They Needed a Minivan but Got a Gio: Reyna at Nottingham Forest (Olf Borussia Dortmund)

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by jond, Dec 6, 2017.

  1. RossD

    RossD Member+

    Aug 17, 2013
    Colorado Rapids
    But the team also isn't getting a full season's revenue from him.
    The specifics don't really matter. I think the problem Gio has is his salary is really high in relation to his on-the-field production. Why he hasn't gotten on the field is open for discussion. But potential teams are mostly looking at what he's done on the field recently, not the conflicting reports about why he's not playing (His fault, coaches fault, whatever). Taking on Gio was going to be a gamble for most teams since he hasn't played much. Some teams saw that worth taking but a lot did not.
    Regarding Pulisic, we have no idea what his actual contract with Milan looks like, all we can go off of are the headlines of stories which shockingly, sometimes aren't accurate. But whether it's a small or large cut he took a pay cut to get out of Chelsea and get to Milan.
    But Chelsea was a disaster compared to Dortmund so almost everyone agrees Pulisic was smart to do that. It's all about the context for each situation.
  2. TimB4Last

    TimB4Last Member+

    May 5, 2006
    SempreMilan posted a salary list that seems reasonable, in context ...

    Leao €5m (2028)
    Chukwueze €4m (2028)
    Hernandez €4m (2026)
    Loftus-Cheek €4m (2027)
    Pulisic €4m (2027)
    Bennacer €3.8m (2027)
    Giroud €3.5m (2024)
    Tomori €3.5m (2027)
    Florenzi €3m (2025)
    Maignan €2.8m (2026)
    Jovic €2.5m (2024)
    Caldara €2.2m (2024)
    Calabria €2m (2025)
    Kalulu €2m (2027)
    Okafor €2m (2028)
    Musah €2m (2028)
    Reijnders €1.7m (2028)
    Kjaer €1.5m (2024)
    Pobega €1m (2027)
    Sportiello €1m (2027)
    Adli €0.8m (2026)
    Gabbia €0.8m (2026)
    F. Terracciano €0.8m (2028)
    Thiaw €0.8m (2027)
    Mirante €0.7m (2024)
    Nava €0.25m (2027)
  3. Khan

    Khan Member+

    Mar 16, 2000
    On the road
    #13128 Khan, Mar 1, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
    And, he can't prove the concept of him being healthy by riding pine.

    See, the downside risk of him having rotted on the bench at Chelski could have lead to him ending up in MLS, at a lower wage than he could get in Milan. Instead, he took a paycut, in order to further his playing time, and thus preserve his club career at this level:

    OTOH, Gio's YA status is slowly circling the drain, such that you might be able to see him in Colorado soon. [Maybe you guys can do a "discovery claim," or some other such calvinball to get him into your team!]

    And whether or not his lack of PT is down to his commitment in training, or whether or not its down to him NOT respecting and being open to coaching, or for other reasons, he's gotta figure that out sooner rather than later. That is, if we want to keep posting about him as a YA, and if he wants to have a career actually PLAYING in Europe.
    russ and The Irish Rover repped this.
  4. Khan

    Khan Member+

    Mar 16, 2000
    On the road
    Twellman seems to disagree:

    If its TL/DR for you, here's an excerpt:

    ..."If you’re really leaving Dortmund for Forest when six weeks before that, four months before that, Sevilla was the one that everyone was telling me that’s where he’s going to end up. A relegation battle in the Premier League does not suit Gio Reyna. I don’t care who you are and who’s trying to convince me on that – that’s not going to work."

    I don't always agree with Twellman on everything, but I do agree that Sevilla would have been a better fit for the type of player that he is.
    The Irish Rover and ChicagoVT repped this.
  5. HScoach13

    HScoach13 Member+

    Nov 30, 2016
    Tightshirt does not keep up their were no rumors of Sevilla four months ago
    RossD repped this.
  6. Khan

    Khan Member+

    Mar 16, 2000
    On the road
    I appreciate your pining for my return.

