First, this is a small, but soccer-smart discussion board. I'd like to see it sustained, but probably under a different banner. We could keep each other informed and involved in the game. How about re-organizing as the WOMEN'S SOCCER: Northwest regional forum Second, would there be any interest in organizing a CyberRays tribute game (a la ABL) for the benefit of local youth soccer clubs, such as MACSA, Santa Clara Sporting, PAL or AYSO. Unfortunately, Soccerhead probably was the financial advisor for WUSA.
I'd love to be a part of something like this. We need some closure...even the post-season CyberTeers get-toghether has been cancelled (something I hope I can beg to overturn).
I hope they're in no great hurry to get rid of the WUSA forums. It would be nice if they left them around until the dust settles. But yeah, eventually we're going to need to go somewhere else. I do like the low-traffic, regional nature of this forum, and I hope its successor, whatever it may be, retains those qualities. Sounds like a great idea! What would be the format of such a game? (I don't get the ABL reference.)
Well, to sustain it, we need to use it. Keep posting! The format could be very simple. Small stadium (Buck Shaw? New Maloney?) and two local teams. Probably CyberRays plus one of our local college favorites or the Spirit (Aly Wagner version), since so many are Californians. This is all conjecture, but 2-5,000 tickets to cover Expenses - travel for 15 players..............$15,000 - stadium fees........................$ 5,000 - refs, field marshalls, etc.........$ 2,000 - publicity..............................$10,000 -------------------------------$32,000 Revenues - 3,000 tickets at $8.00............$24,000 - concessions and parking..........$10,000 --------------------------------$34,000 Timing should probably be in the winter, comfortably for from the WWC, MLS, and College Cups, so there will be some latent demand for live soccer action. I can think of a few other formats. Not an issue, just looking to see if there is feasible and if there is fan interest. A group of folks from Mountain View organized a tribute game for the Lasers after the ABL abruptly shut down a few years back.
Quality ideas, Roel! However, I must take issue with the following: Maybe you meant it, tongue-in-cheek. I can't tell. However, this statement is uncalled for. He has been a hit with kids and adults, alike -- great ambassador for WUSA and *all* forms of soccer. The CyberRays were lucky to have him. The fact that he was hired as their financial director AFTER the start of this past season does not qualify him for your insinuation. On the contrary, he is a passionate supporter of all soccer and a man of character. --Socceroo
I was making fun of the tagline, not the person. Soccerhead is a great character. And I didn't realize he was the financial director. Interesting!
Ok. I thought I sensed a trace of innuendo. Now I understand. If I didn't know Zack, I might have said something similar. Actually, he is a financial analyst, by day; came from a large accounting firm (don't remember which one). As he has put his heart and soul into the league, I just didn't want to see him slighted, that's all. <shields_down> I'm ok, now. As you were, gentlemen! --Socceroo