There are two kind of "tiredness" in legs. The first is you simply can't run as fast and you cramp easily. The other is where the legs do not act as shock absorbers very well. The first slows people down and the second is more worrying as it increases injury risk. I think the USA and Germany are both tiring mainly in the first way as they are defiantly slower but there are several players that look "stiff" and that shows they are vulnerable to injury at times when the legs need to absorb shock. A joint injury somewhere would not surprise me. Also Naeher had a moment where she allowed the ball to hit her body first and almost gave up a rebound because of it. Extra time will be "interesting."
Da eff Julie talking about?! Mal still has the legs and the energy?! That shot was proof her legs are gone. Slow rolling shot out of bounds!
YES!!!!!!!!! Sophia Smith. Awesome take. Awesome thruball by Swanson p.s. Berger positional mistake helped a lot
I'm convinced, Girma is living a second life as a soccer player, because in 'real life' she is Superwoman. She single-handedly has kept the US in this match.