Actually Jalisco's call sucked. Cantor was much better as is everybody from the Mexican newscast. Jalisco's golazo's are always the same. It's generic for him. If you analyze his call in Mexico's goals you notice he tried to do it the same. In Televisa and Azteca and with Cantor, you can see they adjust and really celebrate. In fact after Borgetti's goal, the coolest thing was that Bracamontes told him that he was short on the golazos. The problem with Ramirez is that he celebrates EVERYTHING with a golazos. Goals that are pretty good and superior he makes them out to be golazos and they aren't. A golazo should be an incredible shot but he even normal headers. I remember it all started with Cardozo's goal in a final against Santos. He sucks.
The main thing I don't like about la torre is that when Mexico plays(and since he is Mexican) he tries too hard to be impartial and sometimes seems like he's against them....he sometimes agrees with bad calls against makes him look stupid...... For this coming world cup in getting Sky Mexico in Tijuana and bringing it back to the U.S......that way I can watch the games through Televisa and all the fun sketches and stuff they add.....
im not a fan of the univison guys. Last world cup since the games were on at odd times here in L.A, I just turned the sound down so as not to wake anyone up. I didnt miss anything, I might have even enjoyed the games more. The thing I always liked about cantor was that he put so much emotion into the game. Considering he is argentine, his calls of the mexico games were full of passion, you'd think he was mexican.
I will definetely be getting sky soon because i cant stand that bs from univision, some of these guys that say that they loved la torres call such as the Borguetti goal against Italia, you need to watch a mexico world cup game with the televisa commentary, then you will hear some truly great and emotional calls that will give your whole body goosebumps. Man i still get chills thinking of the calls from the france 98 world cup, especially the game against Holland, it was just amazing.
I will have to say this, I do own SKY and although the Univision announcers are horrible specially bracamontes the Televisa anouncers are not all that much better themselves !!! Other than Perro bermudez, Raul Perez, Petra santa and a couple others the rest STINK !!! specially lazy ass orbañanos and the most annoying of them all is that frog look alike "Raul Sarmiento" with his annoying ass phrase " la pelota esta en el fondo " Whenever them 2 come on I just switch to Azteca America who has some very good announcers as well. If the broadcast itself was not so bad I could probably stand Cantor, Torre jalisco, Jorge ramos and even Mayorga but having to listen to them with hardly any stadium audio is just a torture. i remember cantor doing such a good job and putting so much emotion into the broadcasts back in italia 90, us 94 and Francia 98... I actually like him then but that guy Longo was just too damn annoying and did not compliement him at all...
And that would be my biggest gripe against Pablo Ramirez. He just doesn't sound sincere. There's no genuine emotion. It is physically impossible to be yelling with true emotion and the next second turn it down to just above a whisper. That can only be done when the yelling is fake.
Anyone but Andres Cantor!!! He used to do a good job but since he went to Telemundo he has been against Mexico! I am sick and tired of him saying "Como de que nooo?" "Y esa, y esa?" and "A bueno" insinuating that the referee is helping Mexico! Even when the replay shows that Cantor was wrong on his calls, he just acts as if nothing had happened and doesn't apologize to the viewers! Every time I watch a Mexico game in Telemundo I end up all mad even if Mexico wins and all because of Cantors' stupid coments during the whole game! Ya me arruino el dia el acordarme de ese carbon!!!
a few days ago i remember seeing something on the internet about televisa buying univision, does anybody have any info
well, pernichio or however you spell it (the current majority owner of univison) wants to sell the wntire company. Lots of media moguls are interested, among them murdoch of fox. The asking price is said to be huge, so it would take something massive to buy the whole thing. Azcarraga had expressed interest in taking over univision again, but im not sure if hes aquired citizenship yet, a requirement for him.
Venevision Narrators El Perro's "Golazo-azo-azo" celebration is alot smoother, I'd say. I'd take any current idiot from Televisa/TVAzteca over Ramirez, Bracamontes, Cantor, Blanco and the like. But, unlike many of us here, I dig Ramos and Jacobo. Even if Fox Sports reminds me of Telemundo which reminds me of WCW/NWA. Low budget entertainment.
Re: Venevision Narrators I too like Ramos and Jacobo. Although Ramos lost a lot of credibility with his "US is ahead of Mexico" comments following the Mexico loss in Columbus. Perhaps he was just trying to generate controversy to gain viewership to his new tv show, but who knows. After Australia elliminated Uruguay, I was expecting him to make the comment that "Australia is ahead of Uruguay", but maybe I just missed that.
300% Dynamite. He's been blasting Uruguay for the past 2 years, actually. Before the 2nd leg, he repeatedly predicted his side would not show up vs Australia. Callers would try to cheer him up and let him know they were pulling for Uruguay, but he would thank them and kindly reveal his bitter feelings towards the Federation and the players.
I prefer Cantor's more subtle yet entertaining saying - "Goles que no vuelven!" Down with Univision. The last straw was not televising the trophy presentation after the Mexican league final. Univision is looking as bad as abc/espn every day. All they need to complete the disaster is a latino version of Wynalda and interrupting the game play with split screen commercials.
Batman. I doubt they'd find a replacement on short notice. Please. Anyone but that guy on Galavision broadcasts with the insanely fake deep voice. Jorge Nalgon? Something like that.
