UEFA Superleague idea

Discussion in 'UEFA and Europe' started by barroldinho, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/67202993
    The European Court of Justice will deliver its final verdict on the validity of the European Super League on 21 December.

    It had been claimed by the ESL and its backers, A22, that Uefa and Fifa were breaking competition law by threatening to sanction clubs and players who joined the breakaway league.

    But in a report released last December the ECJ said the rules of football's European and world governing bodies were "compatible with EU competition law".

    A final outcome was expected from the ECJ's 15-strong Grand Chamber in the spring but this did not materialise.

    The ruling in December will be a binding interpretation of European Union law, and once handed down, the case will then be referred back to the Madrid commercial court that will apply it to the facts of the Super League case.
  2. dinamo_zagreb

    dinamo_zagreb Member+

    Jun 27, 2010
    San Jose, CA / Zagreb, Croatia
    Nat'l Team:
    I just read that UEFA will sell CL final game to UAE in order to get money to prevent teams from joining Superleague.
  3. You read quite funny sites or papers.
    drt2k3 repped this.
  4. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
    United States
    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  5. dinamo_zagreb

    dinamo_zagreb Member+

    Jun 27, 2010
    San Jose, CA / Zagreb, Croatia
    Nat'l Team:
  6. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
    United States
    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Thank you.

    "The highest body of European football will receive an amount of 2.4 billion dollars for the television rights, sponsorship and hosting of its competitions and which will have its climax with the celebration of the final of the Champions League of the 2029-2030 season in Abu D[h]abi ."
  7. This is the advice on which the 15 judges will deliver the verdict on the 21st this month.


    delivered on 15 December 2022 (1)

    Case C333/21

    European Superleague Company SL


    Unión de Federaciones Europeas de Fútbol (UEFA),

    Fédération internationale de football association (FIFA),


    A22 Sports Management SL,

    Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional,

    Real Federación Española de Fútbol
  8. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/european-super-league-new-a22sports-31687601.amp
    Decision imminent on new 80-club European Super League that would scrap Champions League
    A revamped idea of the failed European Super League plot is being led by sports development company A22 Sports and will be heard in court this week as they bid to get their project off the ground

    The Champions League could be replaced if an ambitious new European Super League project goes ahead(Getty Images)

    • By

      Simon Mullock
    • 13:38, 16 Dec 2023

    They desperately keep on trying.
  9. An interesting complication is the case Royal Antwerp has, which is due too tomorrow iirc.
    They challenge the UEFA rule a club should have 8 players from their own academy or from their own country, because it disadvantages clubs in smaller countries with a smaller "pond". The advisor in that case, attorney general Maciej Szpunar, to the ECJ is more critical to the UEFA and it's role in it.
    According to the Pole, conflicts of interest are inevitable and UEFA will put its own commercial interests ahead of the public interest when it comes down to it.

    One weak point in this highlighted argument is the fact UEFA isnot an independant body with own interests. It's a membership union, which promotes the interests of the members and all profits go to those member associations and clubs. So there's no conflict between public (=clubs) and UEFA. They are the same.
  10. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
    United States
    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Unless 12 of the thousands of clubs affiliated to FIFA decide to do something different.
  11. Nope, don't pretend you didnot read what was behind that UEFA reaction. Those socalled breakaway clubs wanted to do an exclusive tournement in competition with the CL, while they stayed in the leagues because it wasnot sustainable to go al the way down the breakaway path. So they wanted to syphon off the lucrative CL billions , which for a great part are redistributed among the FA's and non-playing clubs, while as a bunch of leaches be kept alive in the leagues.
    Nobody can keep them from going rogue completely, but that's not what they want, they want to be parasites.
  12. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
    United States
    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
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    United States
    Well they're doing a pretty good job. Chelsea, Man City and Real Madrid and will get Ajax's annual payroll each just to show to up at the 2025 Club World Cup.
  13. welshbairn

    welshbairn Member+

    Jul 31, 2019
  14. What the ruling says is that the process of how the UEFA blocks the clubs is unlawfull.
  15. What does the 2025 CWC have to do with the esl? It's a FIFA tournement.
  16. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    So, hang on, they're talking about an EXTRA mid-week competition as WELL as the super-league or is that what they're now talking about as the super-league?

    I see they're now saying there WILL be pro/rel but then, where is the money coming from to pay for all this as I thought they were talking about the clubs paying to join this new thing last time. Also, more generally, how is this being funded as all the matches are going to screened for free to everyone I thought.

    It all just looks a nit half-baked, tbh.
  17. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
    United States
    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    # tactiq.io free youtube transcript
    # A22's proposal for a new European club football competition
    # https://www.youtube.com/watch/HxJZk01R_Xo

