High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) can contribute to many diseases, including: Obesity: HFCS can increase appetite and lead to weight gain. Diabetes: HFCS can contribute to type 2 diabetes. Fatty liver disease: HFCS can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Heart disease: Weight gain from HFCS can contribute to heart disease. Dyslipidemia: HFCS can lead to abnormal levels of cholesterol and other fats in the blood. Liver failure: Sugar in the diet is the leading cause of liver failure and liver transplants.
I think getting rid of HCFS is broadly bipartisan, but doesn’t pass or get legs because big Ag won’t allow it.
Word is Trump will revamp healthcare so that it makes it harder for healthcare companies to deny claims
We would love to see it! If Trump signs a bunch of good things while enriching himself, I’m going to say we dodged a bullet. Nixon signed a bunch of great laws! Still doesn’t mean I want Trump to dismantle govt and erode confidence in our institutions.
This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing this. I haven't seen it before. I would note that at first glance none of these descriptions discuss chromosomes -- which I think is fantastic, the human race is seeing beyond simple, binary descriptions of gender. Textbooks must be updated!
I think the way "science" attains any validity is for serious research to have been conducted, a clear hypothesis to have been formulated, experiments to have been carried out to test said hypothesis, the data obtained through the experiment process to have been thoroughly analyzed and then for the findings to have been scrutinized through peer review. At least that's how it is meant to work in the real world. I might work differently in cuckoo world, I don't know.
I'll make you a bet. If in three years, high fructose corn syrup is banned for human consumption in all 50 US states, then I'll become an Aston Villa supporter. If in three years, high-fructose corn syrup remains in publicly-sold foods in any one of the 50 US states, you'll vote for D66 in the next-available Dutch elections, and for all subsequent Dutch elections.