US v Mexico: the individual matchups

Discussion in 'USA Men: News & Analysis' started by OWN(yewu)ED, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. OWN(yewu)ED

    OWN(yewu)ED Member+

    Club: Venezia F.C.
    May 26, 2006
    chico, CA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    a look at some of the possible likely matchups:

    our offense, their defense:
    Altidore-Adu/Donovan/Dempsey v Marquez-Magallon:
    I think we are likely to deploy a thunder and lightening forward tandem; one who is quick and has the moves, and Altidore to throw down the hammer and force defenders onto him. Magallon is someone the US continually takes advantage of, and if we put the clamps on and show initiative early its game over early. Altidore forcing his defenders is key. If Marquez pushes....Altidore needs to push back harder. Magallon will get caught ball napping per usual, and that random speedster will take advantage of the attention Jozy is receiving.

    center midfield:
    Bradley-Edu/Feilhaber/Clark v Torrado-Pardo
    this is really the lynchpin of the whole match right here to me. I have complete faith in bradley, he is going to make life absolutely miserable for these two. I think if we want to make life absolutely miserable for mexico we throw on Edu for insurance and put the clamps on the midfield. It wont be pretty but it will work. If we want it to be somewhat pretty we put on Feilhaber to spearhead our counter attacks. Im confident we can win the central midfield battle

    the left side
    Pearce/Convey/Lewis v Dos Santos/Castro
    This is a pivotal battle over here, Dos Santos is concerning obviously, he cn be had on the defensive side of the ball, but you could say the same about Convey. Lewis/Convey/Pearce need to work the switches and put Castro to the fire, this is where most of our crossing attempts should come from. Be warry of Gio on the counter, could give us a taste of our own medicine.

    the right side
    Donovan/dempsey/Parkhurst/Clark v Vela/Salacido
    our right side might be as concerning for us as it should be for them. I dont think itll be Moor back there starting, its gonna be a surprise. I can see Dempsey/Donovan facing off against Vela. Dempsey needs to show up to these mexico matches for a change, he's been completely out of it the past encounters. And whoever is in the back needs to simply play smart defense, it may be at the behest of our counter on the right side. but Parky or Clark or whoever is back there just need to stay home and keep watch on the biggest threat Mexico has, and then Donovan eats Salacido for lunch per usual.

    our backfield their forwards
    Onyewu-Bocanegra v Cacho-Sinha
    Ill be honest i know nothing about the two guys who are likely to be their forwards, but Gooch and Boca have to play freaking smart in this thing. Boca i dont worry so much about in national team games he brings it for them, and Gooch has gotten a bit better in recent friendlies. No stupid mistakes, and let Bradley come back and create absolute havoc here. Even if situations go awry sometimes, we got that Timmay character back there to hook it up, cant take that for granted though.

    their strengths lie on the flanks, ours lie in the middle of the field. Bradley and Altidore are the biggest lynchpins to me, and itll be their first matchups agianst Mexico. They establish influence, it should be an easy day at the office for us.
  2. socluis90

    socluis90 Member+

    Aug 11, 2004
    So Cal
    Los Angeles Galaxy
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    United States
    Cacho can finish and Sinha plays more of LD's role normally for Toluca and can place a ball in the upper 90 outside the box. Both can be stopped with the right amount of pressure. We are well matched in all areas except some parts of the middle. Our biggest challenge is what lies in between the woodworks, Memo Ochoa. That guy has skills and can save some goals that you would figure were automatic. The thought of facing that guy in international games has had me worried for a couple years now and is now coming to reality.
  3. futgod

    futgod Member+

    Nov 28, 2006
    CD Chivas de Guadalajara
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    Gio will most likely play on the right and so will castro. Castro is our right side defender, not left.
    Vela will play on the left if Guardado cant make it, but if Guardado plays Vela will play up front with Cacho or De Nigris. Salcido plays on the left not the right.
    Sinha is more of a creator midfielder not a forward. Up front it should be either Vela/Cacho or Vela/De Nigris
  4. Tmagic77