    00:00:07.080 [Music]
    00:00:12.500 [Music]
    00:00:25.050 [Music]
    00:00:44.140 [Music]
    00:00:58.920 he
    00:01:02.310 [Music]
    00:01:04.599 good afternoon everyone and welcome my
    00:01:07.240 name is Roberta pasui and I will be
    00:01:09.600 moderating today's presentation from a22
    00:01:13.000 Sports we have exciting things to
    00:01:15.520 discuss following the landmark ruling of
    00:01:17.960 the European court of justice this
    00:01:19.759 morning I am pleased to be joined by
    00:01:22.479 burn reard COO of a22 he will spend the
    00:01:26.799 next uh 20 to 30 minutes or so a
    00:01:29.920 explaining their new proposal for
    00:01:31.560 changing European football at the
    00:01:33.880 conclusion of his remarks we will take
    00:01:36.079 questions from journalists but first let
    00:01:38.520 me do a quick presentation a22 Sports is
    00:01:41.920 a company that was formed to assist in
    00:01:44.000 the development and introduction of the
    00:01:46.360 European Super League burnt was
    00:01:48.840 appointed CEO of the company in late
    00:01:51.840 2022 prior to that time he was COO of
    00:01:55.920 RTL of deutchland burn hi can you
    00:02:00.280 explain why today is a special day thank
    00:02:03.960 you Roberta and welcome everyone indeed
    00:02:07.520 there is big news today and that news is
    00:02:11.000 that football is free free from the
    00:02:14.480 Monopoly of HFA free to pursue the best
    00:02:17.720 ideas without fear of sanctions and
    00:02:20.400 under our proposal free fee of all life
    00:02:24.680 matches but more on that later let's
    00:02:28.160 start with the ruling this morning the
    00:02:31.120 European court of justice ended with us
    00:02:33.680 near 70-year Monopoly by determining
    00:02:37.560 that FIFA and uea's rules on prior
    00:02:40.959 approval of interclub competitions are
    00:02:44.040 contrary to European Union
    00:02:47.680 law they have also determined that FIFA
    00:02:50.879 and WFA rules making any new interclub
    00:02:54.080 project subject to their prior approval
    00:02:57.720 are pro and prohibiting clubs and
    00:02:59.879 players from those playing those
    00:03:02.200 competitions that they are also
    00:03:05.440 unlawful the court has effectively
    00:03:09.159 opened the door to innovation in
    00:03:12.040 football and clubs can now openly
    00:03:14.360 discuss and consider proposals to
    00:03:17.159 address the sports most pressing issues
    00:03:20.480 the ecj is the highest court in the
    00:03:22.720 European Union and therefore this rules
    00:03:26.000 cannot be and this ruling cannot be
    00:03:28.680 appealed and it paves the way for the
    00:03:31.879 creation of a new more exciting
    00:03:35.239 competition at European level in which
    00:03:37.439 clubs can determine their own future all
    00:03:41.879 within the existing European football
    00:03:44.439 family so again the strongest message
    00:03:48.040 today goes out to the fans football is
    00:03:53.000 free well thank you Burns so with the
    00:03:56.519 judgments now in hand what can you tell
    00:03:58.519 us about A2 22 proposals for new crossb
    00:04:01.879 competition in Europe well I think the
    00:04:04.840 first thing to understand is that the
    00:04:07.120 new proposal is the result of an
    00:04:09.400 extensive dialogue over the past 18
    00:04:11.720 months with many many people involved in
    00:04:14.640 football this includes clubs players
    00:04:17.560 fans leagues media Executives and
    00:04:21.079 government officials in other words a
    00:04:24.280 really big group and while there is
    00:04:26.919 clearly more to do this proposal has
    00:04:29.400 been shaped with the input from clubs of
    00:04:32.600 all sizes big small and in between we
    00:04:37.240 learned during our discussions that
    00:04:39.280 there is a great consistency infused
    00:04:41.560 around the issues facing the sport
    00:04:44.120 perhaps at the top of the list is a
    00:04:46.479 clear view that the existing European
    00:04:49.120 Club competitions are not grabbing fans
    00:04:51.880 attention there are simply too many
    00:04:55.120 inconsequential matches where there is
    00:04:57.840 little interest and you you can see this
    00:05:00.120 in the fee statistics in fact it is only
    00:05:03.199 in the final stage in the spring when
    00:05:05.479 interest
    00:05:07.080 Peaks young fans who are digital natives
    00:05:10.520 with many entertainment options in
    00:05:12.600 particular are turning away so we
    00:05:16.039 believe and we've been told that fresh
    00:05:19.039 thinking is needed the Cornerstone of
    00:05:22.120 our proposal Remain the 10 principles
    00:05:24.960 which we published last February
    00:05:27.800 critically a couple of those those
    00:05:29.759 principles are worth repeating
    00:05:32.360 participation will be based on sporting
    00:05:34.720 Merit there will be no permanent members
    00:05:37.759 and clubs will remain committed to their
    00:05:40.880 domestic leagues so now let's have a
    00:05:43.919 look at the proposed new format an
    00:05:46.319 overview video will help explain both
    00:05:48.720 the men's and the women's
    00:05:53.000 competition a22 wants to create the
    00:05:55.600 world's most exciting Club football
    00:05:58.080 competition our proposal aims to ensure
    00:06:00.880 competitive tension throughout the year
    00:06:03.560 it's an open system featuring promotion
    00:06:05.680 and relegation and two stages a league
    00:06:08.800 stage and a knockout
    00:06:11.759 stage the European men's Super League
    00:06:14.360 will have 64 participating clubs divided
    00:06:17.960 into three leagues Star Gold and blue
    00:06:21.599 the star league consists of 16 clubs
    00:06:24.039 divided into two groups of
    00:06:26.000 eight it's the same for the gold league
    00:06:28.720 16 Club CLS two groups of eight the blue
    00:06:31.599 League will have 32 clubs split into
    00:06:33.880 four groups of eight during the league
    00:06:36.080 stage clubs play each other within their
    00:06:38.080 groups home and away that's 14 matches
    00:06:41.400 per Club each season seven at home seven
    00:06:44.440 away the top four clubs in each group of
    00:06:47.000 the star and gold leagues and the top
    00:06:49.120 two clubs in each group of the blue
    00:06:50.960 League will qualify for The Knockout
    00:06:53.000 rounds starting with the
    00:06:55.039 quarterfinal the quarter and semi-final
    00:06:57.800 consist of a two-legged knock knockout
    00:06:59.720 round Home and Away the final will be
    00:07:02.560 played on neutral ground The Knockout
    00:07:05.160 round finals winners will be the blue
    00:07:07.560 League Gold League and star League
    00:07:10.479 champions our proposal is built around
    00:07:13.120 sporting Merit promotion relegation and
    00:07:16.479 exit from the competition happen each
    00:07:18.879 season the club finishing at the bottom
    00:07:21.240 of each group of the star league will be
    00:07:23.560 relegated and replaced by the two gold
    00:07:25.960 league finalists the same system applies
    00:07:28.840 in the gold League the last Club of each
    00:07:31.520 group will be relegated and replaced by
    00:07:34.520 Blue League finalists in The Blue League
    00:07:37.759 20 out of the 32 clubs will leave the
    00:07:40.319 competition all together and be replaced
    00:07:43.000 by clubs depending on their domestic
    00:07:44.879 League
    00:07:45.720 performance this system ensures mobility
    00:07:48.199 within and across leagues and as matches