    That said, too often YA is viewed through the lens of Country > Club, and the misplaced belief that each and every player spends all day long thinking about his future USMNT prospects.

    But I'm really a Club >>>>>>> Country guy, so YA hasn't been my go-to for these boards.

    But again, you looking out for my return here really makes a guy feel welcome.
    The Irish Rover and Rossonero23 repped this.
  7. Khan

    Khan Member+

    Mar 16, 2000
    On the road

    OTOH, Reyna grew up in a household where his father played at this level, and he should have had some familiarity about how this works.

    It shouldn't take Gio as long to figure out that perhaps sacrificing some income temporarily in exchange for playing time is far superior to rotting on the bench, in order to facilitate a move back to MLS. And/or, going to the EPL wouldn't fit his skillset as somewhere on the continent.
  8. Cris 09

    Cris 09 Trololololo

    Nov 30, 2004
    Borussia Dortmund
    Nat'l Team:
    Hindsight is 20/20. If I knew then, what I know now...I would have advised him to stay at BVB.

    Regarding Sevilla, if they really wanted him, they would have found a way to make it happen and I am sure Gio would have as well. Kehl also isn't a dick...he is probably one of the nicest guys in the industry - he would have helped accommodate Gio.
    RossD, twoolley, ChrisSSBB and 1 other person repped this.
  9. Khan

    Khan Member+

    Mar 16, 2000
    On the road
    #13134 Khan, Mar 1, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
    Well, part of choosing a club to go on loan to when you have hypothetical options to choose from is to look at the club, and theorize how you'd fit in. From that same link in my previous post you quoted, here's another excerpt of what NFFC looked like, prior to Gio going there:

    ..."Right now, though, that challenge has been too much of an obstacle to overcome, with Forest's established starters having kept Reyna out of the XI.

    Captain Morgan Gibbs-White is undroppable, and he plays the No. 10 position that Reyna would ideally like to occupy. Callum Hudson-Odoi and Anthony Elanga, meanwhile, are high-upside wingers who have joined from big clubs. Their combination of pace, skill and Premier League experience at a young age make them tough to move aside.

    Off the bench, Divock Origi has generally been the primary attacking sub. The Belgian striker is, of course, a Champions League winner with Liverpool. When Forest need a goal, he's usually the first guy tossed on.

    It all means that the attacking positions are largely accounted for, making it difficult for Reyna to get through unless something were to shake up the existing group"....

    On balance, the league didn't fit him, the club's table situation didn't fit him, and the mix of players did not look to fit him, IMO. For those reasons, I thought the NFFC move was fookin' moronic, and should have been killed at the idea's conception.

    To be fair, Sevilla kinda blew their financial wad in the previous transfer windows, racking up high-salaried veterans, while stoopidly selling their GK. [Which is why they struggled in Europe, and their table position was not as high as it could/should have been.]

    They kinda didn't have the same amount of cash on hand as NFFC did. I suspect that Dortmund also had their finances in the back of their minds, in that NFFC could offset more of Gio's wages, and him getting into the EPL shop window could have meant a higher sales price for them as well.

    That said, Sevilla also had the type of team mates that would have meshed better than the group of guys that Gio encountered at NFFC. Playing alongside WC and UCL and Euro winners, while the AMC role had been cleared by Rakitic moving on to Saudi.

