Up From Mediocrity: Ajax 2023-24

Discussion in 'The Netherlands' started by Orange14, May 28, 2023.

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  1. richsavare

    richsavare Member+

    Jan 28, 2003
    New Jersey
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Midfield with No cutting edge whatsoever between the lines, or dribbling, or creativity from Ajax.
    Badly missing Bergwijn and Berghuis.
    Another huge issue is a clear lack of work rate or running off the ball both in possession and without.
    Many examples over this season that I see often from many players.
    It's simply unacceptable.
    We’re not very good and that point got driven home once again.
    BPBlueSox and Orange14 repped this.
  2. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 27, 2007
    Bethesda, MD
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    this is about as good as it gets for this Ajax team. With no wingers, van't Schip decides to play three in the back and opt for a conservative approach to the match. As with virtually everything the club has tried this season, it was a failure. There was just not enough quality on the field compared to an AZ team that went into every challenge with gusto and Ajax had trouble getting the ball into a dangerous attacking situation other than the Brobbey goal that was called off by VAR. Probably some hangover from traveling to the Arctic Circle on Thursday as well. I would be happy if Gaaei and Tahirovic never see another minute in the first team. Gaaei just makes bad choices and gives the ball up to easily as he did on the first goal. However, where was Rensch on that play? If you play with three defenders, you expect that the right-side defender will be deep enough to deal with a mistake such as that one. It looks like fifth place for Ajax now and the only hope is for a miracle in the Conference League and a spot in the Europa League next season. Hard to single out any players for commendation but Brobbey & Taylor put in good shifts and were perhaps the best of the bunch.

    Player Ratings:

    Ramaj (6) - hardly troubled at all and had no chance when his defense failed him twice
    Gaaei (3) - time to consider where you want to play next season, it should not be at Ajax
    Rensch (4.5) - I thought him to be at fault on the first goal and he really zoned out during this game
    Sutalo (6) - a good game by Sutalo standards
    Hato (6.5) - Cal Ripken streak continues, and he was a shade above OK
    Sosa (6.5) - decent game defending and going forward
    Tahirovic (4) - not good
    van den Boomen (5) - passes were over weighted and if he can't make a pass, he should not play
    Hlynsson (5) - not a winger but there were not any other options
    Brobbey (6.5) - took the usual amount of punishment and had some good lay offs
    Taylor (6.5) - played hard all game and just couldn't get the shot off quickly enough when he had a chance
    Kaplan (6) - thrown into the lion's den for his first senior team appearance and was OK
    Akpom (5.5) - had a couple of good runs and Ajax need to figure out how to get maximum €s for him next summer
    Mannswerk (5.5) - I want to see more of him as he appears to be a far better choice than the other two MFs who started the game
    Rijkoff (NR) - really a desparation sub and can't play on the wing where he was being asked to

    Utrecht at home next Sunday which is definitely not a sure thing followed by the first match against Aston Villa.
    BPBlueSox and richsavare repped this.
  3. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 27, 2007
    Bethesda, MD
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Groin injury.
    aveslacker repped this.
  4. richsavare

    richsavare Member+

    Jan 28, 2003
    New Jersey
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Well said I agree completely about Gaaei and Tahirovic.
    Several other need to go as well.
  5. I wonder how much of the awfull performance this season of several players can be attributed to shattered confidence from the first few weeks and how much if any is due to lack of quality.
    If alot goes into the confidence box, a good coach can restore that in the weeks building up in the summer.
    That incoming AZ guy has some introspection to do what is really the matter.
    When one sees guys like Rench etc. play, who at least are decent players, but atm playing like amateurs, it can't be a mere quality issue.
    richsavare repped this.
  6. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 27, 2007
    Bethesda, MD
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    It's a combination of both but I would also say that some of the players are not mentally good enough. You see the same kinds of mistakes being repeated game after game. Players are out of position or they try to make plays they are not capable of doing. I also think Thursday's game took a lot out this team. Some players were just not fresh and Berghuis was not able to play. I venture to say that if your club was missing all its wingers, it would be a long match.
    richsavare repped this.
  7. :p:DActually our wingers atm are more or less awol, hence our matches are a grind to find the net.
  8. richsavare

    richsavare Member+

    Jan 28, 2003
    New Jersey
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Lack of quality definitely for me, but also low IQ as well, which is on the Coaching staff. Same guys, making these repetitive mistakes is a reflection on player & Coaching staff too.
    Another big problem that I see far too often, but not mentioned enough is the lack of energy, or running hard off the ball.
    It only occurs in small amounts these days for Ajax while teams like Feyenoord and PSV excel in this area.
    AZ work rate today just simply better.
    We know Ajax can’t press because of their poor defensive play, but it’s also like there not fit enough or something which is highly bothersome to me.
    They just don’t seem to do much in the way of proactive running on or off the ball which kills them defensively.
    Van’t Schip doesn’t have much to work with and the lack of confidence from the beginning of the season under Steijn has not helped at all, but now it’s really not an excuse for me because Steijn is gone.
    Special shout out to Brobbey who really has lifted his game somehow with this lacking supply around him.
    Missing Bergwijn and Berghuis a lot.
    wynaldaisagod repped this.
  9. richsavare