    00:07:51.280 will be played midweek this format is
    00:07:53.800 completely compatible with domestic
    00:07:56.080 leagues this proposed format for
    00:07:58.159 football will guarant guarantee openness
    00:08:00.960 competitive tension and success based on
    00:08:03.520 sporting Merit it is one competition for
    00:08:06.759 all clubs all players and all
    00:08:10.980 [Music]
    00:08:13.199 fans so okay it's open it's competitive
    00:08:18.280 I think that gives a quite good summary
    00:08:20.520 of what you're proposing for men but
    00:08:22.919 what about the women's
    00:08:25.080 competition as you will see in uh the
    00:08:27.639 next video the women's league is very
    00:08:30.280 similar but of course it takes into
    00:08:32.799 consideration and it is adapted to the
    00:08:35.440 current stage of the development of the
    00:08:37.479 women's game so let's have a
    00:08:40.039 look our proposal will double the amount
    00:08:42.880 of showcased European women's football
    00:08:45.279 clubs and unite them into a single
    00:08:48.040 competition the European women's Super
    00:08:50.480 League boasts 32 clubs divided into two
    00:08:54.519 leagues star and gold the star league
    00:08:57.839 consists of 16 clubs divided into two
    00:09:00.240 groups of eight it's the same for the
    00:09:02.440 gold league 16 clubs two groups of eight
    00:09:06.360 during the league stage clubs play each
    00:09:08.720 other within their groups home and away
    00:09:12.000 that's 14 matches per Club each season
    00:09:15.160 seven at home seven away the top four
    00:09:18.160 clubs in each group of the star N Gold
    00:09:20.320 leagues will qualify for The Knockout
    00:09:22.320 round starting with the
    00:09:24.399 quarterfinal the quarter and semi-final
    00:09:27.079 consists of a two-legged knockout round
    00:09:30.000 home Anda the final will be played on
    00:09:32.880 neutral ground The Knockout round finals
    00:09:36.000 winners will be the gold league and star
    00:09:38.360 League
    00:09:42.760 champions in the star league two clubs
    00:09:45.200 will be relegated and replaced by the
    00:09:47.160 two gold league finalists in The Gold
    00:09:49.680 League four clubs will exit the
    00:09:51.519 competition and be replaced by other
    00:09:53.519 clubs depending on their domestic League
    00:09:55.800 performance this system ensures mobility
    00:09:58.360 within and across cross leagues Enders
    00:10:00.760 matches will be played midweek this
    00:10:03.079 format is completely compatible with
    00:10:05.000 domestic leagues this proposed format
    00:10:08.040 will guarantee
    00:10:09.320 openness competitive tension and a new
    00:10:12.560 era for Women's Club
    00:10:14.399 football it is one competition for all
    00:10:17.120 clubs all players and all
    00:10:21.839 fans okay so twice has many showcased
    00:10:25.959 Women's Club that definitely struck me
    00:10:29.399 yeah let me add a few additional details
    00:10:32.399 football is the only truly Global Sport
    00:10:36.000 with fans in the billions around the
    00:10:38.440 globe there is nothing like it and
    00:10:41.480 Europe is the home of football it's
    00:10:43.760 where the game was invented and it's
    00:10:46.560 also the home of the leading clubs in
    00:10:49.360 the world the challenge is and working
    00:10:53.079 with clubs and others whether the best
    00:10:55.680 sporting competition in the world can be
    00:10:58.320 created we believe it can be and that is
    00:11:02.240 the objective of this
    00:11:04.680 initiative and but how would the format
    00:11:07.839 serve that
    00:11:09.360 goal the format youve just seen would
    00:11:12.200 achieved many things first it will lead
    00:11:15.440 to fantastically exciting matches
    00:11:17.680 throughout the entire year not just part
    00:11:20.279 of the year a league system with just 14
    00:11:23.399 matches means that absolutely every
    00:11:25.920 match
    00:11:27.240 counts Club clubs that almost never play
    00:11:30.920 each other will now compete regularly on
    00:11:34.360 the European stage and generating even a
    00:11:37.120 greater rivalry at the same time there
    00:11:39.959 is mobility between the leagues with
    00:11:42.040 promotion and relegation and with an
    00:11:44.240 ongoing strong connections to domestic
    00:11:46.920 leagues and finally there would be an
    00:11:50.560 incredible season end knockout stage we
    00:11:54.519 think this proposal is fan Centric it's
    00:11:57.519 exciting and it's capable of achieving
    00:12:00.279 what is admittedly a very ambitious goal
    00:12:04.680 and very well uh you have also proposed
    00:12:07.600 a league structure as opposed to the
    00:12:09.680 current structure of the Champions
    00:12:11.360 League can you talk about that yeah in
    00:12:14.279 our in our discussion with clubs we
    00:12:16.560 identified two big issues the first
    00:12:19.040 issue was that clubs can perform
    00:12:21.399 extremely well at European level yet
    00:12:23.800 still not be in the same competition in
    00:12:26.000 the subsequent year this is feuded as
    00:12:29.000 unfair and not consistent with the
    00:12:31.600 concept of sporting Merit second clubs
    00:12:35.040 cannot make commitments to players to
    00:12:37.440 infrastructure to the women's games and
    00:12:40.680 other expenditure just because under the
    00:12:43.000 current system the vast majority of
    00:12:45.279 clubs cannot rely on income from Europe
    00:12:49.600 accordingly they struggle to retain top
    00:12:52.320 players they struggle to compete
    00:12:54.680 consistently at European level and they
    00:12:57.480 struggle domestically where there are
    00:12:59.600 huge imbalances in the relative value of
    00:13:02.560 media rights between the large countries
    00:13:04.800 and the small countries in Europe we
    00:13:07.160 think a league structure will go a long
    00:13:10.240 way towards solving those problems while
    00:13:13.519 at the same time delivering
    00:13:15.760 opportunities for a higher level of
    00:13:18.199 football for players and for
    00:13:21.160 fans and can you also explain has how
    00:13:24.720 clubs get promoted Into the Blue League
    00:13:28.000 the process of promoting is obviously a
    00:13:30.360 very critical element of the format and
    00:13:33.079 at this point more work and dialogue
    00:13:35.600 with clubs and league is necessary to
    00:13:37.920 work out on the precise details mhm I
    00:13:41.480 understand you want to build this
    00:13:42.959 project together with clubs absolutely
    00:13:46.040 what we can say is that promotion should
    00:13:48.480 be equally open for all leagues and it
    00:13:52.160 should be determined based upon club's
    00:13:54.959 domestic performance so more on that to
    00:13:57.639 come Roberta Fant fantastic then and
    00:14:00.399 also in your opening remarks you
    00:14:02.040 mentioned your proposal includes viewing
    00:14:04.519 all life matches for free how would that
    00:14:08.480 work well fan access to the fee of live
    00:14:12.240 football matches has become for some
    00:14:14.720 prohibitively expensive we are leaving
    00:14:18.399 way too many fans behind we want to
    00:14:22.120 change this this is a unique opportunity
    00:14:24.959 to rethink how football is presented to
    00:14:28.360 the F and connecting them with their
    00:14:31.040 favorite clubs and players just like
    00:14:33.639 never before well that's never before
    00:14:37.079 means well a22 proposes to create UniFi
