Canada! Where every televised European game, live or tape delay, is either the middle of the work day or the middle of the night! Canada! Where the national newspaper still allocates three pages of the Sports section to an NHL season that has been stopped by labour dispute, and three inches of tiny, tiny score reports to the world's most popular sport! Canada! Where the Top Tier domestic teams play in a public park, with only the occasional dog walker and homeless guy sleeping off a binge for spectators. Canada! Where the Women play better, and get much more media coverage, than the men! Canada! Where the World Cup qualifiers unfold in heartbreaking drama, with corrupt referees cheating us out of a win, twice, team doctors stop our best defender from playing because a hair was on the X-Ray report (diagnosed a broken leg, HA!) and another gets suspended for the rest of the tournament for throwing a water bottle on the field, the manager makes increasingly weird selections and subsitutions, including ignoring his best overseas players, capping an unattached 17 year old and bringing domestic leaguers out of retirement (thereby saving the cost of a plane ticket, I can't prove it but that doesn't mean it's not true)...and no one cares! There is no inquiry, no tough questions are asked, nobody gets fired, nobody even complains loudly in public! I am Canadian...and when it comes to caring about soccer, I feel alone. Lost in the Barrens
Welp lost in barrens, i have never been to canada but i think i know how you feel. The only way i get to watch soccer is by paying 40 bucks a month to have a channel that has soccer all day. well half paid programming and the other half soccer. I think what the problem is in the US is that there is no competitive major league. Sure we have one but have you ever watched them? I would love to see game with the columbus crew and arsenal, hell even middleborough could kick their butts. The lack of skill in the MLS can also contribute to the lack of participation in the youth levels. Who do the youngsters look up to? And why play soccer when america has the best programs in both football and baseball?Its just more convienent for everyone. I travel an hour to play on a club team just to be competitive at any level. Just tonight im watching the western confence finals and i looked on the tv and saw only about 1/1000 of the stands filled. its pathetic. SO, yes i think i know how you feel about the unpopularity in soccer today. reply back please, im new. hope to hear a reply.
I thought this thread was going to be about a sports bar with NASCAR banners blocking all the sunlight.
Why play soccer? Because it's the game everyone can play, and everyone does play, everywhere else in the world. Soccer in America is the great leveller, it's the new socialism. Football, Hockey, Baseball all belong to a certain kind of athletic elite. Basketball has their own special interest group. Soccer you can play anywhere, any time. The Volvo driving soccer mom is the symbol of our class struggle. Someday we will all be free! Long Live The Revolution!
ya everyone does play, in other contries. here we are called grass faries. so why dont read it again and try to come up with something that makes the least bit of sense?