I was there Yes, I caught the match last night. My first impression of UNC was that they are the smallest college soccer team I've ever seen. Their two big guys in the back stand all of 6' but almost everyone else is in the 5' 6" to 5' 8" range with very little meat on them. On to the game, the first half neither team did anything dangerous though UNC had the ball most of the time. GMU had one shot in the half while UNC had zero. The second half GMU was totally dominant for the first 20 minutes but couldn't get a goal, credit the UNC keeper (the freshman from CASL) with two great saves. After that it was up and down the field and neither team deserved to win or lose. The teams were very even overall so a draw was fair to both teams. LDB is correct about UNC's right back #18 who's also a captain, he's pretty bad. Ray Fumo on the left is very small but is good marking in space. Tim Merritt the centerback is their best player and holds it all together defensively. I continue to be disappointed with Storey, he's quick/fast but it just does seem to turn into anything on the scoreboard. Ashe was so ineffective that while he was on the field it was like playing a man short. I liked Jamie Watson, he's little too but very skilled and tactically aware with good quickness. Overall I find it hard to believe that UNC has only lost one game and is ranked #5 given what I saw last night. I assume I caught them on an off night.
Re: I was there Terp Fan - thanks for the game report. I share your opinion on Storey - fast and unproductive. After a great start this season his goal output has dropped significantly. #18 is Sean McGinty is a senior and a captain. I think LDB was "highlighting" another player who has been playing right back.
Re: I was there There's a big soccer "USMNT Juniors" board that needs to listen to your impresion of Cobinho.
PB04 is right...I was referring to Odgers, a very poor excuse for an ACC defender. He's one of the softest players I've ever seen. Apparently Elmar the Ego also noticed this during the Duke game. McGinty is a MF or F that the Ego has converted to playing in the back. As an attacking player, he's pretty good...but since the Ego can't recruit defenders any more, he's forced to convert Mids. If UNC had some real defenders, they could play Merritt and McGinty in the MF which would make them much better. Fumo works his tail off, and he's a good distributor of the ball, but he's no outside back. Did UNC play a 3-5-2 in this match?
3-5-2 for UNC? Nope, still played four in the back with Merritt and Porter central, Fumo on the left, and McGinty on the right. Hey LDB, check your PM's.
for Odgers at UNC: If you read this stuff, welcome to the big time kid! Maybe it's news to you but there are enormous expectations of players in big programs. Don't know if you are going to be up to the task, time will tell. Yep, Duke was a nightmare game for you. Move on. Work hard and focus on what your coaches ask you to do. Ignore all the rest of this stuff. Many better players have been trashed here for poor performances. Reality is that out here there is a small group of CASL parents from just two years back that meet here and take satisfaction in leading the trash talk of NC coaches and programs in a public forum. This includes you now. Welcome to the club. You would know who some of them are. There are many things that they are bitter about, some of which I could explain to you, some which I could not. Move on, and best of luck to you.
BookedRed - I agree with you. The bashing of this poor kid is a little over the top. He's an 18 year old just trying to get some playing time at his school. Personally, I have no problem bashing professional coaches and programs - they are fair game. I think trashing this one player multiple times should stop. I don't know the kid, but I hope he doesn't read this stuff.
I disagree. We all want soccer to grow, right. We all want college soccer to become a bigger deal. Well, there are some downsides to that and part of that is increased scrutiny. While I feel for the kid, I think it's great that there is this much opinion, analysis and awareness of college soccer. Look, we praise these guys when they do well, arguably more than they likely deserve. The flipside of this is that when they are struggling, we discuss that too. Nobody makes these kids play. They all chose to go to big time schools. There is a lot of good that comes with that but some of what comes with that isn't good but it's all part of a package deal.
reality chec for BSers... i'm only speculating, but my guess is that college players see BS for its entertainment value, and not for the expert advise that we so proudly dispense. 8^). most players get their needed support from teammates, family or coaching staff that they really don't worry about attacks nor praise from us posters. i'm not saying that posters don't have soccer expertise and good ideas, but in relative terms it probably doesn't mean much to players. Example 1: hey coach, the BS posters say that I have skills and should be starting. can i? Example 2: hey coach, the BS posters say i got no clue and no skill, so i'm taking myself out of the starting lineup today.
reality check for BSers... i'm only speculating, but my guess is that college players see BS for its entertainment value, and not for the expert advise that we so proudly dispense. 8^). most players get their needed support from teammates, family or coaching staff that they really don't worry about attacks nor praise from us posters. i'm not saying that posters don't have soccer expertise and good ideas, but in relative terms it probably doesn't mean much to players. Example 1: hey coach, the BS posters say that I have skills and should be starting. can i? Example 2: hey coach, the BS posters say i got no clue and no skill, so i'm taking myself out of the starting lineup today.