They Needed a Minivan but Got a Gio: Reyna at Borussia Dortmund

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by jond, Dec 6, 2017.

  1. Thundering165

    Thundering165 Member+

    North Carolina FC
    United States
    May 1, 2017

    I don’t think Gary is a moron. In fact, if you showed him blank tape he’d pretty reliably pick out the best prospects, and be able to dissect pros and cons at a high level. He knows the game, as much at it sucks to admit it.

    In my eyes, he has two big issues; he’s a businessman and he’s an asshole.

    The businessman side comes out in always pumping up his guys to the detriment of others. He talks about Mendez like he’s the second coming but the fact is he’s an average U20 CM who is in way over his head at Ajax (almost certainly due to Gary’s guidance). He whines about Kobe playing CB where regardless of position he was ineffective at the WC. He also positions himself as an unquestionable expert due to his coaching business. Anything he says about one of his guys I take with a massive grain of salt.

    On social media he’s abrasive and arrogant, and says ridiculous things to get a reaction. A lot of times there’s a kernel of truth. Reyna probably is a bit overrated, and while I was impressed with how he held his own during the friendlies he has a long way to go before Dortmund can trust him. He’s still the best U17 prospect but the hype is a little over the top.

    I follow Gary on my backup twitter because I can’t take him non stop, but to say he has no insight is foolish.
    Balerion repped this.
  2. dougtee

    dougtee Member+

    Feb 7, 2007
    i like the whole argument that the name 'reyna' carries some special weight in european soccer circles like claudio reyna was some kind of legendary continental figure who cruyff wished he couldve personally bestowed the #14 on even though he was at rangers instead of ajax. like wtf does anyone at dortmund care about the reyna family outside of what the reyna family can do for them?
    ardubois3, russ, Dirt McGirt and 11 others repped this.
  3. Scotty

    Scotty Member+

    Dec 15, 1999
    Also important to keep in mind is that Kleiban made that comment a year and a half ago, well before Dortmund signed Reyna and started fast-tracking him through their system.
    taylor, DHC1 and Winoman repped this.
  4. FirstStar

    FirstStar Hustlin' for the USA

    Fulham Football Club
    Feb 1, 2005
    Time's Arrow
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    Yeah, I trust BVB's evaluation more than any others at this point (18 months ago I would have given more weight to Kleiban - he has a good eye for talent). What matters now is what happens next- does BVB put him on the field in BL1 matches and, when that happens, does Gio produce. Period.
    appwrangler repped this.
  5. ebbro

    ebbro Member+

    Jun 10, 2005
    I never heard of this guy until today. I spent a few minutes on his website and read some blog posts. Seemed pretty unprofessional in his writing as well. Very cocky/ arrogant.
    ardubois3 and taylor repped this.
  6. ebbro

    ebbro Member+

    Jun 10, 2005
    The tweet was from 1.5 years ago. I think the point of posting it was to suggest Gary got it wrong. I'm not sure if that's true or not yet or if there was too much hype 1+ years ago on Reyna.
  7. bshredder

    bshredder BigSoccer Supporter

    Feb 23, 1999
    Millwall FC
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    United States
    Gary is a total charlatan and it's been obvious for awhile.

    But without Gary, we wouldn't have the @NotGaryKleiban handle - which is first rate comedy

    ardubois3, PalmettoSpur, taylor and 6 others repped this.
  8. DHC1

    DHC1 Member+

    Jun 3, 2002
    He's a guy who's at odds with the domestic establishment and got Llanez and Ledesma to leave LAG to go to elite academies (via the long route). I think it's good that someone is pushing back on MLS negotiating power over players but this other stuff is bush league and it's not only with Reyna but other USMNT youth who aren't signed with him.
  9. uniteo

    uniteo Member+

    Sep 2, 2000
    Rockville, MD
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    Of course at the time he was working for the Galaxy, so they probably felt like that was bush league too
    russ and ardubois3 repped this.
  10. bsky22

    bsky22 Member+

    Dec 8, 2003
    Mendez, not Ledezma.
    frankburgers, Gacm32 and DHC1 repped this.
  11. DHC1

    DHC1 Member+

    Jun 3, 2002
    i thought it was his brother who worked for the galaxy, no?
  12. bsky22

    bsky22 Member+

    Dec 8, 2003
    Gary didnt work for the Galaxy.

    MLS is bush league and firing Brian was short sighted.

    Congrats to Gio on his impressive rise.
  13. DHC1

    DHC1 Member+

    Jun 3, 2002
    thanks. My bad
  14. kba4life1

    kba4life1 Member+

    Jul 14, 2010
    Irvine, CA
    Paco isn’t traveling with the team and Halaand presumably isn’t fully fit to start.....
  15. uniteo

    uniteo Member+

    Sep 2, 2000
    Rockville, MD
    DC United
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    right, my bad
    DHC1 repped this.
  16. Scotty

    Scotty Member+

    Dec 15, 1999
    mace repped this.
  17. Kagler24

    Kagler24 Member+

    Nov 13, 2008
    Los Angeles
    What's he saying? I only heard Gio Reyna.
    TimB4Last and Pl@ymaker repped this.
  18. largegarlic

    largegarlic Member+

    Jul 2, 2007
    My German abilities have deteriorated to the point that I can't get much out of spoken German (though reading it is fine). So take this with a huge grain of salt, and I'd defer to anyone who actually is fluent, but from what I got, it said something like in addition to Haaland, Reyna will be another new player in the squad, even though he hasn't even been in Germany that long, so Favre must be expecting a great deal from him. With the gist being that he must be a really impressive player to get bumped up to the first team at such a young age and only half a season in the academy...
  19. WheezingUSASupport

    United States
    Aug 28, 2017
    Really hoping he comes off the bench tomorrow. Counting down 14 hours before we know.

    Hoping tomorrow we see Reyna get a 20min cameo, Adams starting at DCM, Sargent starts at the #9 role and scores!
    appwrangler and TimB4Last repped this.
  20. mace

    mace Member+

    Indy 11
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    Jun 5, 2004
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    I was thinking this same thing. Favre and BVB neither give a crap nor know a crap about Claudio, or his wife. Gio has earned this on his own. Hype or no hype, I’m excited for yet another potential additional option to the golden generation.
    DHC1 repped this.
  21. TimB4Last

    TimB4Last Member+

    May 5, 2006
    That's really all you needed to hear.
  22. mace

    mace Member+

    Indy 11
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    Jun 5, 2004
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    He said that the 19 year old Haalland will likely start and don't be surprised if the new 17 year old Reyna also is on the field. Reyna is relatively unknown but has really impressed Favre. Favre is really expecting a ton from Reyna.

    Personally, this is my only concern about Reyna, that ‘the dork’ Favre is so impressed by Reyna. Seems to put Reyna in the same class as Brun Larson. o_O
  23. ebbro

    ebbro Member+

    Jun 10, 2005
    The tweet talking about hype was from 2018. It was before he even went to BVB. It was about US media hype. Not saying this guy was right. It appears he was wrong, and I think that was the point of posting the year and a half old tweet.
  24. derek750

    derek750 Member+

    Apr 16, 2007
    Philadelphia Union
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    Winoman, TimB4Last, Pl@ymaker and 3 others repped this.
  25. DHC1

    DHC1 Member+

    Jun 3, 2002
    If I was the type to instigate public shit, I’d call kleiban out on Twitter wrt this take - let him double down before Gio get first team minutes.

    Or maybe he’d back down and say he’s improved a lot.

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