From today's (11/15) chat with Michael Wilbon: Washington, D.C.: Like you, I am not a big soccer guy. But mad props to DC United for winning the MLS championship. Being the champion is impressive in any sport and DC United deserves much love, even if you arent a soccer person. United Captures 4th Title (Post, Nov. 15) Michael Wilbon: D.C. United does, indeed, deserve Big Ups for winning a championship. It's a team that started the season being a sideshow for the debut of Freddie Adu, but developed into a good team, then a great time at the right time. You don't need to be a soccer head, as you stated, to appreciate championship effort and performance. And I know the real soccer heads around town, who must be pretty damn happy today, will revel in the team's success and a rally tomorrow (I think it's tomorrow) at RFK. How cool. While I don't know how it would be funded, I think D.C. United is the one team around here that deserves to play in a new stadium...I hope D.C. winds up with the kind of stadium that Los Angeles has now, the one where the United won the MLS Cup yesterday.
See - now this is when people need to break out the pens (or keyboards as it may be) and shoot Wilbon a letter. Tell him you appreciate his comments and would love to have him out to the rally or a game next year.
Wow, that is great praise from Wilbon. I am acutally suprised how much he knows about the sport. I know Tony K. is the bigger soccer hater but that was actually pretty informed, I guess i just didn't even expect a mention because of what I see on PTI everyday. Even said we should get a stadium, I always knew I liked him.
Looks like William Gildea will be having a United related chat at 3 today. Link added
Despite the popular belief on these boards (meaning BS in general not just DCU forums) most NFL fans are not soccer haters, its just the ones who are, are very loud and obnoxious about it.
The chat is live now at I just sent him this: I hope they use it.
I think the difference between Wilbon and Kornhieser is that Wilbon is a bona fide sports fan, and can appreciate things in sports that may or may not be his preferences. Whereas Tony just likes what he likes.