Trevor Adair arrested for domestic battery

Discussion in 'College & Amateur Soccer' started by Sandon Mibut, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    Bad news for the Clemson men's soccer coach, the Clemson program, the ACC and college soccer in general.

    Trevor Adair, Clemson men’s soccer coach, was arrested early Saturday morning on charges of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature following a domestic dispute at his home.

    First off, innocent until proven guilty. Trevor deserves his day in court and due process of law.

    But, this is not good.

    Trevor has a long history with the school but if he's guilty I'll be surprised if he survives this with his job in tact. Rule One of all non-revenue players and coaches is stay out of trouble and don't bring negative media attention on the school.
  2. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
  3. Vilhelm

    Vilhelm Member

    Sep 9, 2005
    Bad news for the program? Maybe in the short term.
  4. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    Well, it's certainly not good news.

    If the coaching situation for Clemson is still up in the air this summer, it could have a negative impact on recruiting for 2010.

    That said, I suspect the university will have this resolved by then.

    Either the charges against Trevor get dropped (which is what I'm guessing happens given the people he allegedly assaulted were his daughters and I can't see them testifying against him), he is acquitted or he resigns or is canned in the next couple weeks.

    I doubt he resigns and I doubt he's canned before the case goes to trial.

    So, I'm guessing that by the time coaches are allowed by the NCAA to call recruits this summer that this will be behind Clemson in one way or the other and they'll be able to ride it out.

    But it's still a black eye for Trevor and the program, even if he's not guilty.
  5. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
  6. Flascrplr0810

    Flascrplr0810 New Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    I agree with Sandon - This is the United Stated of America. What ever happened to "innocent until proven guilty. Trevor deserves his day in court and due process of law."

    This is a very unfortunate situation for the Adair's. Anyone who knows Trevor and his family personally knows what a wonderful family they are; respectful, harworking, personable, kind, courteous, genuine, thoughtful, intelligent, and the list goes on and on. Every family we know has extreme amounts of difficulty parenting their teenageres in today's society. As a society, we should show compassion and empathy. Rather than trash this coach, everyone who has benefitted from their care, hardwork and generosity should stand up and give their support to a man and his family in this time of need.

    Here is ours: Coach Adair - Our prayers are with you, your wife and the girls. You are one of our most favorite people we have ever met, not to mention you are one of our most favorite coaches. Attending your summer camps has always been the highlight of the summer for our family, and your family and staff respresent the best in the business. You are a great man. You are kind, compassionate, generous and respectful. You have grown the level of soccer at both the youth and collegiate levels. From our children's perspective, they state there is no camp in the country that offers such a high level of soccer, respect, and fun all rolled into one package. We attribute this to all the hard work put into the program at Clemson by you, your wife and your staff.

    All of our best to you Coach Adair!
  7. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    Here's a short AP blurb on the story taken from CNN & SI's soccer section.

    There's nothing new in the story that wasn't in the previous links. However, the fact that it's gone national (the Washington Post also mentioned it on their soccer blog) is more troubling for Adair because it is news that casts the school negatively.

    I mean, this is the headline on the AP story at Clemson coach charged for attack on daughters

    As I said previously, Rule One for non revenue coaches and players is to avoid negative publicity and Trevor, not guilty or not, has failed to do that and that's not gonna win him any favors with the athletic and academic administrations at Clemson.
  8. collegesoccer

    collegesoccer Member+

    Apr 11, 2005

    Here is my prediction. Daughters come home late after a night out and Trevor goes crazy as any parent would. With cell phones, daughter calls 911 on her dad. At least that is what I hope is the story.
  9. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    It's apparently the degree to which he went crazy that is the problem.

    You don't get charged with a pair of A&B charges for arguing with your kids when they break curfew. For that to happen, there needed to be a violent act of some sort.

    Now, the question becomes where that violence falls in the corporal punishment scale. I mean, I spank my kids and I think Trevor would be within his rights as a parent to do the same.

    At the same time, being a dad doesn't give me free range to tee off on my kids and hit them without impunity and the same thing applies to all parents, including Adair.

    So, if we accept that his daughters broke a family rule - and to be clear, there's no evidence saying they did - and Trevor responded by getting physical - and again, that's an assumption at this point, though the media reports and the police charges certainly imply that at the least, the police THINK he got physical with his daughters - the question becomes whether what he did falls under reasonable parental discipline or crossed a line into assault.

    It's a very difficult and sensitive issue to discuss because we don't know specifically what Adair is alleged to have done and what led up to it.
  10. collegesoccer

    collegesoccer Member+

    Apr 11, 2005
    When I said "goes crazy" I meant verbally disciplining them - with maybe a stern escort to their room. I am sure that anytime someone calls 911 there is going to be an arrest and I am sure that some kids don't understand the severity of what making a 911 call and its implications means. As I said, this is what I "hope" happened.
  11. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    Nah, it's not that cut and dry.

