They Needed a Minivan but Got a Gio: Reyna at Nottingham Forest (Olf Borussia Dortmund)

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by jond, Dec 6, 2017.

  1. Nastrabrahmus

    Nastrabrahmus Member+

    Mar 29, 2012
    San Diego, CA
    He's not put in when they're up. He's not put in when they're down. Terzic is rotating others but not Gio. Can't even get into a cup match? Something is up, even if Gio says he's not interested in moving per sources.
    adam tash, adi21 and Mt Stone@ repped this.
  2. RecLeague Super Sub

    United States
    Jun 5, 2019
    To be fair, I’m going to choose to believe that Gio really did have a cold virus today, which is why he reportedly did not get into the lineup.
    Nonetheless, I think we agree it’s just not working out right now, for whatever reason. I’m sure he and his agent are working the possibilities.
    Casper repped this.
  3. Suyuntuy

    Suyuntuy Member+

    Jul 16, 2007
    Vancouver, Canada
    Dortmund is seeking to improve their record as the team to end second the most times in their league.

  4. Casper

    Casper Member+

    Mar 30, 2001
    New York
    They've got some work to do being seven points out of second place. But, no pesky Pokal distractions anymore.
  5. madvillain

    madvillain Member+

    Aug 28, 2011
    Brooklyn Knights
    They got humiliated today looks like, good.
  6. EricSunRa

    EricSunRa Member

    FC Dallas
    United States
    Sep 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    FC Dallas
    You're right on the possible situation behind closed doors, but I don't see how you could rule out #2 which is the one thing you would probably never find any evidence of. Dortmund is a selling team, as we all don't just go around airing a falling out with a high value asset.
  7. glutton4Bolts

    glutton4Bolts Member+

    United States
    Mar 18, 2019
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah. I went from rooting for BVB to hoping they lose. More evidence that Terciz needs to be fired. Their success in the CL is only going to prolong the ball and chain that organization has on it. BVB win despite Terzic.
    adam tash repped this.
  8. Cris 09

    Cris 09 Trololololo

    Nov 30, 2004
    Borussia Dortmund
    Nat'l Team:
    Terzic Raus!
    Namdynamo, adam tash and Pl@ymaker repped this.
  9. derek750

    derek750 Member+

    Apr 16, 2007
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Reyna on the bench against RB Leipzig. Hummels with an early red card and Borussia Dortmund are trying to hold onto a 1-1 draw with 45 minutes to go.
  10. zico21

    zico21 Member

    Aug 8, 2002
    Jamestown, NY
    Reyna on in 83 minute.
    TimB4Last and Pl@ymaker repped this.
  11. FC Tallavana

    FC Tallavana Member+

    Jul 1, 2004
    La Quinta
    I'm glad Reyna's shot near the end was saved. Regime change is needed.
    glutton4Bolts and MayaDempsey repped this.
  12. adam tash

    adam tash Member+

    Jul 12, 2013
    Barcelona, Spain
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    last season I questioned terzic's use of reyna

    most seemed to defend him due to winning

    whatever happens, I hope this is the last season Gio ever plays for this loser
    nbarbour and HScoach13 repped this.
  13. glutton4Bolts

    glutton4Bolts Member+

    United States
    Mar 18, 2019
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    10 points off the league lead and closer to falling out of all Euro comps than climbing into the CL slots. I am certainly like a broken record on this one every since they choked the BL championship last season but I will say it again. Terzic needs to go.
    russ, Pegasus and HScoach13 repped this.
  14. MayaDempsey

    MayaDempsey Member+

    Jul 29, 2014
    Michigan Bucks
    The wild thing with Terzic is that I think he knows what the current issue is….and that Gio has the skillset that he needs. He said recently that they give the ball away too much. He’s also seen that Gio has been finding the ball a lot when he’s played recently (club and country) and rarely gives it up - sometimes just control and pass off, but often playing teammates into attacking positions.