    richsavare Member+

    Jan 28, 2003
    New Jersey
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Very true, but your team’s workrate is tremendous and should be an example for all.
  10. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 27, 2007
    Bethesda, MD
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    I don't think it is fitness but rather the players are just too slow. Neither of our wingers when healthy are fast enough to press up high. Tadic, until his last year, and Antony were devastating at pressing opponents. Tahirovic and van den Boomen are both slow players, though van den Boomen does have good field sense. Taylor can be good at pressure but he's been in a funk all season. Besides, if you play with two defensive MRs, they are not advanced enough to press. When Alvarez was in the team, they could use two advanced MFs to help out. The FBs could play more advanced because Martinez and Timber knew how to recognize where there was trouble and how to cover. Hato is the only back line player who has such awareness.
  11. wilson00

    wilson00 Member+

    Oct 14, 2015
    Arsenal FC
    both van bommel goals were good, everyone would have thought he would go outside (Curl)but went inisde (shot). good technique. hope this guy can transition into a striker. good height and speed like van persie. I watched the game till his second goal. AZ simply was a better team of the day. agree injuries aside ajax looks very low in confidence and quality as well. its just a mess left by Sven Mislintat and his transfers.

    like I said before, either go into loss and do another overhaul or maybe get some reinforcement in the backline and continue moulding the team with Europa competition.
  12. wynaldaisagod

    wynaldaisagod Member+

    United States
    Aug 9, 2019
    Lots not to like about this game but one thing stood out to me: Lots of times (one specifically start of the 49th minute) where Sutalo or someone on the back line could've hit a pass to break down the middle and they can just never hit the pass. The lack of incisive passing out of the back is killing this team. If they could hit those passes, you could get Brobbey into space.

    I've been somewhat supportive of Sutalo but he is just awful. Looks really slow. Constantly making the very short and easy pass vs. the tougher one. Not good enough. Hopefully like Bassey they can cut loose after a year for a similar fee.

    I've seen enough of Hlynsson-- not good enough. Gaeei too.

    Only bright spot of this winter so far has been Ramaj. Not only has he stopped a lot of shots but back-to-back matches opposing 9's tried to mess with him and he stood his ground.
    richsavare and BPBlueSox repped this.
  13. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 27, 2007
    Bethesda, MD
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    He is constantly being forced to play out of position. He is not a wing player but because of injuries, that's where he has been in the past several matches. When he plays at 10, he is quite effective.
    pfloyd repped this.
  14. upload_2024-2-26_21-33-56.png
    These numbers are a bit surprising, as these suggest an even match.
  15. BPBlueSox

    BPBlueSox Member

    Aug 21, 2003
    AFC Ajax
    Wynalda, totally agree about the passes from the back. I feel like I remember Kaplan having a couple positive passes as you mentioned if I recall correctly. So I suppose that’s hopeful. I’d bench Sutalo myself for now and give him a run. I mean why not at this point. Ain’t finishing top four.
    wynaldaisagod and pfloyd repped this.
  16. richsavare

    richsavare Member+

    Jan 28, 2003
    New Jersey
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Yes this Ajax team struggles from a lack of speed and overall athleticism.
    Many are also low IQ players as well.
    Terrible combination.
    Orange14 repped this.
  17. richsavare

    richsavare Member+

    Jan 28, 2003
    New Jersey
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Sutalo does not want anything to do with the ball in possession, and several times he has clear space in front of him and he wants nothing to do with it.
    Massively aggravating his play has been.
    wynaldaisagod and BPBlueSox repped this.
  18. If Ajax has to play play-off matches, this season turns out to be the weirdest ever.
    In that case Ajax can't play in the JC Arena, because it's then being used for a couple of concerts by , irony, "de Toppers".
  19. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 27, 2007
    Bethesda, MD
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    I think if Feyenoord win the Dutch Cup, it changes things. I guess Utrecht would be the closest "friendly" stadium to play in.
  20. wynaldaisagod

    wynaldaisagod Member+

    United States
    Aug 9, 2019
    It's really frustrating to watch.... I just pulled up that one play from the AZ match and this stuff is just pathetic.

  21. richsavare

    richsavare Member+

    Jan 28, 2003
    New Jersey
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Just terrible
  22. pfloyd

    pfloyd Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Varna, Bulgaria
    AFC Ajax
    A million dollars question: What will our RB next move be? A. Long range pass to Brobbey or Hlynsson; B. Mid range pass to Taylor; C. Turn back and pass it to the keeper. Winner takes it all.
  23. richsavare

    richsavare Member+

    Jan 28, 2003
    New Jersey
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Not a dribble through the lines?
  24. pfloyd

    pfloyd Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Varna, Bulgaria
    AFC Ajax
    Not a bad suggestion but in this team it will be extremely uncharacteristic.
  25. richsavare

    richsavare Member+

    Jan 28, 2003
    New Jersey
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    Sadly that’s very true.
    I suggested it based on trying to be funny.
    Very sad season

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