    00:14:42.480 a direct to Fan streaming platform which
    00:14:45.199 would be the place that fans turn to to
    00:14:48.480 enjoy their passion for football to
    00:14:50.639 connect with their clubs and favorite
    00:14:52.480 players to find the latest news and most
    00:14:55.440 importantly to view live matches for
    00:14:59.199 free this concept applies equally to
    00:15:02.279 both the men's and the women's game with
    00:15:05.240 the women's games and the women's
    00:15:07.079 matches given the same visibility and
    00:15:10.199 accessibility as the man's this is a
    00:15:13.320 critical boost women's football needs to
    00:15:16.440 continue to grow and to develop this
    00:15:19.160 next video will help explain what I
    00:15:24.399 mean in recent years live football
    00:15:27.160 matches have been delivered to f in the
    00:15:29.240 same way maybe through pay TV
    00:15:31.519 subscriptions this approach has allowed
    00:15:33.759 fans throughout the world to view
    00:15:35.120 matches in the comfort of their homes
    00:15:38.120 however technology has evolved and how
    00:15:40.040 we watch football at home needs to
    00:15:41.759 evolve as well digital platforms and
    00:15:44.279 social media have fundamentally altered
    00:15:46.399 the way we enjoy movies series and Sport
    00:15:50.000 at the same time the cost of football
    00:15:51.839 has become too expensive for many fans
    00:15:54.040 and often two or three subscriptions are
    00:15:56.279 needed to see all matches football needs
    00:15:58.839 fresh thinking it's time to bring all
    00:16:01.319 fans billions of them back to the game
    00:16:04.360 introducing UniFi our proposal to create
    00:16:07.480 a single direct to Fan streaming
    00:16:09.800 platform offering all Super League
    00:16:11.880 matches and highlights for free
    00:16:13.959 supported by advertising this platform
    00:16:16.440 will be available around the world and
    00:16:18.319 fans will enjoy the best football for
    00:16:22.279 free
    00:16:24.639 UniFi well that is the Fantastic Vision
    00:16:28.120 though ambitious I am sure many people
    00:16:31.560 are wondering how can you do this well
    00:16:35.560 let's start with the technical aspect If
    00:16:38.959 This Were 10 or 15 years ago it would be
    00:16:41.720 very challenging but infrastructure and
    00:16:44.720 software needed for streaming at scale
    00:16:47.759 has developed enormously in recent years
    00:16:50.600 and we have been in discussion with some
    00:16:52.279 of the leading technology suppliers in
    00:16:54.399 the world developing this
    00:16:56.480 proposal okay so let's go on the
    00:16:59.480 business side how can you offer the best
    00:17:02.120 football for
    00:17:03.439 free well on the commercial side the
    00:17:06.199 answer is straightforward first free
    00:17:09.199 football would bring billions of fans to
    00:17:11.880 UniFi for a streaming platform this
    00:17:14.720 would be
    00:17:16.280 unprecedented in the advertising World
    00:17:18.439 which was my life for many many years
    00:17:20.880 the reach of UniFi will be very
    00:17:22.799 attractive to advertisers by the way I
    00:17:25.599 should note we are not doing anything
    00:17:28.480 which hasn't been done before in some
    00:17:30.600 way our proposal is following the lead
    00:17:34.039 of the best smartest most forward
    00:17:36.679 looking companies in the entertainment
    00:17:38.400 world and it's clear it's absolutely
    00:17:41.679 clear where they are going those who
    00:17:45.000 began free like meta or Spotify or in
    00:17:48.240 the US Hulu now have pay options free of
    00:17:52.520 advertising those who began with only
    00:17:55.240 pay subscriptions like Netflix and
    00:17:57.200 others are now in including ad supported
    00:18:00.520 Alternatives so one of the key aspects
    00:18:04.120 in the enormous reach is the enormous
    00:18:06.159 reach is bet the best football to have
    00:18:08.440 around the world yeah when you are when
    00:18:11.480 you are able to connect billions of
    00:18:13.600 people as Google does as meta does and
    00:18:16.600 as UniFi has the potential to do you are
    00:18:20.280 convinced that the value will
    00:18:22.480 follow and the key thing here is that
    00:18:25.120 all these companies are effectively
    00:18:27.120 streaming companies this provides
    00:18:29.640 enormous flexibility not only in
    00:18:31.559 offering both advertising and
    00:18:33.480 subscription based options but also the
    00:18:36.799 ability to provide new features and
    00:18:39.039 interactive options who are which are
    00:18:41.840 constantly evolving and this will be
    00:18:44.840 great for fans finally don't forget and
    00:18:48.480 this is really important UniFi can count
    00:18:51.440 on the US huge Advantage which is the
    00:18:54.440 best the most compelling sport
    00:18:56.799 competition in the world world the best
    00:18:59.880 football clubs and the best football
    00:19:01.840 players and the only sport that appeals
    00:19:04.559 to fans across all
    00:19:06.960 continents on a different note we
    00:19:09.600 clearly understand that this approach is
    00:19:11.520 new to football and it's new to clubs
    00:19:13.840 they may want to know that it works
    00:19:16.960 financially before joining up which
    00:19:19.200 makes sense so we will have support
    00:19:22.640 which will provide a safety net
    00:19:24.600 guaranteeing revenues and solidarity
    00:19:27.400 payments during during the first 3 years
    00:19:30.000 of the new competition at a level beyond
    00:19:33.280 that expected in the next cycle okay but
    00:19:37.640 would you do it all of these on your own
    00:19:40.440 and who would own Oni well no of course
    00:19:43.520 we would not do this on our own existing
    00:19:46.480 broadcasting and distribution Partners
    00:19:48.600 would continue to play a crucial role in
    00:19:51.360 many many countries and from an
    00:19:53.760 infrastructure perspective partners and
    00:19:56.600 suppliers will be necessary Neary to
    00:19:58.720 provide the technology needed to bring
    00:20:01.200 the live matches to fans but again this
    00:20:04.640 aspect of streaming has changed
    00:20:06.200 dramatically over the years and there
    00:20:08.000 are many Advanced providers for these
    00:20:10.720 kind of
    00:20:11.640 services in terms of who will own UniFi
    00:20:15.480 it will be the participating clubs in
    00:20:18.559 combination with valuated thirdparty
    00:20:20.799 investors who can help develop the
    00:20:23.400 platform and assist in managing the
    00:20:26.240 ongoing operations thereafter
    00:20:29.120 it's also important to note that 100% of
    00:20:32.520 the Super League net income will be
    00:20:34.720 distributed each year to participate in
    00:20:37.919 clubs just one last question before we
    00:20:41.120 open for question from the media what
    00:20:43.720 happens now what are your next steps
    00:20:46.880 well we will continue and expand our
    00:20:49.720 dialogue with the football stakeholders
    00:20:51.559 to explain and to further develop this
    00:20:54.159 proposal we don't pretend to have all
    00:20:56.559 the answers but we do have have the
    00:20:58.960 benefit of years of effort examining and
    00:21:01.919 analyzing the problems along with
    00:21:04.360 potential
    00:21:05.679 Solutions but in the end this process
    00:21:08.120 will led by will be led by clubs who in
    00:21:11.360 the interest of their fans their players
    00:21:13.559 and their leagues will decide what makes
