So what is more important at this stage ...... to have a team that performs well (Onalfo and Perkins and Kasper and the whole lot of the professionals that was a pitiful display on their first for record match) or to rue the situation that is the lack of a stadium? Does it help to attend games or not attend games? (Truth in lending here - I was never impressed with Onalfo over the last 5-10 years - he is a nice guy but not a hell of a coach) - if the long term goal is the preservation of the enterprise (the colors, the flag, the uniforms, the legacy, the pride, the ball possession attacking flair, the fans etc.) - is the right way to do it by spending energy and money going to games or by spending energy and money working the stadium situation ... as seems pretty conventional wisdom now - once a SSS is built teams get some sense of financial stability ..... does it make sense for the team to leave now to St. Louis or Montreal or somewhere else or to fight like hell to prevent it .... maybe to spend money to send all of the city council members to DCU away matches at SSS so they can see the results of a SSS .... clearly I am rambling but I really wonder about the long term viability of DCU ....
Amen. I just don't know what to do when/if it happens. I have a strong dislike for all of the remaining teams.
I don't even understand what you're asking here. Are you saying that you personally are only able to either go to games or to lobby area politicians, and you're asking for advice on which one to do? I don't understand your post.
I'm with Chico. I can't do f*ck-all about a stadium, but I can buy season tickets and go to the games. When I can't, I won't.
This, as well as this: If a supernatural being appeared before me and told me that I could get DC United a positive result on the stadium situation within five years, but that we would not win anything for that five years, I would take that deal in a heartbeat.
Yup. Although, we should probably add, if/when there is the opportunity to support a stadium bid, we'll do that too.
I will do this, too. I've been a fan since the beginning, and I'll be a fan until the end. Whether it's mine or the team's end, makes no difference.
I'm going to enjoy every minute of ever game for as long as the team is here. Except when we suck it up - then, I'll be miserable for the week.
I'm not sure about the idea of moving to Montréal, when the local team there have been working on building an, erm, impact of their own in the city - and to be honest, seeing my favourite American team lose their franchise only to step on the toes of my favourite Canadian one would be a less than thrilling experience. My neck of the woods here in Canada isn't as far from the District as it was when I was back in Ireland, but either way I'm not likely to be able to see a United home game any time soon... or an away one, for that matter. But, even if I never get to watch them in person, the thought of the most successful club in U.S. soccer history vanishing from the stage is a sobering one. It may not mean much coming from a foreigner (and one who's awkwardly split in his soccer loyalties, to boot) but I will hope for the best when it comes to United... both on and off the pitch.
totally agree maybe we could win nothing in 5 years while building a new stadium, but we may have the opportunity of win in the future. without a stadium we could just disappear
Should I/we put hard earned money on season tickets or on putting up some dough to send politician's to DCU away matches at Red Bull Arena or Home Depot Center so they can get some idea of the positive impact a SSS stadium would have in DC? My bet is if the stadium situation does not resolved that MLS mgmnt will move the team and once gone it could be 25 years till they return. I understand the point about attending and cheering - but it MAY be all for nought if this stadium situation does not get resolved. What pressure can be seriously brought to bear by the fans? At the end of the day it may be all about money and lobbying efforts and politics ... what can we do financially as fans to get the train moving down the track?
This makes absolutely no sense. I'm sure there are politicians who despite the impact that baseball has has on SW DC still would oppose the financing that brought a baseball stadium to DC. Certainly no jurisdictions in the DC area have been jumping to get the positive benefits of a stadium. You should spend your hard earned money on season tickets.
If United were to be relocated outside the DC Metro area, I would completely abandon MLS and pretty much all soccer. If only we had a decent Pro Rugby League here.
NAUGHT to respond - There's NOTHING, NAUGHT, ZIP, ZAPPO, CERO that we can do for or spend on local politicians to get them support a local stadium - Only Chang and Payne can do that - We can only support the team, buy tickets, attend en masse, cheer loudly (but behave), buy merchandise and not cause disturbances which would give DC United lots of bad publicity - Thats all we can do with our limited, individual monetary resources - Will can have a plane go to Toronto to let the politicians see the economic impact of an "urban" stadium (or better yet, Seattle or even Portland)
not to be picky or anything but it is spelled either way .. but I get your point and others (and you seem pretty emphatic about the point).... we can only buy tickets and hope like hell (in Chang we trust sort of thing) .... I hope Chang thinks about sending the pols to Red Bull Arena ..... I think AlexW's sentiment reflects many in the DC area - if the team leaves many will write off the MLS .... would be a heck of a market to abandon.
I only bought half-season tix this year instead of full-season tix, but that is ONLY because I'll most likely (and unhappily) miss more home games than usual this year due to brf Jr's ever-busier soccer schedule. With any luck, the schedule conflicts will be fewer than expected and I'll end up buying quite a few single-game tickets this year. Allow me to echo some of the comments above--I don't understand the original question. It's up the owners to schmooze local pols. The only thing we can do to help with the stadium situation IS to support the team.