    Tmagic77 Member+

    Feb 10, 2003
    Chicago Fire
    Our left would line up against your right.
  5. futgod

    futgod Member+

    Nov 28, 2006
    CD Chivas de Guadalajara
    Nat'l Team:
    Oh, I see what you mean. Thanks
  6. grrrr

    grrrr New Member

    Jun 29, 2006
    I'm almost sure we are starting with Bautista and Cacho. Second half would be de Nigris and Zinha.
  7. Marko72

    Marko72 Member+

    Aug 30, 2005
    New York
    You know what, I think it is WE (American fans) who are in for the nasty surprise, and that it WILL be Moor who will have the task of marking Guardado, with (and I disagree with this, too), Feilhaber on the right tracking back. He's not going to play the middle against Mexico the way Bob has been evolving our midfield play recently, and Bob didn't fly him out for nothing. And aside from Moor, there are no other RB's on that roster. El Tri has to be salivating over the prospects.

    Donovan's being lined up with Dempsey as a forward, I feel.

    Theoretically, the matchup we could get that would get ME salivating is Jozy on Magallon. Talent-wise, he's ready to eat him up, but mentally and movement-wise I'm not sure yet. I'm quite sure Jozy sees the field this game, but as a sub at some point in the second half, not as a starter. For that matter, I think the young guys (Adu, and Holden from the U23 camp) brought in are all projected by Bob to be brought in as circumstances permit in the second half (except for M. Bradley who will start and play a full 90 if possible). All you Parkhurst fans, you might well see him in the second half against the likes of Vela or Gio. He could gain a lot of ground for himself this week, or else back to the drawing board.
  8. OWN(yewu)ED

    OWN(yewu)ED Member+

    Club: Venezia F.C.
    May 26, 2006
    chico, CA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    and that is exactly why i think BB tries and throws someone different at right back.

    And ive been trying to pound the fact home, Guardado wont be playing, he got jacked up today against Real Betis. He's out of this match, no chance of playing. We get Vela in his stead.
  9. Marko72

    Marko72 Member+

    Aug 30, 2005
    New York
    I'll agree that Bradley-Clark or Edu against Pardo and Torrado is a very interesting little battle. It's youthful exhuberance vs steady-headed experience. Torrado was a player I liked several years ago, but I think he's lost a step and some energy and it'll hurt Mexico against this US combo. Pardo... the guy's class. As classy a player as they come (if there was one guy I would've wanted from Mexico for our 2006 roster, it would've been Pardo). Let's see how far our young Michael has come along going up against him. I'll enjoy this one.

    I do agree with Onyewu(ed) that with these two gameday rosters, on paper at least, Mexico poses serious danger to our flanks, whereas we look to have the upper hand down the middle of the pitch. Cacho or Vela will be an interesting challenge for Onyewu to deal with, those aren't his kind of guys to defend.
  10. Marko72

    Marko72 Member+

    Aug 30, 2005
    New York
    Ohhh... that's a bit of news I honestly hadn't heard until just now. Can't say that it breaks my heart that we won't have to deal with him, but he's a fine player that I don't like to see go down. I hope it's not too serious.

    However... will Bob experiment there? I have a strong feeling that he didn't buy Cherundolo or Spector a plane ticket specifically because he wants to look further at Drew Moor. Which you, me, and the wall all think is a big mistake. Not just tactically for this match, my opinion is that Drew's an MLS-level guy and no more, without much of a Nats future.

    Either that, or Bob's planning to shock us all by unveiling his new 3-5-2.

    (I wouldn't hold my breath on that one!)
  11. FC Funkotron

    FC Funkotron Member

    Jun 27, 2007
    Austin, El Paso, New York
    Los Angeles Galaxy
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    United States
    Well he did buy Cherundolo one, he was just injured. So, at least we know Bradley sees the right side as a weakness.

    Last February we played Albright, if Drew ends up playing I don't see him being any worse than that. Plus, despite what the consensus on Drew is, we shouldn't be too quick to judge him...he could surprise us.

    Or not.
  12. silverlion

    silverlion Member

    Nov 23, 2001
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You got most of it right, but defensive midfielders don't really take on each other unless one team is attacking with 8 players and the other one is defending with 9. I think a better example would be Bradley/Edu/Clark/Feilhaber vs Dos Santos/Zinha and Donova/Dempsey/Convey vs Torrado/Pardo. Its usually attacking midfielders against defensive midfielders (ex CL Finals: '07 Kaka vs Mascherano, 02' Zidande/Figo vs Ramalow/Ballack). I could be wrong, it could be Dempsey and Donovan taking on Dos Santos and Zinha, no?