LO QUE SUCEDE ES QUE SE ESTA PREPARANDO A UNIVISION PARA LA VENTA COMO HIZO CON TELEMUNDO ANTES DE VENDERLA A NBC. UNO DE LOS POTENCIALES COMPRADORES DICEN QUE ES TELEVISA, SIN EMBARGO, ESTA NO PUEDE POR SU CONDICION DE EMPRESA EXTRANJERA. MIREN COMO FUNCIONA ESTO EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS: 1)TANTO TELEVISA COMO VENEVISION HAN MOSTRADO INTERES EN COMPRAR A UNIVISION PERO PARA HACERLO TENDRIAN QUE UNIRSE A UNA EMPRESA NORTEAMERICANA O A INVERSIONISTAS NORTEAMERICANOS, PUES DADO A QUE LOS AMERICANOS CONSIDERAN LAS COMUNICACIONES DE SEGURIDAD NACIONAL NO PERMINTEN QUE UNA EMPRESA O CIUDADANO EXTRANJERO COMPRE MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS EN UN 100 PORCIENTO, ESTO TAMBIEN APLICA A LOS MEDIOS ESTABLECIDOS EN PUERTO RICO QUE SON CONSIDERADOS PARTE DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS. LO QUE SUCEDE ES QUE TAMBIEN DESDE HACE LARGO TIEMPO EL DUEÑO DE TELEVISA A QUIEN LE NACIO UN HIJO CIUDADANO AMERICANO EL AÑO PASADO PIENSA QUE PUEDE USAR ESTO PARA DARLE UN POCO DE VUELTA A LA LEY PARA COMPRAR MAS ACCIONES EN UNIVISION. POR EJEMPLO; POR AÑOS TANTO TELEVISA COMO TEVE AZTECA HAN TRATADO DE COMPRAR CANALES EN PUERTO RICO PERO LAS LEYES SE LO IMPIDEN. EN PUERTO RICO SE DICE QUE TV AZTECA TIENE ACCIONES EN WAPA TV CANAL 4 2) Por otra parte las empresas norteamericanas que se encuentran interesadas en comprar a Univision, son Disney, Time Warner-CNN, CBS-VIACOM y FOX, también confrontan ciertos problemas. De todas estas se dice que Disney y Time Warner-CNN tienen las mejores oportunidades de compra, pues las cadenas americanas tienen otro problema y es el de las leyes de monopolio que evitan que una compañía controle cierta cantidad de medio dentro de un área geográfica. Por ejemplo esto le paso a Telemundo en Puerto Rico ,quien tuvo que vender su estación de Radio ( hoy Univision RADIO Puerto Rico) y el periódico que dio su nombre “El Mundo”, pues no se permita bajo la bandera americana controlar mas de cierto numero de medios dentro de una región geografica. En el caso de la compra de Univision, se requeriría por parte de CBS-VIACOM o Fox que se vendieran parte de sus emisoras locales antes de adquirir a Univision. Esto tambien no solo esta relacionado a la cuestion del monopolio economico sino tambien que se trata de que nadie controle la libre expresión dentro de un limitada region geografica en los Estados Unidos. De cualquier manera creo que Televisa aun tiene un contrato con Univision ahora hasta el año 2017 donde aun estan transmitiendo en la mayoria programacion de televisa en mexico como lo son las Telenovelas, PArtidos de futbol entre otros eventos, pero lu ultimo que escuche televisa en Mexico esta peleando en corte para poder reducir o cancelar este contrato dado a que al parecer esta perdiendo dinero la televisora con el contrato que esta en efecto ahora mismo con Univision pero vamos a ver que pasa con esto !!!
i think the univision announcers are better then the telemundo, tv azteca, telefutura, and galavision announcers........theres this one commentator i forgot where he's from i think its telefutura or galavision, but when he screams goooooool he says it all weak.......unlike the ones from univision...they celebrate a goal more exciting
Once again... Cantor is not anti-Mexico.. That's just stupid. Second.. Cantor has gone down in his commentating, and that is because Nolberto Longo died. The greatest color commentator of all time.. yes, of all time.. I get teary every time I watch the 98 WC penalty shoot outs. Nolberto was so good he predicted who would miss their penalty's.. El mas sabio than anybody. People will really appreciate it with how worthless, Pablo Ramirez is. Jesus Bracmontes might be el sabio of mexican futbol, but I am looking forward and/or dreading what he will say about players from the other 31 teams.
Nolberto Solano vs Norberto Longo. The Battle of Antwerp. Considering you've been watching since 2001, I find it a brash move to list Longo as the greatest color commentator of all-time. Bracamontes is a total fucking naco. Pero miiira nomaaaas. Arriba el norti. Pablo Ramirez should have his left testicle hog-tied to a pick-up truck only to be dragged around the state of Texas before Ron Artest pays for his funeral expenses. Cantor, by the way, is anti-Mexico in every goddamn undertone imaginable. But our people put food on his table.
Cantor is not anti-mexico. He's pro-boca though. Longo was good. Ramirez was a improvised announcer, everything he does has been learned on the fly. He's kinda like he won a contest to announce the games by collecting Coca Cola caps or something. So he should be hog-tied etc.. Y que tiene de malo el Norte? Arriba el Norte! A huevo cabron.
Univision's Ramirez and Bracamontes are hard to listen to for me. Bracamontes is like the Captain Obvious color guy, pointing out things like 'If he hadn't missed that, he would've scored." kind of shit. Ramirez' voice just isn't cut out for this sort of thing, plus he comes off kind of arrogant. I do like listening to Jacobo on Fox Sports and the guy who did the majority of Chivas' games during last years Libertadores, I forgot his name though.