contra and got your information from whacko leftist blogs.
I've gotta say, the obsession with male genitalia is somewhat disturbing. If that's a guy he needs help, quick. In fact, that person just needs help period.
This was from the days before blogging. Sources are Gary Webb from the San Jose Mercury News, a Knight-Ridder publication (stock symbol: KRI) It is a reputable mainstream source. The following link appends all the articels into a single site, so it is easy to read. Webb wrote a series of articles for the Merc in 1996 detailing the entire story. Also, with regards to selling arms to the Iranians, check out the independent counsel Lawrence Walsh's report. Here is his report. Perhaps you only want to read the summary: The money quote: "Independent Counsel concluded that: -- the sales of arms to Iran contravened United States Government policy and may have violated the Arms Export Control Act1 1 Independent Counsel is aware that the Reagan Administration Justice Department took the position, after the November 1986 revelations, that the 1985 shipments of United States weapons to Iran did not violate the law. This post hoc position does not correspond with the contemporaneous advice given the President. As detailed within this report, Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger (a lawyer with an extensive record in private practice and the former general counsel of the Bechtel Corporation) advised President Reagan in 1985 that the shipments were illegal. Moreover, Weinberger's opinion was shared by attorneys within the Department of Defense and the White House counsel's office once they became aware of the 1985 shipments. Finally, when Attorney General Meese conducted his initial inquiry into the Iran arms sales, he expressed concern that the shipments may have been illegal." WAIT! HERE IS ANOTHER GOOD QUOTE FROM THE REPORT: "The Basic Facts of Iran/contra The Iran/contra affair concerned two secret Reagan Administration policies whose operations were coordinated by National Security Council staff. The Iran operation involved efforts in 1985 and 1986 to obtain the release of Americans held hostage in the Middle East through the sale of U.S. weapons to Iran, despite an embargo on such sales. The contra operations from 1984 through most of 1986 involved the secret governmental support of contra military and paramilitary activities in Nicaragua, despite congressional prohibition of this support. The Iran and contra operations were merged when funds generated from the sale of weapons to Iran were diverted to support the contra effort in Nicaragua. Although this ``diversion'' may be the most dramatic aspect of Iran/contra, it is important to emphasize that both the Iran and contra operations, separately, violated United States policy and law.2 The ignorance of the ``diversion'' asserted by President Reagan and his Cabinet officers on the National Security Council in no way absolves them of responsibility for the underlying Iran and contra operations." Is this where you now cover your ears, singing loudly "LALALA, I CAN"T HEAR YOU!" The Reagan administration did sell arms to Iran. In fact, he was told by his own counsel that it was illegal. The Reagan adminsitration did approve of drugs deals to fund the Contras. We have tons of crack in California, courtesy of Reagan's CIA. The funds were diverted from the Iran arms deal to fund the Contras. Of course, some hideous sketches in Boston college "alternative" newspaper is considered treason by some, whereas selling arms to the Iranians (and to Saddam) makes a president one step below a diety.
And remember kids, Reagan claimed he knew nothing of the Iran-Contra affairs. Possibly true, but that does not excuse treasonous policy nor managerial incompetence.
That's a joke, right? You do realize that Gary Webb, a self-proclaimed anarchist, was forced to resign from the San Jose Mercury News because the work you described above was thoroughly discredited. I'm going to assume you knew that and merely referenced him as a joke.
Help me out, here. I used Knight-Ridder as a source, and you say it is discredited. Discredited with what? Nothing? I thought so....
Just because the source may be reputable doesn't mean the author is. Paging Mr. Jayson Blair, please pick up the courtesy phone.
We'll give you a free pass today because you are new, but that is what we like to call sarcasm. [sarcasm]We all need to learn to use this tag. Quote me to see how to do it. [/sarcasm]