    ....Zinha..........Dos Santos
  13. Onionsack

    Onionsack BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 21, 2003
    New York City
    FC Girondins de Bordeaux
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Its tough to do match ups when we have no clue what BB is gonna go selection wise for the first 11. This isnt the days of Bruce when you could nail 9 of the 11 guys without much thought.

    What i am most interested in seeing is the new young guns matching up on the field.

    Adu, Altidore, Bradley for the US

    Vela, dos Santos, Guardado for Mexico

    Shame Guardado is hurt.
  14. 75 Cent

    75 Cent Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    We really want Convey on the left? When's the last time he's actually done well for the nats?
  15. zerkdave

    zerkdave Member

    Mar 4, 2005
    Arlington, VA
    Game winning goal against Costa Rica about 3 years ago in the Gold Cup turd place match.
  16. asdf2

    asdf2 Member+

    Oct 11, 2004
    San Francisco
    He's been hurt of late but his Nats career has been pretty good on balance. Last good game I think one would have to say vs. Italy in the WC where he played a great first half. Only bad stretch he had with the Nats was his left back experiment and a few times when he was injured.

    A reference point:
  17. OWN(yewu)ED

    OWN(yewu)ED Member+

    Club: Venezia F.C.
    May 26, 2006
    chico, CA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    try the most "in" thing going into the 2006 World Cup. That three game sendoff, i dont think there was anyone who doubted bobby convey was gonna set the world on fire in the 2006 world cup with his form in those three games. Then......he got injured.
  18. appoo

    appoo Member+

    Jul 30, 2001
    Convey is in a funk at the moment, but it's not like we have any choice in the matter.

    As for the matchups, I think you take Mexico's attackers against out backline 9 out of 10 times. I don't have a lot of faith in a backline of Drew Moor, Carlos Bocanegra, Gooch, and HEath Pearce to hold off the greatest attacking talent Mexico has put together in generations.

    But at the same time I love Rico and Bradley in the middle against Mexico's central midfield, and I love Adu/Dempsey/Donovan against Megellon and Marquez.

    The flank play won't be a big issue in the match though. I think both of Mexico's starlets will pinch towards the center like Mexico always does, I think we won't have a prescence on the right, and Convey will probably be inneffective along with anyone else we play on the left.

    This is gonna come down to the central midfield battle. Bradley and Clark can't let Mexico have too many chances to exploit our weak backline, and Mexico can't allow Donovan, Adu, and Dempsey space going forward.
  19. Beazley17

    Beazley17 Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    South Florida
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Did Cherundolo get injured yesterday? I saw a little of the Hannover game yesterday live on Gol Tv, and he was playing, and he played well, the commentator also said that he was playing really good
  20. kaka'22

    kaka'22 New Member

    Aug 14, 2005
    New York
    Yeah he hurt his groin, he would've gotten the call otherwise I'm assuming.

    And I have to say I'm worried about our fullbacks. With no Dolo, Simek, Bornstein, or Spector we could be in some trouble there. Whens the last time Pearce played for Rostock? I would play Corrales on the left, who I'm also not confident in, but I doubt Pearce would've made the trip over if he wasn't going to get some time.
  21. uclacarlos

    uclacarlos Member+

    Aug 10, 2003
    east coast
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    WILL be. In the future... they will be.

    They're still very young and green. They won't step into full internationals and dominate.
  22. Beazley17

    Beazley17 Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    South Florida
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Agree, Guatemala anyone? They still have ways to go.
  23. uclacarlos

    uclacarlos Member+

    Aug 10, 2003
    east coast
    FC Barcelona
    Nat'l Team:
    I'm not following... Can you explain?
  24. Beazley17

    Beazley17 Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    South Florida
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    The young mexicans had their first cap iirc vs Guatemala, and even being a man up on them, for some parts of the game, Guatemala ended up winning 3-2.:D Sorry
  25. DGreat

    DGreat Moderator
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    CD Guadalajara
    Oct 5, 2007
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    soo whats you point??

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