It has to be the financial situation!! The players it seems put 100 percent on the pitch everytime. At: "The club also posted a loss of €67.7 million, compared with a profit of €3.3 million for the previous 12 months". This was at the link(above)!
It's enough! (kimba) "Victory or blood on the post" - that's what the new old president Rauball expected from the team. But, as so often, they didn't listened. That can be the only reason for that catastrophic performance against Hamburg. Entire match report: Some pics: p.s.: Horrible match!!!!! :-(
Keith's Response: I'd say both. On top the those problems, before Stuttgart, the team had been seriously unlucky too. I think after being deservedly beaten in Stuttgart, the frustration finally overwhelmed them against HSV and they had their worst showing of the season. Tomorrow's match against Bayer will be the true measure of just where they are. And as I stated in another message, I'll settle for a fighting draw. I don't need a win. Heck, I'd even be encouranged if they lose a tight match. So long as they don't roll over again. The club's website also says BvM will be calling up 17 year old Marc-André Kruska for this match. He won't start, but it's good to get the kid used to the atmosphere. And as one of the people on the BVB List I help run says, "He can't be worse than Bergdolmo!" Keith