Union Salary Figures in Inquirer

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Union' started by US Spurs, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. US Spurs

    US Spurs Member

    May 3, 2007
    Philly Burbs
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
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  2. billf

    billf Member+

    May 22, 2001
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The Farfans are underpaid.
  3. jaykoz3

    jaykoz3 Member+

    Dec 25, 2010
    Conshohocken, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well compared to Rafa Marquez.................Freddy's a bargain, and he at least sees the field and on occasion turns in inspired performances (do we have any more day games this season............because apparently he's the opposite of a vampire).
    BuddhaWake repped this.
  4. CopaMundial

    CopaMundial Member

    Sep 11, 2006
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Houston (lowest payroll) is 2nd in East.
    San Jose (next lowest payroll) is 1st in West (and 1st overall).

    For the good of the league, I'm hoping that NY and LA finish without any hardware.
    TonyClarkDOOP and US Spurs repped this.
  5. UnionDues

    UnionDues Member+

    Aug 16, 2011
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    With "New York", failure is pretty much a given.
  6. UnionFreak1

    UnionFreak1 Member+

    Oct 14, 2009
    Tucson, Baja AZ
    FC Tucson
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    Every fan in the US agrees with you.
  7. Owls Head

    Owls Head Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    Montgomeryville, PA
    Philadelphia Union
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    United States
    Any luxury tax or penalty for NY or LA that they have to dish out to the rest of the league?
  8. billf

    billf Member+

    May 22, 2001
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    No, but AEG and Red Bull have to pay the portion of a DP's salary about the $370k paid through the salary budget plus any allocation money used to offset the team's share.
  9. Yo-Joe

    Yo-Joe Member

    Oct 20, 2007
    Montco/Philadelphia, USA
    Philadelphia Union
    That doesn't seem like a lot for NY & LA to pay back toward other teams. In the single entity structure of MLS, does this mean the Union ownership group is effectively subsidizing NY & LA for "the good of the league" instead of directing resources to players for the Union? (I don't quite understand how MLS teams compete for players when contracts are with the league).
  10. CyphaPSU

    CyphaPSU Member+

    Mar 16, 2003
    Not Far
    Philadelphia Union
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    United States
    Cristhian Hernández and Zach Pfeffer get paid more than Antoine Hoppenot. Hmm, I guess that's the price to pay when you want to keep homegrown kids from signing elsewhere.
  11. billf

    billf Member+

    May 22, 2001
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    No it does not. NY and LA get the same base budget as everyone else. Both ownership groups are on the hook for all but the portion the Beckham, Donovan, Keane, Henry, Marquez, and Cahill salaries above the max. Donovan is making 2.4 million. MLS pays about $400k and AEG is paying 2 million.
  12. Dills

    Dills Moderator
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    Philadelphia Union
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    Jun 6, 2006
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Keep in mind that Cahill's DP-cap hit is prorated to only $175k for this season since he joined during the summer window. About half of NY's roster has guys pulling in triple-digit base salaries, so I'd expect that they're loading up for a 2012 cup run, and will offload some guys in the offseason. Marquez, Conde, and maybe even Le Toux are the first few names that jump out at me.

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