53rd minute, brazil scores on a corner to make the game 2-1 tim howard gets hurt trying to make a save, apparently landing awkwardly on his forarm, seitz may be checking in. was not really expecting this to happen, probably the same thing going through seitz's mind. i bet the team in gold is drooling over the possibility of testing a young mildly unproven american keeper. edit: howard SMACKS his hand on the crossbar hard trying to make a save on the header. thats gotta hurt.
so howard actually dislocated a finger. seitz never checked in. i have got to say that was one of the WORST officiated games i have seen in a loooonnnngggggg time. was the center official from the USSF? he was atrocious, making only 2 decent calls the entire game (one was an OBVIOUS dive by a brazilian in the box, i think roberto, trying to draw a pk, the other was late in the game as brazil was trying to waste as much time as possible). he blew a completely obvious pk the americans should have had. and then on the ensuing possession by brazil he calls a free kick which lead to brazils third goal. that was not a free kick, the brazilian took a dive after being touched by the american players finger tips. what a joke. the free kick by ronaldinho was beautiful, but should have never happened. that ref missed so many calls i was screaming at the television. absolutely horrible job done by the center official. as for player assesments, i have only one thing to say. america is terrible at crossing the ball in off of free kicks. donovan is aweful at crossing. his are often low and directly at a brazilian player (i often found myself questioning where donovan was on the field, he pull a disappearing act for loonnnggg stretches of the game). he assist on the corner was good service, but that was really his only bright spot of the game. beasley's was just as bad, launching a great opportunity from 35 out over everybody and out of bounds beyond the far post. terrible. bradley played great, i like his style. he doesnt back down and he makes sure a brazilian goes to ground for a damn reason instead of flopping like a fish out of water. good game by him (except for the bone headed decision to drag down the brazilian at the very end of the game giving them a pk). dempsey is obviously not a forward and could not create an inch of space for himself (with and without the ball). his goal was great, all he had to do was place it far post, all the work was done for him with a awesome pass back. beasley had an average game at best, his passes was not strong and to the feet, he had some decent runs, but often found himself forced off the ball. the forwards (and the attack in general) was average, mostly looking to counter attack. they looked dangerous at times and uninvolved at other points. the midfield did a decent job of possession and passing, we definitly need to utilize the wings more (and for god sakes get some attackers into the box). if we had some good crossers during the run of play i think we could be more dengerous. we got lucky on that first goal, to me it looked like the ball may have deflected off of boca's arm/upper shoulder area, at least in the slow mo on dvr. thanks to dvr i really had a chance to take a good look at the questionable plays in the game. the defense was solid, only wavering at a few points, but that probably has more to do with brazil's ridiculous talent and ability in the middle and attacking third, god can they spray the ball around effortlessly. it was fun to watch. bottom line, the US should have come away with a tie. they got EXTREMELY unlucky on the own goal from gooch. the ref completely blew the match and should never see the field again. what a terrible job he did. cant take much from a loss for the americans, but they played well and deserved more.
If you didn't watch this game then it is hard to judge how things went by score alone. The US actually played them very well and were in control of the field quite often throughout the game. Too bad on the own goal and yes we did get hosed with the no-call on Wolff...that could have changed things drastically. Anyway...It was a fun game to watch and I feel we did pretty well.
I was disppointed in the "commentary" of Eric Wynalda and USMNT fans who bitch incessantly about officiating. In truth, there were questionable calls both ways--as there are in EVERY MATCH AT EVERY LEVEL. Get over it...it's part of the game. These same knee-jerk U.S. whiners were curiously silent/circumspect when this very referee disallowed Canada's brilliant equalizer during added time of the Gold Cup semifinals (otherwise, that could have been the 1st of 6 consecutive losses for the Nats). I thought the USMNT actually showed well today. Better than expected. Unfortunately, for neutral observers at least....this fact tends to be diminished by juvenile comments like the one quoted above. Is there no respect for the play of your victorious opponent? Agreed.
if you would have listened closely you would have heard these same "knee jerk U.S. whiners" bring up the disallowed canadian equalizer and how they had nothing but bad things to say about that decision as well. they were shocked that the same referee was allowed to partake in this friendly after his brilliant performance in that game. there are always subjective people who have "commentary", thats the nature of the business. if you think for one second that they dont exist on every continent of this world, you are sadly mistaken. knee jerk reactions are not limited to eric wynalda and USMNT fans. as for the game, it was good. brazil showed why they are so dangerous and why they are the number one team in the world. their technical ability is top notch and a true pleasure to watch. america again showed that they are talented and can play with anybody. maybe in a different world the result of the game would have been opposite. maybe the US would have been awarded the penalty and they would have won 4-2. but its a sport and im sure those that watched were entertained.
