This is America folks. Please read this article. If any lawyers among us, please step up and let's all help this young guy.
Well if everyting that is described in the stroy is true, he was denied Due Process and deserves to have a retrial.
That is really amazing, coming from you.. May be you should read the article again.... Mind you, rape is a serious crime, so as any other crimes. Every person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Did you read the article? There was no evidence he raped anyone it is a he said she said. The young man whether he did it or not was not given a fair chance to defend himself. When the Judge Brian Hill then told the jury it would take too long to review everything so they should just review what they had already heard is a miscarriage of justice. Exculpatory evidence not being revealed by the prosecution the judge and the prosecutor should be brought up on charges. I am not saying that the rape did not happen but this is a case that is a pure example of a failed judicial system.
Are you kidding me?? How about you go back and actually read the article before deciding he's guilty. Just because someone is accused (or even convicted, for that matter) of a crime does not make them automatically guilty (e.g. Hurricane Carter). Just because someone is declared innocent does not mean they didn't commit the crime either. That article and the information it provides points overwhelmingly in favor of Frimpong. Hopefully, if the case is extended, the people involved won't be as hasty and harsh in their judgements as you. This is the United States, where you are innocent until proven guilty. Accusations are just that, and the lack of hard evidence in this case makes it absolutely rediculous for anyone to declare him guilty and deserving of any punishment.
The worst bit is where the judge said they couldn't hear Frimpong's statement because he wanted the trial to finish faster so he could bugger off on Holiday!
Did you even read read the article? It seems as if the trial and investigate were as reliable as a rumour on your crap blog.