    00:21:16.600 sense for them well thank you thank you
    00:21:20.080 very much burn now it's the time to
    00:21:22.679 answer some questions and please notice
    00:21:25.679 that we cannot answer every question and
    00:21:28.159 this live stream but our team will come
    00:21:30.559 back to everyone of you with an answer
    00:21:33.200 so I've got the first one which is from
    00:21:35.600 uh Jimmie Garner from PA media MH you
    00:21:39.320 have won the right to compete but how
    00:21:41.960 will you convince clubs to join can you
    00:21:44.559 announce who is on
    00:21:46.760 board well our proposal has to be
    00:21:49.440 convinced and convincing um and we
    00:21:52.159 invite clubs to shape and to help shape
    00:21:54.799 this proposal um and we want to reach as
    00:21:58.039 as many as as clubs as possible to shape
    00:22:00.559 and to contribute there are clubs who
    00:22:03.200 are really interested in our proposal
    00:22:05.760 and to learn more uh and to contribute
    00:22:08.279 but now dropping uh clubs would divide
    00:22:11.320 football we don't want to divide
    00:22:13.000 football we want to unite football and
    00:22:15.320 everybody makes uses the opportunity of
    00:22:18.000 today's historic day to lead football
    00:22:20.559 into a new era thank you and the next
    00:22:24.600 one is from niaer from RMC report are
    00:22:29.039 you reaching out your hands to WEA today
    00:22:32.400 we reached out our hands to everybody in
    00:22:34.960 the football Family actually what we
    00:22:36.880 have done over the past 18 years have
    00:22:38.559 been a dialogue conducting um and and
    00:22:41.919 embracing everybody who wants to discuss
    00:22:44.320 about the problems discuss about
    00:22:46.200 potential Solutions and that included
    00:22:48.360 waer um I was actually traveling there
    00:22:50.640 last year and I'm happy and open to do
    00:22:52.720 so again well that's fantastic the next
    00:22:55.919 one is from David alvare uh from elpis
    00:22:59.440 in uh 2021 when the Super League was
    00:23:02.120 presented it was financed by JP Morgan
    00:23:05.039 with 4,000 Millions Euros for 23 years
    00:23:09.200 how much does the project have right now
    00:23:11.320 who is financing it and under which
    00:23:13.880 conditions well now financing is
    00:23:16.039 probably more focused um on UniFi um we
    00:23:21.320 explained and shared our vision for a a
    00:23:24.400 unique platform a fan Centric streaming
    00:23:26.760 platform that brings together the clubs
    00:23:28.919 and fans like it was never done before
    00:23:31.480 and with reaching a number of of
    00:23:33.919 billions of fans unprecedented also
    00:23:36.240 because it is a very attractive free
    00:23:38.480 offer to watch live matches so it is it
    00:23:41.200 is investors will back us on the
    00:23:44.120 development and the launch uh and um and
    00:23:46.760 the and running this platform um and
    00:23:49.480 this is where why we're currently
    00:23:51.080 reaching out to investors to safeguard
    00:23:53.480 this extremely fan Centric and positive
    00:23:56.400 future proof vision which we share okay
    00:23:59.440 thank you the next one is from Georgia
    00:24:01.919 marota uh from course boort what could
    00:24:05.080 happen with players registrations if the
    00:24:08.000 federations decide to take away the
    00:24:10.279 licensing from clubs participating in
    00:24:13.039 the Super League project that's a very
    00:24:15.799 interesting question um which uh which
    00:24:18.200 will be discussed and then we are happy
    00:24:20.000 to discuss about that today is the
    00:24:22.799 moment of cont not licensing and and and
    00:24:25.760 confrontation and dividing today is the
    00:24:28.360 day where football had access had gained
    00:24:31.000 access to the values and the freedoms of
    00:24:33.200 the European Union the judges of the ecj
    00:24:36.919 gave football the freedom to deter their
    00:24:39.159 own football and empowered clubs to to
    00:24:42.320 really take their own destiny in their
    00:24:44.640 hands so if we succeed to promote the
    00:24:49.200 best idea and to promote the best
    00:24:51.240 proposed form it I think we can unite
    00:24:53.440 clubs um and uh and avoid confrontation
    00:24:56.200 which is not our aim
    00:24:58.600 that's fantastic so I've got another one
    00:25:01.159 from William Pereira from 20 minutes
    00:25:04.279 your opponents see the super league as
    00:25:06.960 the opponent of national leagues such as
    00:25:09.679 La Liga how do you
    00:25:12.279 respond this initiative wants to
    00:25:15.240 strengthen clubs it wants to give them
    00:25:17.840 Empower them to determine their own uh
    00:25:20.520 Destiny but also strengthen them
    00:25:22.760 financially allowing them to have a
    00:25:25.000 really strong financial column on the
    00:25:27.799 back of their European uh participation
    00:25:31.159 if that strengthens a lot of clubs in
    00:25:33.360 domestic leagues as well then it's
    00:25:35.320 positive it should be positive and it
    00:25:36.960 will be positive for domestic leagues as
    00:25:38.640 well okay I've got the last one from Ros
    00:25:42.320 B Meer sorry for the pronation yeah it's
    00:25:46.799 quite difficult for me German uh from
    00:25:49.159 nport he says if participation in the
    00:25:52.240 super league is only guaranteed by
    00:25:54.120 financial means and not on sporting
    00:25:56.960 grounds isn't that the death nail for
    00:26:00.000 football and do you expect resistance
    00:26:03.039 from nonparticipating clubs to the
    00:26:05.000 creation of the Super League well first
    00:26:07.559 of all we couldn't be clearer about
    00:26:09.720 sporting mered as the essence of the
    00:26:11.919 whole proposal um it's open it's
    00:26:14.600 meritocratic it's accessible the right
    00:26:17.000 to dream is alive as it probably has
    00:26:19.240 never been alive before um and
    00:26:22.240 nonpartisan painting clubs will access
    00:26:25.159 to uh transparently and uh third party
    00:26:30.080 pledged and distributed uh participation
    00:26:32.559 in a solidarity pool which will be three
    00:26:35.000 times higher the one who is currently
    00:26:37.480 distributed uh but within the system so
    00:26:40.200 solidarity openness and meritocracy are
    00:26:43.640 cornerstones of our proposal well thank
    00:26:46.559 you very much Burt and this is it for
    00:26:49.480 the moment thank you all very much for
    00:26:52.720 uh being here and uh well we're going uh
    00:26:57.240 to say goodbye soon do you want to add
    00:27:00.080 something at this presentation what is
    00:27:03.440 really important is that today is a the
    00:27:06.640 beginning of a new era today is a day
    00:27:09.440 where clubs can decide their own future
    00:27:12.080 our ambition is to empower clubs and to
    00:27:15.320 be at their service to develop and to
    00:27:17.640 concrete on the proposal and that every
    00:27:20.159 club and every football fan out there
    00:27:22.760 has yeah the right to dream of the
    00:27:25.399 football of their dreams so see you soon
    00:27:28.559 and um the football of your dreams
    00:27:39.740 [Music]
    00:27:45.170 [Music]
    00:27:56.519 thanks
    00:27:59.640 [Music]
    00:28:03.900 [Applause]
    00:28:07.420 [Music]
    00:28:16.780 [Music]
  18. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
    United States
    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ok I just remembered how to use the MID() fiction in Excel. All timestamps removed.

