The US Supreme Court Thread - Post Roe v. Wade reversal edition

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by argentine soccer fan, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    The other argument in the piece I agree with, is that upholding Colorado does not somehow create a risk that insurrectionist states will then illegally bar Dems, because this risk already exists. As usual the Court is simply caving to asymmetric threats/fears that state parties will cheat in elections if the plain meaning of the constitution is enforced. That's ridiculous!

    If Trump is elected, he has already announced his plans to use a corrupted DOJ to oppress opponents. Of course their campaigns will be sabotaged.

    Practical concerns about non-uniformity and abuse are understandable. But they are overblown. If state officials or state courts reach unsound or contradictory legal conclusions about the meaning of Section 3 (e.g.—by adopting overbroad definitions of what qualifies as an "insurrection"), their determinations could be reviewed in federal court, and the Supreme Court could impose a uniform definition of the terms in question. Indeed, it could do so in this very case! Non-uniform interpretations of provisions of the federal Constitution by state and lower federal courts can occur in many contexts. Settling such issues is one of the reasons why we have a Supreme Court that can be the final arbiter of federal constitutional questions. ​
  2. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Weissmann / McCord touched on some of these issues in their review - I recommend if you want something shorter. One of the interesting points is that if the Supreme Court says state courts can't rule on this question, it opens the door to whether Congress decides and what might happen when the electoral college is certified.

    Could Harris simply refuse to certify Trump electors on the ground he is not eligible?

    This really illustrates why it is quite important an insurrectionist is not on the ballot IMO!
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  3. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    Yeah, but how do you think ACB, Kagen, Jackson, and Sotomayor will rule?
  4. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    TPM is doing a series on how Team Trump tried to overturn the election.

    The basics of the plan were to muck things up so badly that nobody would trust what Congress did, then the Supremes would name Trump president again. There’s a bit more to it but not much more.
  5. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    IOW, well thought out in the typical Trumpian way :thumbsup:
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  6. yossarian

    yossarian Moderator
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  7. Dr. Wankler

    Dr. Wankler Member+

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  8. chaski

    chaski Moderator
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    The Dunning School or the Dunning-Kruger school?
  9. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Ha - they have bigger sacs than the men in the room

    I am hoping that they will actually comment Obiter on the elephant in the room and say it appears clear that Trump is not eligible under s3 at the end of the day, even if overturning Colorado for procedural/jurisdictional reasons.
  10. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    I was actually getting at your male-gendered terminology. Gonads would have been a better term.

    I'm really wondering if they will agree with Colorado that he did take part in an insurrection, but vote against Colorado for the reasons you state.
  11. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    The point i keep coming back to is GOP voters need to know the answer to this in the current primaries!

    I am really mystified by the idea that the highest Court in the land can't simply issue guidance on this fundamental question which has been determined in multiple courts and the evidence is all around.

    Especially if they claim some nonsense about how s3 does not prevent Trump from running (as opposed to assuming the office), that will obviously directly raise the question of whether Congress cannot seat him.
    soccernutter repped this.
  12. ElNaranja

    ElNaranja Member+

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    There is a 0% chance this SC says he participated in an insurrection. There's already one open insurrectionist on the Court and many others sympathetic to varying degrees.
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  13. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

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    Well, there is a 0% chance because I highly doubt their ruling will mention that. We might see Thomas and Alito include it in their opinion, but I doubt the majority opinion will mention it.
    soccernutter repped this.
  14. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    It’ll be one thing if they ignore it and make a ruling based on other issues, like jurisdiction.

    It’ll be a whole other thing if they explicitly state he didn’t because as I understand it, they’d have to explain and justify such a ruling.
  15. ElNaranja

    ElNaranja Member+

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    They've lied and made up stuff before. They clearly have no issue with waving their hands vaguely and make a ruling. Not sure why this instance would be so different on paper.
  16. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    30 days. Your move, Clarence.

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  17. Smurfquake

    Smurfquake Moderator
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    Copied from the tweet thread for followup discussion

    It's like they're daring us - "so what are you chuds going to do about it, huh?"
    rslfanboy and bigredfutbol repped this.
  18. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

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    I wish I had their armour against shame.
  19. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

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    Hmmm. While Thomas may not have violated SCOTUS ethics rules (mostly because there aren't any), he may have violated Federal law.. Prepare the axe grinding anti-Garland posters! :)

    It is worth noting that Thomas has argued that the reason why he did not disclose the gifts from his "friends" is because he was advised by his fellow justices that personal hospitality did not require him to disclose such gifts. His argument is that his benefactors taking him on personal jets, going on trips to vacation destinations, and trips on their personal yachts qualify as a Personal hospitality.
  20. diablodelsol

    diablodelsol Member+

    Jan 10, 2001
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    I think I just saw the bat signal….
    rslfanboy, soccernutter and chaski repped this.
  21. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    "She hates ghetto Blacks. Certainly not me"

    bigredfutbol repped this.
  22. Auriaprottu

    Auriaprottu Member+

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    She doesn't hate Black people as much as he does.
  23. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
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    In the past we just assumed he was doing the bidding of rich, white assholes. Now there are receipts.
    Mike03 and Deadtigers repped this.
  24. dapip

    dapip Member+

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  25. Sounders78

    Sounders78 Member+

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    Is the Supreme Court beyond redemption? Recent partisan decisions and corruption make it seem that one of the critical legs of American democracy is "compromised". A three-legged stool cannot work with one leg broken.

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