Upcoming Nike Air Legend Review...

Discussion in 'Soccer Boots' started by jammybastard, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. jammybastard

    jammybastard Member

    Oct 7, 2003

    finally got a chance to wear them for a practice and a game.

    They are a great fitting boot. I have wide feet, 9D, and these boots fit like a glove. Simple and straight forward design and fit similar to the Copas.

    The only thing I will say that is potentially bad about these boots is all the plastic on the underside. It's all glued on, and I swear that at one point in practive I made a sharp cut and I thought the plastic bottom had seperated fromt he leather boot. It hadn't, but I don't know how much wear and tear the soles will put up with over time cosidering it's all held on with glue.
    The other thing that is worthless is the piece of velcro on the tounge for the flap that goes over the laces. As usual the piece of velcro is too small and can't hlold the flap down.
  2. eto'o 1987

    eto'o 1987 New Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    I'm contemplating uying either red pulse, gold white aztIII or da legends. Which???

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