    There are plenty of 911 calls by angry neighbors who complain about things enough to summon the police but the police then decide know actual crime was committed.

    Happens all the time. If the cops made an arrest for every 911 call, by the end of the night every holding cell in the country would be bursting at the seems.
  12. TheBobCrayBand

    TheBobCrayBand New Member

    Mar 25, 2009
    So what would it take for the cops to arrest and charge Him of assault and battery, "an unlawful act of violent injury". I would think there would need to be some evidence of a physical nature to do that. Would the cops arrest and charge if the girls said "he pushed me." I wouldn't think so. Even if they said he slapped me I doubt that they would arrest him unless there was some major damage evident. It isn't listed as a "domestic dispute" that you see so often on COPS. I know I watched COPS. Something elevated it to assault. Can we get Nancy Grace to get to the bottom of this.
  13. Mikey mouse

    Mikey mouse Member

    Jul 27, 1999
    Charleston, SC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Im pretty sure in SC that when the police are called out on a Domestic call, someone gets taken in.

    Most of the time is to defuse the situation and nine times out of ten the charges are dropped.
  14. TheBobCrayBand

    TheBobCrayBand New Member

    Mar 25, 2009
    So if everyone is taken in do they all get charged with assault and battery? It seems there would be a lesser charge to give if they are required to take someone in each time they show up.
  15. TheBobCrayBand

    TheBobCrayBand New Member

    Mar 25, 2009

    Unlucky for you that I know where you live. The cops should be there in a second. I called 911 because as I was walking by and I heard screams coming from from your house and I guess that means you have to go downtown. It doesn't seem right to me but I am going to test it out to see what happens.

    Greta Van Susteren
  16. TexasScr

    TexasScr New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
    Any update?
  17. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
  18. Dsocc

    Dsocc Member

    Feb 13, 2002
  19. fishon

    fishon Member

    Apr 27, 2007

    you are an insensitive tool that needs their arse kicked.
  20. TexasScr

    TexasScr New Member

    Feb 28, 2008
  21. socafan

    socafan New Member

    Oct 13, 2005
    he was also at Reg 3 ODP camp, I suppose he will begin working with National Team of some sort?
  22. thisguy

    thisguy New Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    AC Milan
    Concern for Clemson