The first Brazilian goal was jaw dropping, so many good passes to work up the field. To (seemingly) cap it with the amazing save from Tim Howard was fitting, but then so was the ball ending up in the back of the net (own goal or not). Beautiful stuff. I read some negative reviews of the US performance. How so? 4-2 as a final flattered a technically superior Brazil, and the US neither bunkered nor folded. RSLFM, I'm not sure but assume that you've watched enough MLS on ESPN2 to know that Eric Wynalda blathers on nonstop no matter the game or the situation. Being disappointed in anything he said is a waste of otherwise better placed frustration. He even offered an opinion about the Chicago Bears-San Diego Chargers NFL game - why? Becasue he is Eric Wynalda (not for nothing do some call him Whine-alda). I also heard the denied Canadian goal cited by the broadcasters (twice) as another example of why he isn't a very good referee - they also cited a penalty denied to Peru against Venezuela in the Copa America as another.
I agree with the premise of your comments, but disagree with the manner in which it was delivered. Although you disagree with RealSandy's comment, I don't think the emotional laden response was appropriate. Just my opinion. Take it for what it's worth.
Fun game. does anyone like wynalda? maybe he will piss off the wrong person and wake up with his tongue cut out so we never have to hear him again.
His whining aside, Wynalda is as sharp about the game as anybody. He basically predicted two of Brazil's goals today. Late in the first half he mentioned that the US was having trouble marking on corners and then early in the second half Onyewu loses his man and gives up an easy goal from the corner. There was a free kick in the first half where Wynalda described exactly what Ronaldinho was going to try and do (bend it away to the far post where Howard was already standing assuming Howard would try to sprint to the near post as soon as it was played). Ronaldinho hit that one into the wall, but in the second half from a similar spot he did exactly what Wynalda described and scored. Wynalda probably would be better on a studio show which analyzes after the fact rather than in the game, but the fact remains this guy knows as much as anybody in this country about the game. Even when he whines, he is right. All the calls he said were wrong were indeed poor calls. Tommy Smythe whines almost as much as Wynalda, but half the time he is dead wrong. Wynalda today said that the Robinho no call was wrong, the Wolff no call was wrong, and the foul that set up the free kick was wrong. When you look at those calls in replay Wynalda was absolutely right to disagree with them. The annoyance seems to be with the tone and the homerism. Frankly, I've always hated impartiality in broadcasting when the broadcast is clearly directed towards one of the team's markets. He's on ESPN doing commentary for a US audience; he should be favoring the US IMO. I enjoy watching the game in that atmosphere. Hot Rod Hundley is probably the most biased local announcer in the NBA, and that's why he is so loved in Utah. Sure it's more frustrating for an opposing fan, but it's not much different than an opposing fan traveling to an away game. That's just part of the nature of competition and professional sports. The freedom to feel outraged when your team is unjustly dealt is part of the fun, and I like it when an announcer plays into that and knows who his audience is. Impartiality is for when the broadcast is general, such as national tv broadcasts of the NBA or MLS.
I guess Brazil has been hanging around Carlos Ruiz this past week. That Brazillian dive team is awesome. (best line Ellinger ever had)
seriously, sometimes i wondered if a strong gust of wind was blowing through the stadium the way some of those guys flew to the ground. the robinho dive was particularly disgusting. he was jumping to dive before his man even got to him, replays and slow mo on the dvr clearly showed there was absolutely no contact. im glad they carded him for that crap.
UpinSLC & SP, were you similarly disgusted with Eric Wynalda's criticism of Clint Dempsy during the final minutes for not "making more out of" a small, inconsequential bump inside the 18-yard box? Bottom line: all of this works both ways. If/when USMNT starts producing meaningful results outside CONCACAF, the shrill complaints of its fans will start to sound less tinny. Until then, a small degree of humility & respect after a well-fought defeat would serve them well. Sorry in advance if this response isn't sufficiently stripped of all traces of passion & emotion for all the arm-chair mods out there. I've never encountered thinner-skinned supporters (with less to show) than those of the USMNT. Not all are like this, but the loudest seem to be. Supporters of most up & coming (or mid-level)football nations typically are blessed with a richer sense of relativity & context. This trait tempers their charming bravado with a healthy sense of irony & humor. Definitey not so with Sam's 'Army'. All of which is sad for those of us who sincerely want to support them--but somehow can't.