    good afternoon everyone and welcome my
    name is Roberta pasui and I will be
    moderating today's presentation from a22
    Sports we have exciting things to
    discuss following the landmark ruling of
    the European court of justice this
    morning I am pleased to be joined by
    burn reard COO of a22 he will spend the
    next uh 20 to 30 minutes or so a
    explaining their new proposal for
    changing European football at the
    conclusion of his remarks we will take
    questions from journalists but first let
    me do a quick presentation a22 Sports is
    a company that was formed to assist in
    the development and introduction of the
    European Super League burnt was
    appointed CEO of the company in late
    2022 prior to that time he was COO of
    RTL of deutchland burn hi can you
    explain why today is a special day thank
    you Roberta and welcome everyone indeed
    there is big news today and that news is
    that football is free free from the
    Monopoly of HFA free to pursue the best
    ideas without fear of sanctions and
    under our proposal free fee of all life
    matches but more on that later let's
    start with the ruling this morning the
    European court of justice ended with us
    near 70-year Monopoly by determining
    that FIFA and uea's rules on prior
    approval of interclub competitions are
    contrary to European Union
    law they have also determined that FIFA
    and WFA rules making any new interclub
    project subject to their prior approval
    are pro and prohibiting clubs and
    players from those playing those
    competitions that they are also
    unlawful the court has effectively
    opened the door to innovation in
    football and clubs can now openly
    discuss and consider proposals to
    address the sports most pressing issues
    the ecj is the highest court in the
    European Union and therefore this rules
    cannot be and this ruling cannot be
    appealed and it paves the way for the
    creation of a new more exciting
    competition at European level in which
    clubs can determine their own future all
    within the existing European football
    family so again the strongest message
    today goes out to the fans football is
    free well thank you Burns so with the
    judgments now in hand what can you tell
    us about A2 22 proposals for new crossb
    competition in Europe well I think the
    first thing to understand is that the
    new proposal is the result of an
    extensive dialogue over the past 18
    months with many many people involved in
    football this includes clubs players
    fans leagues media Executives and
    government officials in other words a
    really big group and while there is
    clearly more to do this proposal has
    been shaped with the input from clubs of
    all sizes big small and in between we
    learned during our discussions that
    there is a great consistency infused
    around the issues facing the sport
    perhaps at the top of the list is a
    clear view that the existing European
    Club competitions are not grabbing fans
    attention there are simply too many
    inconsequential matches where there is
    little interest and you you can see this
    in the fee statistics in fact it is only
    in the final stage in the spring when
    Peaks young fans who are digital natives
    with many entertainment options in
    particular are turning away so we
    believe and we've been told that fresh
    thinking is needed the Cornerstone of
    our proposal Remain the 10 principles
    which we published last February
    critically a couple of those those
    principles are worth repeating
    participation will be based on sporting
    Merit there will be no permanent members
    and clubs will remain committed to their
    domestic leagues so now let's have a
    look at the proposed new format an
    overview video will help explain both
    the men's and the women's
    competition a22 wants to create the
    world's most exciting Club football
    competition our proposal aims to ensure
    competitive tension throughout the year
    it's an open system featuring promotion
    and relegation and two stages a league
    stage and a knockout
    stage the European men's Super League
    will have 64 participating clubs divided
    into three leagues Star Gold and blue
    the star league consists of 16 clubs
    divided into two groups of
    eight it's the same for the gold league
    16 Club CLS two groups of eight the blue
    League will have 32 clubs split into
    four groups of eight during the league
    stage clubs play each other within their
    groups home and away that's 14 matches
    per Club each season seven at home seven
    away the top four clubs in each group of
    the star and gold leagues and the top
    two clubs in each group of the blue
    League will qualify for The Knockout
    rounds starting with the
    quarterfinal the quarter and semi-final
    consist of a two-legged knock knockout
    round Home and Away the final will be
    played on neutral ground The Knockout
    round finals winners will be the blue
    League Gold League and star League
    champions our proposal is built around
    sporting Merit promotion relegation and
    exit from the competition happen each
    season the club finishing at the bottom
    of each group of the star league will be
    relegated and replaced by the two gold
    league finalists the same system applies
    in the gold League the last Club of each
    group will be relegated and replaced by
    Blue League finalists in The Blue League
    20 out of the 32 clubs will leave the
    competition all together and be replaced
    by clubs depending on their domestic
    performance this system ensures mobility
    within and across leagues and as matches
    will be played midweek this format is
    completely compatible with domestic
    leagues this proposed format for
    football will guarant guarantee openness
    competitive tension and success based on
    sporting Merit it is one competition for
    all clubs all players and all
    fans so okay it's open it's competitive
    I think that gives a quite good summary
    of what you're proposing for men but
    what about the women's
    competition as you will see in uh the
    next video the women's league is very
    similar but of course it takes into
    consideration and it is adapted to the
    current stage of the development of the
    women's game so let's have a
    look our proposal will double the amount
    of showcased European women's football
    clubs and unite them into a single
    competition the European women's Super
    League boasts 32 clubs divided into two
    leagues star and gold the star league
    consists of 16 clubs divided into two
    groups of eight it's the same for the
    gold league 16 clubs two groups of eight
    during the league stage clubs play each
    other within their groups home and away
    that's 14 matches per Club each season
    seven at home seven away the top four
    clubs in each group of the star N Gold
    leagues will qualify for The Knockout
    round starting with the
    quarterfinal the quarter and semi-final
    consists of a two-legged knockout round
    home Anda the final will be played on
    neutral ground The Knockout round finals
    winners will be the gold league and star
    champions in the star league two clubs
    will be relegated and replaced by the
    two gold league finalists in The Gold
    League four clubs will exit the
    competition and be replaced by other
    clubs depending on their domestic League
    performance this system ensures mobility
    within and across cross leagues Enders
    matches will be played midweek this
    format is completely compatible with
    domestic leagues this proposed format
    will guarantee
    openness competitive tension and a new
    era for Women's Club
    football it is one competition for all
    clubs all players and all
    fans okay so twice has many showcased
    Women's Club that definitely struck me