    Concern for Clemson
    I have an extreme concern for the wellbeing of the Clemson men’s soccer program. They have struggled to make the NCAA tournament the past two years, and they look to be headed for an underachieving season once again. The concern and reason for writing this post was brought on by a sickening feeling in my stomach as I sat and watched Clemson play UNC Charlotte. The men’s team had been off to a slow start losing to Gardner Webb in their home opener and then to their instate rival, South Carolina. In both games they played well and had many opportunities to win, but they could not seem to shake the demons of their past in not being able to finish during key moments of the game. Following the South Carolina match, the quizzical whispers and blog posts that began were par for the course for a program held to such a high standard. At the same time though, the question remained, how much effect did Trevor Adair’s resignation have on these players? Their recent losses to Wake Forest and Elon now seem to put the emphasis on what has happened in the past and how the team will respond in the present Post-Trevor era.
    I am a person who is close to this program—not only in heart but also in the relationships that I have with past and current members of the team. I know of the struggles and problems that have taken place over the last few years, and I thought that Trevor’s absence would bring a new fresh start to a floundering program. Many people could have lashed out at the administration, coaching staff, and the players for the direction in which this season has started to go. As far as I know, the atmosphere had remained positive for the most part after their first two losses—there had not been any accusations or excuses as result of these outcomes. It was fairly quiet in Tigertown, and the supporters were still waiting with the hope that Clemson was going to move forward in their third game.
    The UNC Charlotte game was threadbare and boring to say the least. The players did not come out with the same spark they seemed to possess the previous two games. The 1-1 tie should have left me feeling a little better as the boys managed a positive result when the play was lackluster at best. Instead, I was appalled to witness an intoxicated Trevor Adair heckling members of the team from outside the stadium fence with his wife. I did not believe that it was him at first, but many people confirmed that it was, and the things that he was yelling were not supportive of his old team. I thought Trevor would have some humility as there are several things that could have come out about his past problems with the bottle and his rock star life style. He was fortunate that the administration, coaching staff, and players have kept it all quiet because of their collective belief in the system and that the right thing would be done. If this is the way Trevor is going to act, then people need to know that the charges that were brought against him are true, and he is lucky to have only lost his job.
    After calling their teenage daughter to pick them up from a local restaurant bar, Trevor and his wife arrived back home in the early hours of the morning. An argument ensued, and Trevor was arrested and charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. What exactly does that mean? In a nutshell, it is the intent to commit a felony by the infliction of a serious bodily injury that may include great disparity in the ages or physical conditions of the parties, or a difference in gender. Translation: Trevor is a middle-aged man who physically assaulted his two teenage daughters after coming home drunk. Please be reminded that this is a serious charge as it falls right beneath the charge of assault and battery with the intent to kill. I will not go into the heinous details of the actual assault, but this is the bare-bones truth of the matter. For the official news story, click the following link:
    Many may ask how one possibly could know the true story and how the events of that evening really played out. I would respond with another question: “How could one not know the story if they were closely involved in the Clemson soccer community in any way, shape or form?” The two daughters were obviously shaken up and scared for their own well being. They let the word out in its entirety before their parents forced them to consider what was at stake for their own futures if their father were to lose his job. It should be noted that at the time of the incident, both girls attended Daniel High School, where three Clemson men’s soccer players coached Daniel’s High School’s boys’ j.v. and varsity teams in the spring. Currently, all four coaches who are on staff at Clemson coach teams within the local soccer club where most of the Daniel players play club ball. There is absolutely no way that the players and coaches did not know what was going on.
    In order to wholeheartedly understand Trevor’s capacity for these actions, one must understand that what happened in the early morning hours of April 11th was not an isolated occurrence of ludicrous behavior. One must look beyond the events of that night and understand that there have been specific incidents involving Trevor Adair that have foreshadowed the problems that have come to fruition. At an away game versus Virginia Tech, Trevor tried to walk back to the hotel after the loss. The hotel was miles from the field, and he showed up several hours later in a squad car. Trevor once punished his team for pictures that showed up on Facebook from their spring break vacations. Players leaked out that they were furious at this recourse because during the same vacation week, one of the players had to drive to Augusta to pick up a highly intoxicated Trevor Adair from a strip club. Trevor held minimal office hours, and before the April 11th incident, he had only attended a handful of spring training sessions for his Clemson team that practiced daily.
    Trevor’s commitment and ability to properly represent a respectable university program was lost years ago. The persona he presented and continues to present to the Clemson community is fake, a façade, and it was only a matter of time before a broader audience was finally allowed a glimpse of his true colors. The incident in April was not, however, just a flash in the pan; it was a culmination of the daughters’ anger that their father was (is) a drunk and has no respect for anyone. The story of the incidents on April 11th is true as well as everything that followed:
    Top 10 Truths About Trevor
    1)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Trevor assaulted his two teenage daughters.
    2)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]The Monday following the incident, the team voted him out and went to the Athletic Director.
    3)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Trevor has threatened players verbally and put them in very compromising positions throughout the ordeal and after.
    4)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]In the end, 6 – 7 players were going to transfer if he was allowed back.
    5)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Players threw a blowout party when he “resigned”.
    6)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]There is an alumni Facebook/MySpace page dedicated to the bashing of Trevor Adair.
    7)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Trevor was hit over the head with a blunt object by a Clemson student during the altercation.
    8)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Trevor has shown up to a game drunk to heckle the team.
    9)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]People like to criticize Clemson in this new era without him, but last year at this same time with Trevor Adair, the team was 1-4-1.
    10)[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]When one looks at this program there is a common denominator: Trevor has found a way to destroy everything in his personal and professional life, and it has left his family and the young men at Clemson struggling to move forward.
    Click below and pay attention to the second post in the yellow comment section.
  23. Vilhelm

    Vilhelm Member

    Sep 9, 2005
    Re: Concern for Clemson
  24. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    Re: Concern for Clemson

    Good.... frikkin'.... God!

    It was a matter of time before things like this started coming out, but, damn....

    I'm not sure which is worse: the accusation that he - and his wife - needed his daughters to come pick him up because he was drunk and that's what led to the incident that cost him his job OR that he was drunk and standing outside Riggs heckling his former players OR that he called them to pick him up at a titty bar in Augusta.

    Regardless, they don't paint a pretty picture and while these are just anonymous accusations of one person, they do confirm things that have been whispered about for awhile.
  25. luvdogs

    luvdogs New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
    Re: 2009 Official - "Coach's on the Hot Seat" Thread

    If these accusations are true...Unbelievable!!!!!!!

    Sounds like this behavior has been tolerated for some time. Very, very sad for the daughters and the young men of the Clemson team to have to tolerate this and cover up for their father and coach.

    Clemson needs to keep Adair away from the team and put an end to the abuse.

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