Since the man known here as "Whoregreaves" turned his back on his nation of birth to play for England, how do England fans rate his play on the field?
I'm american, but i have to agree with you on that one. it was pretty cold to decide to play for England despite NEVER playing or living there in his entire life previously. I find that rather odd and disappointing.
His parents came to Canada from England, his dad is English and his mum is Welsh. How is it "cold" for him to choose to play for England when he's stated that he wants to move and live in England in the future and feels closest to England due to his direct ancestry? He left Canada as soon as he could, before he was even an adult. I think someone who moved to a country for financial reasons and was then manipulated into playing for them (i.e. Freddy Adu) is what's really cold and the thing that needs to be cut out of international football. Blackmailed to play for the US in return for citizenship for him and his family, that's sick.
Freddy Adu's citizenship had nothing to do with him playing for the USA. He's family came to the USA by legal means (green card), and after living here over 5 years he obtained his citizenship. He would have gotten his citizenship regardless of whether he chose to play for the USA or for Ghana.
Try the fact that when he was on a Canadian soccer TV program, he stated that his dream was to play for Canada. At that time, England wasn't even in the fold as Canada was seemingly winning out over Wales. Less than a year later, he's capped by England. He's also avoided attempts to explain his decision to the Canadian media. Then again, he's biggest strenght seems to be able to lie with a straight face.
Link? I would be initially sceptical he ever used the exact phrase "I dream of playing for Canada" - unless he was drunk at the time. Why would anyone dream of playing Canada? Even people with Canadian ancestry don't dream of playing for Canada! They dream of moving to the US, earning big money and leaving Canada behind. Besides, regardless of this, he's ours now and he needs England more than England need him
huh! like if he played for Canada they will win the world cup or even qualify 4 it!!! beside i don't see him as a player that can make a difference in any team even for his club i don't think he is making that much impact. look at david trezeguet he only played for France cos he could not get in Argentina under 20 team ..after winning the world cup and euro 2000 he was wearing a hat with the argentine flag colors on it.. that is someone who is loyal!! i think he is happy that he was not picked 2 play 4 argentina cos he won a world cup while the argentine players that are in his age still looking 4 any kind of trophy in the senior level!!
I've said this before, but I remember reading an article a few years ago about an up-and-coming youngster at Bayern who was eligible to play for Canada, England, Wales and Germany. The gist of the article was that England should call him up as soon as possible, backed up with some quotes from Hargreaves along the lines of "My dad has been the biggest influence on my footballing career and he'd never let me represent anyone except England." This was about 4 years ago.
i think hargreeves is a decent member of the england squad i wouldnt put him in the strting line up but i definatly think he should be in the squad, and why on earth would anyone want to play for canada or wales in football, canada never do anything and although wales have improved a great deal latley when he made his decision they were nothing. i would have picked england over germany well just coz i woild never play for germany to much hatred over the years.
Indeed - A teenager who changes his mind about something. Clearly he should be tarred and feathered... Particularly as he has chosen to play for a team that may, possibly, stand a chance of actually winning something instead of, well, Canada. And his father wants him to play for England as well - what sort of a reason is that?
I think Hargreaves made a humongeous blunder being a bit-part player with England when he could have been a Canada regular.
This room is why i love big soccer so much, so many bitter people! Owen Hargreaves never dreamed of playin 4 canada at all. If that was the case i think the english media would of picked up on that 1 as they love to dissect and critise the national team. I read an article on Owen, about how his birth was planned to take place in england because his father wanted him to be born there like his brothers however his mother gave birth sooner than expected. Hargreaves is not in the tiniest way canadian at all. Get over it. Oh and another point i think Hargreaves will become a good utility player 4 England. He is 10times better than P. Neville and Butt.
We know how the engish media lacks any brains. Owen joined England to punch his ticket. End of Story. "When I was interested in Canada they weren't interested in me," Hargreaves was once quoted as saying.
Link would be hard as it was a televised interview on a Canadian show called Soccer Central at the end of 2000. He has said in a subsequent interview that he considers himself Canadian and hopes to do a lot for Canadian soccer. In any event, I fail to see why this saga continues. He made his choice and Canadian soccer fans have to move on. Nothing to see here.
For a player who will probably end up playing in the EPL, it seems like a logical decision. Playing for Canada he will likely not get to the World Cup. But the biggest factor may be that playing for Canada will have a negative effect on his form and health for club and country. Look at the regulars for the US and Mexico who have played in Europe. Blanco, Reyna, Sanneh and O'Brian are continually injured. The travel to play qualifiers in Central America and still play top level in Europe is difficult enough, but the fields, referees and fanatics make it dangerous as well.
I like the way Hargreaves plays. I'd play him ahead of Gerard. But that is just me. Hargreaves and Scholes in the center mid. Now you are talking.
i think your mad if u want him ahead of gerrard but i think he should play ahead of butt i also think it may be worth wild playing beckham in the middle he seems to be doing it so well for madrid at picking out the striker owen would relish the type of balls he is producing at madrid. i also think scholes should not start at teh momemnt his form isnt the best at the moment maybe dyer could have a go at right mid as i think he would produce a better performance on the right rather than the left where he alsways seems to play for england. still a problem on the left though????