    yeah let me add a few additional details
    football is the only truly Global Sport
    with fans in the billions around the
    globe there is nothing like it and
    Europe is the home of football it's
    where the game was invented and it's
    also the home of the leading clubs in
    the world the challenge is and working
    with clubs and others whether the best
    sporting competition in the world can be
    created we believe it can be and that is
    the objective of this
    initiative and but how would the format
    serve that
    goal the format youve just seen would
    achieved many things first it will lead
    to fantastically exciting matches
    throughout the entire year not just part
    of the year a league system with just 14
    matches means that absolutely every
    counts Club clubs that almost never play
    each other will now compete regularly on
    the European stage and generating even a
    greater rivalry at the same time there
    is mobility between the leagues with
    promotion and relegation and with an
    ongoing strong connections to domestic
    leagues and finally there would be an
    incredible season end knockout stage we
    think this proposal is fan Centric it's
    exciting and it's capable of achieving
    what is admittedly a very ambitious goal
    and very well uh you have also proposed
    a league structure as opposed to the
    current structure of the Champions
    League can you talk about that yeah in
    our in our discussion with clubs we
    identified two big issues the first
    issue was that clubs can perform
    extremely well at European level yet
    still not be in the same competition in
    the subsequent year this is feuded as
    unfair and not consistent with the
    concept of sporting Merit second clubs
    cannot make commitments to players to
    infrastructure to the women's games and
    other expenditure just because under the
    current system the vast majority of
    clubs cannot rely on income from Europe
    accordingly they struggle to retain top
    players they struggle to compete
    consistently at European level and they
    struggle domestically where there are
    huge imbalances in the relative value of
    media rights between the large countries
    and the small countries in Europe we
    think a league structure will go a long
    way towards solving those problems while
    at the same time delivering
    opportunities for a higher level of
    football for players and for
    fans and can you also explain has how
    clubs get promoted Into the Blue League
    the process of promoting is obviously a
    very critical element of the format and
    at this point more work and dialogue
    with clubs and league is necessary to
    work out on the precise details mhm I
    understand you want to build this
    project together with clubs absolutely
    what we can say is that promotion should
    be equally open for all leagues and it
    should be determined based upon club's
    domestic performance so more on that to
    come Roberta Fant fantastic then and
    also in your opening remarks you
    mentioned your proposal includes viewing
    all life matches for free how would that
    work well fan access to the fee of live
    football matches has become for some
    prohibitively expensive we are leaving
    way too many fans behind we want to
    change this this is a unique opportunity
    to rethink how football is presented to
    the F and connecting them with their
    favorite clubs and players just like
    never before well that's never before
    means well a22 proposes to create UniFi
    a direct to Fan streaming platform which
    would be the place that fans turn to to
    enjoy their passion for football to
    connect with their clubs and favorite
    players to find the latest news and most
    importantly to view live matches for
    free this concept applies equally to
    both the men's and the women's game with
    the women's games and the women's
    matches given the same visibility and
    accessibility as the man's this is a
    critical boost women's football needs to
    continue to grow and to develop this
    next video will help explain what I
    mean in recent years live football
    matches have been delivered to f in the
    same way maybe through pay TV
    subscriptions this approach has allowed
    fans throughout the world to view
    matches in the comfort of their homes
    however technology has evolved and how
    we watch football at home needs to
    evolve as well digital platforms and
    social media have fundamentally altered
    the way we enjoy movies series and Sport
    at the same time the cost of football
    has become too expensive for many fans
    and often two or three subscriptions are
    needed to see all matches football needs
    fresh thinking it's time to bring all
    fans billions of them back to the game
    introducing UniFi our proposal to create
    a single direct to Fan streaming
    platform offering all Super League
    matches and highlights for free
    supported by advertising this platform
    will be available around the world and
    fans will enjoy the best football for
    UniFi well that is the Fantastic Vision
    though ambitious I am sure many people
    are wondering how can you do this well
    let's start with the technical aspect If
    This Were 10 or 15 years ago it would be
    very challenging but infrastructure and
    software needed for streaming at scale
    has developed enormously in recent years
    and we have been in discussion with some
    of the leading technology suppliers in
    the world developing this
    proposal okay so let's go on the
    business side how can you offer the best
    football for
    free well on the commercial side the
    answer is straightforward first free
    football would bring billions of fans to
    UniFi for a streaming platform this
    would be
    unprecedented in the advertising World
    which was my life for many many years
    the reach of UniFi will be very
    attractive to advertisers by the way I
    should note we are not doing anything
    which hasn't been done before in some
    way our proposal is following the lead
    of the best smartest most forward
    looking companies in the entertainment
    world and it's clear it's absolutely
    clear where they are going those who
    began free like meta or Spotify or in
    the US Hulu now have pay options free of
    advertising those who began with only
    pay subscriptions like Netflix and
    others are now in including ad supported
    Alternatives so one of the key aspects
    in the enormous reach is the enormous
    reach is bet the best football to have
    around the world yeah when you are when
    you are able to connect billions of
    people as Google does as meta does and
    as UniFi has the potential to do you are
    convinced that the value will
    follow and the key thing here is that
    all these companies are effectively
    streaming companies this provides
    enormous flexibility not only in
    offering both advertising and
    subscription based options but also the
    ability to provide new features and
    interactive options who are which are
    constantly evolving and this will be
    great for fans finally don't forget and
    this is really important UniFi can count
    on the US huge Advantage which is the
    best the most compelling sport
    competition in the world world the best
    football clubs and the best football
    players and the only sport that appeals
    to fans across all
    continents on a different note we
    clearly understand that this approach is
    new to football and it's new to clubs
    they may want to know that it works
    financially before joining up which
    makes sense so we will have support
    which will provide a safety net
    guaranteeing revenues and solidarity
    payments during during the first 3 years
    of the new competition at a level beyond
    that expected in the next cycle okay but