    Alas, here we are.
    The Irish Rover, Rossonero23 and Cris 09 repped this.
  10. Suyuntuy

    Suyuntuy Member+

    Jul 16, 2007
    Vancouver, Canada
    "You know there's a chance you'll barely play over there, why do you want to go?"
    "I miss English every time I drop by the Aldi."
    russ repped this.
  11. ebbro

    ebbro Member+

    Jun 10, 2005
    Wasn't looking out. Didn't even remember you. Just noticed a lot of activity in this thread from you recently. Pretty much all negative.
    adi21 repped this.
  12. Khan

    Khan Member+

    Mar 16, 2000
    On the road
    #13137 Khan, Mar 1, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
    Just the fact that you took the time out of your day to:

    1. Read my works here on this thread, then,
    2. Do a dedicated search of me on YA [hell, I don't even know how to do that, or why one would bother],
    3. To find, clip, and annotate the dates of my postings, and finally,
    4. Take all of that time, just to post about me,

    Well, it simply means that you must feel some affinity for me.

    Hey, its not my job to chase bunnies, butterflies and rainbows over here, while Mr. "My-Mommy-and-Daddy-Fight-My-Battles-For-Me" predictably continues to ride pine at NFFC.

    But, if you want to fall all over yourself to cut up orange slices and hand out participation trophies to Gio on these boards, that's on you.

    I mean, feel free. Go ahead and tell us exactly how awesome its been going for Gio The China Doll, and how he's maximized his potential as a player. That way, you can have all the sunshine and positivity you want on this thread.
  13. smokarz

    smokarz Member+

    Aug 9, 2006
    Hartford, CT
    Cheek will a nice act to earn FK
  14. mace

    mace Member+

    Indy 11
    United States
    Jun 5, 2004
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    C’mon man, I’ve avoiding the Puli/Musah PBP thread because I’ll watch it tonight! LOL No it’s ruined because I know that RLC earned a free kick
  15. teamitup76

    teamitup76 Member

    Mar 25, 2003
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I’m feeling a Clint Mathis, circa ‘03 ish moment coming soon for Gio…for better or worse, it’s coming. Get your watches out!!
    Sideways_E, russ, adi21 and 1 other person repped this.
  16. RossD

    RossD Member+

    Aug 17, 2013
    Colorado Rapids
    I still don't understand why people think there was a good or ideal solution to the craphole situation Gio found himself in at Dortmund. His situation at Dortmund was an F. So even a D grade is an improvement.
    I thought he'd get more time at NF but it seems at least he has a chance to play where at Dortmund it was pretty clear there was no chance.
  17. ebbro

    ebbro Member+

    Jun 10, 2005
    Not in the squad today.

    Pl@ymaker and ChrisSSBB repped this.
  18. Magic Sponge

    Magic Sponge Member

    May 13, 2000
    Nashville, TN USA
    mea culpa
    NietzscheIsDead and luftmensch repped this.
  19. DCU1984

    DCU1984 Member+

    Jan 15, 2009
    DC United
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    United States
    Wow what a complete disaster hopefully he's just sick or something.
  20. DCU1984

    DCU1984 Member+

    Jan 15, 2009
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Athletic Reporter on Twitter says Gio with a minor knock. Should be back in training next week.

  21. wrench

    wrench Member+

    May 12, 2007
    Arsenal FC
    Just a tiny bit off track, but looked at BVB starting line up today. In a weird twist, I think Gio may have been able to work himself into the lineup. I see no Rues and Adeymi starting on the left. Brandt in the middle. It's a mess either way for our guy.
    ChicagoVT repped this.
  22. Cris 09

    Cris 09 Trololololo

    Nov 30, 2004
    Borussia Dortmund
    Nat'l Team:
    Adeyemi did this...
    1763945424711241888 is not a valid tweet id
    The Irish Rover repped this.
  23. wrench

    wrench Member+

    May 12, 2007
    Arsenal FC
    The Irish Rover repped this.
  24. The Irish Rover

    The Irish Rover Member+

    Aug 1, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    Good point.
    Your modesty is most becoming. ;)

    So is your realism :thumbsup:
    Khan repped this.
  25. russ

    russ Member+

    Feb 26, 1999
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    What the holy hell could he have done to get a minor knock bad enough to sideline him?:thumbsdown:
    majspike and RossD repped this.

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