Just wanted to take the time out to dedicate a thread to a few of the unsung heroes of the season thus far. I specifically want to mention both Mac and Jermaine for their contributions this year. I think that overall Jermaine has been our most consistent and best defender over the course of the year and he has been an absolute rock since replacing Geoff at CB. Mac has come in and really worked on his defensive work-rate. He may not score goals, but he is technical, unselfish, has the ability to get in behind defenses, and I think what he brings to our team is something we were really missing when we were starting Ching and Bruin together in the 4-4-2. There is now a sense of the unexpected up front. I feel like we don't talk about these two guys very much but they are really integral to what we are doing at the moment. Anybody else you guys want to mention would be great, and the reasoning behind it. Of course we all appreciate the guys who are always in the spotlight, but a thread for the other lower key guys who just go about their business seemed fitting.
Ponce. His posts are entertaining. The people handling out free beans at the end of the game. Reason should be obvious.
Haha, indeed. I like it when they say, "Hey, want a whole pack of them?" How can I turn down 12 cans of charro beans?!
Unsung hero moments of the last 2 games: Camargo splitting midfield pass that started the string of passes that led to a goal versus KC. Boniek cross-field through ball that Bruin chested down but did not finish. Corey Ashe covering for slowman Boswell in both games.
OTOH, JeVaughn Watson has been the most frustrating player of 2012. His game consists of ineffective step-overs, bad passing, and a non-existent work-rate. He has a great first touch, but it doesn't matter. He looks like his is giving little to no effort every game. In contrast, look at Kandji tonight. The guy hustles in order to make up for his mistakes.
Watson has been recognized for an incredible work-rate this season. Before his injury, he was all over the field.
Yeah, I thought he was starting to come around when he got injured. It seemed like he was starting to fit in with what we were doing with the 4-4-2. We have switched our formation and now he is getting back into some games.
I'm entertaining?! Are you saying I'm only here to entertain you? Am I some kind of ********ing monkey that's supposed to come on these boards just for your own pleasure?! Even if it was tongue-in-cheek...thanks!
Bobby Boswell. For me he is far and away the best defender of 2012, and possibly the MVP. Note that the first goal against MTL came after an exquisite long ball over the top from Boswell that was played under pressure perfectly into the corner for Carr. Then he scored the second goal. For the life of me I don't understand why Boswell is not getting more recognition for the season he is having. When Cameron was his partner everyone kept saying it was only because Cameron made him look good. Now Cameron is gone and guess who is still looking good?
I think that a year ago, this forum was very hard on Boswell. At times it becomes an echo chamber, and the talk was of how terrible and slow he was and how bad the defense was. I think it was unfair, and people still think that way it seems. Boswell is a solid defender and not deserving of the blame heaped on him. That's just how forums can be. Words are twisted, magnified, and then echoed. Right now the popular scapegoats are Watson, and Kandji.
I vote for the beans too. Some guy had a whole pack of them and explained that these are the best things of all time. I was like, I know dude, I am a believer.
I think he got heaped upon because he had an awful year. but this is year has been stellar. Very fitting that he kept the arm band last night. As for scapegoats-I am surprised that Carmargo didn't get his name mentioned. I think JT has also had a great year, but I don't know if he would be considered unsung, since a lot of folks have noticed his improvement. BTW-which Jamaican was the one that spoke out in the press about how Dom didn't want him to go to National team duty last summer?
I thought Carr's passion to earn himself a starting role in a new position should be considered and celebrated. Looking at it, it wasn't as long as Wondo's time in the reserves but i'm sure keeping focused and determined to get back must be surreal... being traded because couldn't play after getting a head injury, questioned about wearing a jersey again.. he still pushes through.
anyone notice that Corey Ashe is one of the few players on our team that does not regularly get subbed due to fatigue? the guy is capable of running up and down that left side at a high rate of speed for 90 minutes for an entire season. that says a lot about his conditioning and how hard he works in practice.