    would you do it all of these on your own
    and who would own Oni well no of course
    we would not do this on our own existing
    broadcasting and distribution Partners
    would continue to play a crucial role in
    many many countries and from an
    infrastructure perspective partners and
    suppliers will be necessary Neary to
    provide the technology needed to bring
    the live matches to fans but again this
    aspect of streaming has changed
    dramatically over the years and there
    are many Advanced providers for these
    kind of
    services in terms of who will own UniFi
    it will be the participating clubs in
    combination with valuated thirdparty
    investors who can help develop the
    platform and assist in managing the
    ongoing operations thereafter
    it's also important to note that 100% of
    the Super League net income will be
    distributed each year to participate in
    clubs just one last question before we
    open for question from the media what
    happens now what are your next steps
    well we will continue and expand our
    dialogue with the football stakeholders
    to explain and to further develop this
    proposal we don't pretend to have all
    the answers but we do have have the
    benefit of years of effort examining and
    analyzing the problems along with
    Solutions but in the end this process
    will led by will be led by clubs who in
    the interest of their fans their players
    and their leagues will decide what makes
    sense for them well thank you thank you
    very much burn now it's the time to
    answer some questions and please notice
    that we cannot answer every question and
    this live stream but our team will come
    back to everyone of you with an answer
    so I've got the first one which is from
    uh Jimmie Garner from PA media MH you
    have won the right to compete but how
    will you convince clubs to join can you
    announce who is on
    board well our proposal has to be
    convinced and convincing um and we
    invite clubs to shape and to help shape
    this proposal um and we want to reach as
    as many as as clubs as possible to shape
    and to contribute there are clubs who
    are really interested in our proposal
    and to learn more uh and to contribute
    but now dropping uh clubs would divide
    football we don't want to divide
    football we want to unite football and
    everybody makes uses the opportunity of
    today's historic day to lead football
    into a new era thank you and the next
    one is from niaer from RMC report are
    you reaching out your hands to WEA today
    we reached out our hands to everybody in
    the football Family actually what we
    have done over the past 18 years have
    been a dialogue conducting um and and
    embracing everybody who wants to discuss
    about the problems discuss about
    potential Solutions and that included
    waer um I was actually traveling there
    last year and I'm happy and open to do
    so again well that's fantastic the next
    one is from David alvare uh from elpis
    in uh 2021 when the Super League was
    presented it was financed by JP Morgan
    with 4,000 Millions Euros for 23 years
    how much does the project have right now
    who is financing it and under which
    conditions well now financing is
    probably more focused um on UniFi um we
    explained and shared our vision for a a
    unique platform a fan Centric streaming
    platform that brings together the clubs
    and fans like it was never done before
    and with reaching a number of of
    billions of fans unprecedented also
    because it is a very attractive free
    offer to watch live matches so it is it
    is investors will back us on the
    development and the launch uh and um and
    the and running this platform um and
    this is where why we're currently
    reaching out to investors to safeguard
    this extremely fan Centric and positive
    future proof vision which we share okay
    thank you the next one is from Georgia
    marota uh from course boort what could
    happen with players registrations if the
    federations decide to take away the
    licensing from clubs participating in
    the Super League project that's a very
    interesting question um which uh which
    will be discussed and then we are happy
    to discuss about that today is the
    moment of cont not licensing and and and
    confrontation and dividing today is the
    day where football had access had gained
    access to the values and the freedoms of
    the European Union the judges of the ecj
    gave football the freedom to deter their
    own football and empowered clubs to to
    really take their own destiny in their
    hands so if we succeed to promote the
    best idea and to promote the best
    proposed form it I think we can unite
    clubs um and uh and avoid confrontation
    which is not our aim
    that's fantastic so I've got another one
    from William Pereira from 20 minutes
    your opponents see the super league as
    the opponent of national leagues such as
    La Liga how do you
    respond this initiative wants to
    strengthen clubs it wants to give them
    Empower them to determine their own uh
    Destiny but also strengthen them
    financially allowing them to have a
    really strong financial column on the
    back of their European uh participation
    if that strengthens a lot of clubs in
    domestic leagues as well then it's
    positive it should be positive and it
    will be positive for domestic leagues as
    well okay I've got the last one from Ros
    B Meer sorry for the pronation yeah it's
    quite difficult for me German uh from
    nport he says if participation in the
    super league is only guaranteed by
    financial means and not on sporting
    grounds isn't that the death nail for
    football and do you expect resistance
    from nonparticipating clubs to the
    creation of the Super League well first
    of all we couldn't be clearer about
    sporting mered as the essence of the
    whole proposal um it's open it's
    meritocratic it's accessible the right
    to dream is alive as it probably has
    never been alive before um and
    nonpartisan painting clubs will access
    to uh transparently and uh third party
    pledged and distributed uh participation
    in a solidarity pool which will be three
    times higher the one who is currently
    distributed uh but within the system so
    solidarity openness and meritocracy are
    cornerstones of our proposal well thank
    you very much Burt and this is it for
    the moment thank you all very much for
    uh being here and uh well we're going uh
    to say goodbye soon do you want to add
    something at this presentation what is
    really important is that today is a the
    beginning of a new era today is a day
    where clubs can decide their own future
    our ambition is to empower clubs and to
    be at their service to develop and to
    concrete on the proposal and that every
    club and every football fan out there
    has yeah the right to dream of the
    football of their dreams so see you soon
    and um the football of your dreams
  19. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Yep, 4 hours well spent there dude :)
    feyenoordsoccerfan repped this.
  20. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
    United States
    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Less than two minutes.
  21. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I meant the time I estimated it would take to read and try to understand it :D

    It was a joke, IOW.
  22. Do they have chartered accountants reports on the validity of their financial claims, or commitments from media etc. ?
  23. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
    United States
    Apr 18, 2015
    Nr Kingston NY
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Why don't you check and tell us?
  24. What's their site?
    I only get samsung smartphones coming up.

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