A group of Inferno/FCD fans will be gathering at Kelly's Eastside in Plano at 15th and Ave. K tonight to watch the game. C'mon USA!
Be sure and explain to the other patrons that soccer is actually played by adults, too, here in America, and soccer-moms aren't the only people who sit in the stands. I recommend you buy them a stiff drink in order to let it sink in properly.
SpongeBob SquarePants: Hello, Mr. Krabs. Are you ready to party? Mr. Krabs: I'm ready to party! Are you ready to party, SpongeBob? SpongeBob SquarePants: I'm ready to party! Are you ready to party, Patrick? Patrick Star: I'm ready to party! Are you ready to party, SpongeBob? SpongeBob SquarePants: I'm ready to party! Are you ready to party, Mr. Krabs? Mr. Krabs: I'm ready to par-tay! Are you ready to par-tay, SpongeBob? SpongeBob SquarePants: I'm ready to par-tay! Are you ready to par-tay? Patrick Star: I'm ready to party! Are you ready to party? SpongeBob SquarePants: I'm ready to party! Are you ready to party, Mr. Krabs?
okay drew moor is playing like absolute $hit im sorry but that goal was way his fault and hes messed up big like 4 other times this is depressing... i love the guy but man is he the best right back we have?
hey bvolt we were all probably saying the same thing Nice to see some cheating from the officials. That was a beautiful goal by Clint and sure as ____ wasn't offside.
yea, how the hell was that supposed to be offsides? He had possesion for 15 seconds before he shot the ball. Did they call offsides on Altidore when he ran up after the shot? I am baffled on that one. edit: I just saw the replay. It was close enough to not complain of a conspiracy, I suppose.
What a f'd up call on Dempsey's goal. And what are the dimensions of that field? Looks like an indoor game with the quick attacks coming out of nowhere with just one or two passes.
Enjoy watching Moore with the US national team. It will be his last game. He has been torched on both set play goals.
Let's be fair to Drew. Yes, he was a part of 3 of the 4 goals tonight. And, he was again deep into the flanks delivering quality crosses. But, as I've been harping over and over, he has difficulties on the inside. And, although he played outside, the times on the set pieces that he had inside responsibilities, he got lit up. Both times when the ball was flighted, he lost site of his mark. He also got dribbled once on the flank. But, overall, I thought his contribution was positive. He is young and learning, and the speed at which this game was played was unreal. I think he will be a very good outside defender for us, even in a 3 back system. He is a very good outside back in a 4 back system as well. But, I repeat, he is not an inside back in a 4 man backfield. Some other thoughts that flowed through my head while watching..... I kept thinking of E66's line about "defenders stopping at midfield" as though they had reached the a cliff. Obviously the variable that kept Drew from penetrating down the flanks last season was not Drew. And, when Altidore scored off of Drew's assist, I couldn't help but to be reminded of our late great leading scorer. Finishing those type of balls are Ruiz's trademark. Since we had all of those pieces in place, why did we not utilize them last year? If Ruiz can get crosses like those, he is going to tear it up next year. It's a shame that we never let Drew get up and make those type of plays. Even if we do send those type of balls in now, we don't have anyone like Altidore or Ruiz to nail those home.
good logic there in post #21 about Moor not attacking up the flanks much last season. ....................................................................................................... re: USA x MEX Ok the teams and the refs [25 individuals] dressed this way: Ochoa, the MEX gk, dressed in a unique manner. then you had a team of 4 guys whose yellow shirts certainly were distinctive and bright. lastly, you had a mass of 20 field players unified by their white-predominant uniforms. Then I turned to ENG x SWItzerland on tape on FSC. Congratulations, way to make soccer viewing on TV a dreary chore, Powers That Be. and yes I'm referring to the uniforms. PTB 2 - 0 Soccer fans
I have to think that the correct coaching could stop the set play screw ups. I think it's a habit one gets when playing for FCD. It seems like every second goal that the Hoops give up is that lazy looking, out-of-place, goof play. Do I think Drew should start for the Nats when WC qualifying starts... not so much but he could be a sub. I just think we're too deep with Euro based defenders.
The 'name on back' needs to be straight on the US jerseys. They don't look right when they have an arched NOB and a straight hoop.
You make me think of Mel Gibson in conspiracy theory with his newsletter to seven subscribers. I love your passion on it but I can't help wondering how small the following you have about this issue. However, it is part of what makes you unique and livens up these boards.