I'm thrilled with the results today, as my 2nd and 3rd initial trainees popped to excellent. I feel real lucky to have 3 excellent IMs now after only 13 full weeks in Hattrick. TSI +790/-780 Form +5/-5 Playmaking +2
oooh ahhh My ************ 17 year old striker trainee got less ************. he went from inadequate to passable. he has passable passing too. and he's unpredictable, I love unpredictacle forwards.
I my 18 year old IM pop to outstanding playmaking this week. Keeps him in contention for a U-20 spot still, although he may be in some trouble. Also had a defender pop to weak PM form was not so hot +3/-7
None of my def. trainee's popped. There's one inad one left that hasn't hit passable yet and he's trained for 7 weeks, looks like I bought him right after he hit inad or just got unlucky on someone's YP. Form +2/-8 (some key players too) Still 2 weeks until i get my first couple defenders to hit solid. At least that last shmuck trainee should jump next week.
Had my 17 yo Swede with fantastic secondaries pop to solid PM last night. Form was decent. Slowly starting to recover from the off season stamina training.
Form is pretty good right now. 4 starters at excellent and 3 at solid. 19yo popped to formidable PM. That means I should be getting a couple pops next week or the week after, as most of my players pop within a week or two of each other.
No pops, but form was +11/-0. I don't understand form changes, I'm now +61, -59 since I got the team and I trained stamina for 6 weeks.
What a good week - I had three defenders all pop to Solid (including my YP from last week). I also had a winger pop to weak defending. Form +11/-8 TSI +720/-360 Defending +4
Form was +9/-3 2 of the decreases were at excellent before, so no big hit there. Earlier in the week my 32 yr old Wingback dropped from Passable to Inad. winger skill. After training last night, he's popped back to Passable again.
19 yr Dutch im went to formable-think he was passable when i bought him. 18 yr Scot im went from excellent to formible-bought him as a solid. He is on the U-20 Scotland rador although they don't have a table saying where the player ranks. 20 yr America went from outstanding to magnificent-he was a 17 yr solid yp. Wish I could have jumped and started training him then, but i was dealing with scoring at the time. 18 yr Dane-went to solid-bought him as a passable im.
My best PM went to "Supernatural". My best player ever as he has excellent stamina and Passable passing and passable wing Form was crappy. My daughter -- who trains winger -- now has a 17 year old formidable winger -- she bought a week one excellent and has a solid coach. I think she should be grounded!!
Wish I knew exactly how training went this week but I'm away from home and don't have HAM on the ibook. What I can tell is that my starting GK's form finally went up from wretched. Just started and bought the guy (passable) for 35K, my most expensive transfer so far, and all he's been getting are 1 star ratings which is kinda a bummer.