Looks like all smiles from Gerard and Dimitri.... Here's the link. http://boards.rivals.net/Default.Asp?Sid=890&P=2&Stid=8268712 With the recent injuries we have sustained on defense .. it's nice too see he's going to stick around this season.
Don't forget Wrighty is comming off an injury so we really need to make sure he has good coverage till he proves that he is at 100%.
Traore is a central defender really. Playe out of position at left-back two seasons ago but still played well, despite a fews lapses of concentration. The spell on loan has done him the world of good. Let's hope he gets a chance this season. Flugel http://www.lfconline.com
Me too. I think he was caught in a vicious circle, because everyone knew he was prone to the odd mistake, though not as many as his reputation would suggest. So the opposition quite rightly would target him alot more, which inturn would lead to another mistake. Though like I said he was definatly a likeable chap.
I'm a glass-half-full kind of guy too, but I'd be lying if I didn't say the first thing that always comes to mind is his Zidane-like pullback inside his own six-yard box against Burnley.
He had a good match today in Honkers. Managed to frustrate a lot of our right wing movement. But then again the only good movement today was a pre match bowel movement from Jaimie who blamed the chinese food.
I always had the feeling that he had more ability than he displayed. He, however, was a confidence player and once he made a hash, he would mentally disintegrate.