ticket promotion for tonight's game (7/16)

Discussion in 'New York Red Bulls' started by regulator, Jul 16, 2005.

  1. regulator

    regulator Member

    Apr 25, 2004
    New Jersey
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    for once, i find out about a ticket promotion before the game...nice.

    buried several levels deep in the metrostars website..i found this which can be used for tonight's game: https://secure.mlsnet.com/MLS/met/tickets/2005/western_union/

    10 dollar tickets, not bad at all. you can buy the tickets online with the promotional code (which is dumb, cuz they charge u)...or u can go to a stop and shop and pick up the flyers, and bring them to the game tonight at the gate (which is what im gonna do).
  2. MLS SupaStr3

    MLS SupaStr3 New Member

    Jul 2, 2003
    i got free tickets for tonight. i'm not sure how though.

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