Passion is in our blood. That is why His Eminence Francis Spellman said that "a Spaniard will never become a pope." The Latin blood makes us passionate about everything we love. I understand your passion and share in your thoughts. Regarding the refereeing, consider the opposite situation such as is found in college football. I attended the Utah v. Air Force game and was BORED to tears because of the constant challenges to the rulings. I'd rather watch a game that still takes into account the element of the humanity of the referees than to sit through another sterilized, mind-numbing experience such as I had at RES last Saturday.
40K plus turned out for this match in the city of wind, and the atmosphere was very nice at times. I do wish, however, that the US supporters could have been much louder for longer periods of time. It is unfortunate, but I am very well used to the lack of audible passion in the American atmosphere. Was there a sign at the entrance of the stadium that read: “Thanks in advance for sitting on your hands” …. ? Some would call Onyewu’s own goal unlucky. I call it a lackadaisical attempt to….do nothing but run into the ball. So much of the game is pure instinct, and I feel he could have done much better with the Howard deflection. Yes, it was a “blink of an eye” sporadic situation, but a defenders instinct should be of more quality. I witnessed no sense of urgency in the face of the US big-man. Dempsey’s goal was timed well and struck perfectly. No doubt his experiences with Fulham have already rubbed off on his game. He is talking less and walking more. Ronaldinho’s masterful free kick was cooler than a polar bears toe nails. A magically wondrous, seam caressing, panel massaging, boot-tickling strike that sent the ball into the corner with a mystic touch provided only by this blessed Brazilian wizard. Overall, the U.S. squad appeared polished and sleek at times, even exciting, though still very rough around the edges upon further inspection. Bradley’s frustrated take down in the box was an indication of impatient football, at a critical juncture in the match—the last 15 minutes. Better thought-processing and a fluid, full 90 game plan will help these boys play amongst the real men of the football world. This quality friendly yielded many things to be desired, for better or worse. It was very entertaining and well worth the rod and cone exercise, even if the referee was hard to watch.
believe me, nothing would make me happier than if wynalda would just shut his damn mouth. his personal sense of entitlement makes me sick and he is constantly shooting his mouth off about crap that has no connection to soccer (what the f was that blabbering on about the chicago bears/san diego chargers game?). bottom line is wynalda is an idiot. however, given the other options to choose from (none), i dont see how i have a choice in what i listen to during the broadcast. so ill listen to him and for the most part block out his non-stop tirades on the game (i seem to have developed an amazing selective hearing ability, thank you mom). i dont think there is anyone here that shows disrespect for an amazing brazilian squad. the US played well and deserved more than a 4-2 scoreline. american fans are probably some of the most arrogant fans in the world and expect nothing but winning. thats why most bitch and whine about things that happen like they did in the game. it wont stop, even if the team produces better results against better competition. the whining will just shift to some other aspect of the game.
First off, who cares what Wynalda says? Seriously, arent we talking about the game? He is just there for comedy and background noise at best. But my gruff with the Brazillians is that they are Brazil, they are the most soccer respected nat team in the world. They don't need to flop to win. When one of their greatest, one of the greatest in the world does it, its disrespectful to the game itself and they not only know better, but don't need it to win. Sure Ronaldinho's goal was a thing of beauty, but to flop to get it was just plain lame. (sorry for the runon sentence).
Are you sure it's not the indeginous "Amerindian" blood or African blood that accounts for Brazil's passion?... Besides, Francis Spellman never outruled the Portugese, he only spoke to the Spaniards. Some light reading: Ethnic Origins of Brazil To date, Popes have come from the following national origins ("latins" in bold): 176 Italians 17 French 13 Greeks 9 Germans 7 Syrians 4 Scicillians 3 Africans 2 Spaniards 2 Portugese 1 Dutch 1 English
Whatever blood it is, RSLFM has passion. Have you seen her artwork? It's phenomenal because it has so much passion in it. And I would rather speak with someone with passion than an apathetic person. That's why I love to hear from RSLFM. I may not always agree with her but you can just feel her words. About the pope thing, I think he meant the statement in a future tense, and there was an element of wishfulness in it. Great find on the stats though.
You are a real work of art. I didn't say or whine one way or the other. I thought that the refs were terrible both ways. I didn't whine about them missing a penalty for the US. I didn't make it sound one sided. I thought that they were terrible all the way around. I didn't really care who won. It was only a friendly. There were times that I thought Brazil didn't play like the #1 team in the world. They did have an amazing string right before they scored their 3rd goal where 9 of the 11 guys touched the ball. I just don't get the whole over the top love for them.