    No idea why he can’t get past the lack of running for runnings sake,
    acima, adam tash, gjackson2207 and 4 others repped this.
  15. DCU1984

    DCU1984 Member+

    Jan 15, 2009
    DC United
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    United States
    He has a mid table mentality and wants to grind out wins. It's who he is.
    adam tash, dams, Pegasus and 1 other person repped this.
  16. ChrisSSBB

    ChrisSSBB Member+

    Jun 22, 2005
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You are going to have to grind when you go down a man in the 15’ against a team of similar quality. Dortmund wasn’t bad considering the circumstances.
    Mt Stone@, russ and Cris 09 repped this.
  17. MayaDempsey

    MayaDempsey Member+

    Jul 29, 2014
    Michigan Bucks
    The problem existed, and was identified by Terzic, long before the red card, and still no Gio…despite the injuries in midfield.
  18. Blustar

    Blustar Member

    May 30, 2006
    Miami FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    My New Years resolution is to stop hating on teams because they don't play our American players for whatever reason. It's the players responsibility to get on the field.

    The coach is another thing altogether. This coach is just a little too enamored of his style or formation or whatever and can't fit the scheme to his players skillsets. A player of Reyna's quality should not get garbage minutes the whole year. It's the managers responsibility to get the best out of his players.

    But we've been through this painful conundrum before with Adu. A magician on the ball but apparently not professional enough to stick anywhere at any level! How many teams and managers did I unjustly malign??? haha

    Hopefully, Reyna is not a repeat of that nightmare. I think/hope that Reyna needs to find a team that will give him the minutes to develop his game and become the star we know he has the potential to become.

    The difference in Reyna's story are his injuries. I think he's healthy now, so he needs to play! The rest will take care of itself. We need him to develop so that we can be more than competitive next WC. All hands on deck!
    russ repped this.
  19. Cris 09

    Cris 09 Trololololo

    Nov 30, 2004
    Borussia Dortmund
    Nat'l Team:
    Watching VfB vs Bayer Leverkusen. It is amazing how much these two club have improved since the winter pause last season. What changed? The manager., you were a BVB fan as a kid. Go back to being a fan and let's get this club back on track with another manager.
  20. RecLeague Super Sub

    United States
    Jun 5, 2019
    The sour situation for our guy Gio at BvB has caused his BS forum to drop to the 3rd page. Getting it back to page 1, with an expected announcement. He is on the bench today vs PSG. if he gets little to no time today, in a no-risk match for BvB, well, we gotta free him somehow. We actually need to free him anyway…too young and too much potential to be sitting all the time.
    Winoman and madvillain repped this.
  21. madvillain

    madvillain Member+

    Aug 28, 2011
    Brooklyn Knights
    How did PSG miss that? Go PSG!
  22. grandinquisitor28

    Feb 11, 2002
    It's not an Adu situation, he became a starter before the injury in El Salvador. Then they had a coaching change and he had a never ending litany of injuries, and by the time he got back to full health, Dortmund and this coach had moved on. As an example, between the last few weeks of the '19-'20 season, and the fall of '21 he basically started more than 75% of Dortmund League matches (this is more than 40 games) and all of their CL games until an injury before their final Man City clash (he was used as a sub for that). That says to me, in his age 17-18 season of '20-'21, Dortmund was fine with making him largely an auto-starter.

    Now, three years later, he's barely sub material?

    My ----.

    Yes he was injured a litany of times for nearly two years, mostly soft tissue type things until Canada decided to breaking his <expletive> leg in Nations League when they could not defend him, but he is healthy now. His track record is superlative considering what he was doing and at how young and how effective he was off the bench last year. He needs to leave period. Adu did nothing remotely like this EVER for any club, not even DC United. I get that isn't exactly your analogy, but it doesn't really fit in any fashion. Adu might have had the capacity to be great, I have no idea, but with club and with the national team, except as a youth player, it never happened. Gio started doing it as a teenager with Dortmund, literally age 17, and did not look back for basically a solid 18 months before the injury at El Salvador. In the shirt for the national team and with club. They just aren't analogous.

    He needs to leave Dortmund this winter, and permanently no later than this summer, its a simple as that.
    Winoman repped this.
  23. madvillain

    madvillain Member+

    Aug 28, 2011
    Brooklyn Knights
    BVB getting lucky VAR to the rescue.
  24. dspence2311

    dspence2311 Member+

    Oct 14, 2007
    The young man is a cool customer
  25. dspence2311

    dspence2311 Member+

    Oct 14, 2007
    Looks like we may have a situation where both teams are happy with the draw

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