i Wonder wut Prez Bush was thinking wen this all surfaced up. He was the owner of the Rangers wen Juan and Puge were shooting up wit steriods thats according to Jose's book that juan and puge helped each other out not that bush was supplying them. How do we know that Bush actually cares and will try to stop this issue even with his bill bc he was there from the beginning.
An interesting article from Ray Ratto at the SF Chronicle. "Mark McGwire has been the third rail of baseball's steroid discussion since it began. Barry Bonds should have been that third rail because he is a considerably better player, but people long ago decided whether to like him or not like him based on a million other factors, all of which you know about and none of which is terribly interesting this morning." http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/02/09/SPG31B86HE1.DTL
Why "should" either of them have been third rails? Clearly, he's right that Big Mac has gotten a complete pass for being the cheatng and hypocritical sack of shit that he is, but that doesn't mean that Bonds should have gotten a pass too. They both saw the pot of gold at the end of the steroid rainbown, and they both did what they needed to grab it. Just think back to McGwire hugging Maris' family and acting all humble just after he had cheated to break their father's record. Disgusting. (And this has been obvious for a while, btw; this isn't to go totally on the word of Canseco, though it's obvious he's telling the truth for the most part)
Yes, Bonds, too. From today's (Sat. 2/12/05) SF Chronicle: Canseco book a name dropper Excerpts mention Bonds, Tejada, Clemens and Sosa by John Shea Accusations, but zero solid evidence, other than Bonds' physical change. Lotsa "info" about Giambi, too.
Canseco is saying the same thing about Bonds that you guys are..."uh, he must be dude, look at his freakin' neck, man". No evidence, no "I know his dealer", no "someone told me", just total pure speculation. And before you start...Bonds testified that he once applied a cream in order to get over an injury. This book is clearly about guys who methodically injected knowlingly illegal drugs as program to get bigger and better numbers.
Dude, YOU'RE the guy who brought Bonds' name back up recently. Noone was talking about him until you started. For obvious reasons, you've clearly come to feel Bonds is unfairly being singled out as THE symbol for the whole steroids problem. So in response to any post on this thread, you jump in and start talking about how Bonds is being crucified. I'd think you'd welcome Canseco's expose, which demonstrates what in fact I've been saying all along. This isn't, and shouldn't be just a witch-hunt on Barry (though to defend him as you do is beyond silly). The truth is that just about every All-Star caliber player of the past decade is/was a user. Cheaters, the lot of them. And yeah, that means (from my Sox) that I'm sure Nomar, Varitek, Nixon, Manny, etc. all did it too.
Upon the first post about Conseco's book, I stated that there was nothing in there about Bonds...mainly due to being surprised. Then someone said there was. And then I commented that it was still pure speculation. Simple as that, really.
Now some bimbo Barry was nailing on the side while married has joined in the fray: New allegation directed at Bonds by Elliott Almond, Mercury News. (If prompted for a login and you don't have one, use "bigsoccer1@bigsoccer.com" and p/w "bigsoccer1"...) Once again, the media is possibly blurring rehabilitational, prescription steroid use (legal) with steroid abuse (illegal). I think it's high time Barry held a long, air-clearing press conference to delineate how/why he used steroids, admit to any cheating he did (if any), apologize (if necessary) and then move the ******** on. (Oh, and he cheats on his wife. So that's one strike against Barry's character. I know it's shocking, but he could also be the kind of guy who lies about drugs.) As far as any asterisks on Bonds' or McGwire's accomplishments, it also needs to be proven that these guys weren't facing roided-up pitchers. If lots of the pitchers are juiced, doesn't that make all this somewhat a wash?
The statistics don't bear out that starting pitchers were gaining as much of an advantage. The 4-man rotation wasn't brought back, and, for the most part, pitchers don't go as deep into games. Juice might help pitchers recover quicker, but it's not adding 10 mph to their fastball or whatever is comparable to middle infielders who can now go upper deck. But if you did the numbers, you might find something in the recent dominance of closers, since they would be the ones who would seemingly benefit most from being able to pitch more often and with a little extra oomph.
Now we know why the Yankees haven't terminated Giambi's contract: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=1991608 Before he signed it in 2001 the Yankees took out any mention of the word "steroids" which was originally in it.
Look what we have here: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/story/281003p-240815c.html The FBI warned MLB about the growing steroid use 10 years ago and MLB stuck its head in the sand!
In their defence, MLB execs were already trying to deal with unreasonable demands by the Players Union which led to the '94 strike. They certainly weren't in a position to get tough on steroids. Nonetheless, the claim that "the first they heard of it" was McGwire and andro is ludicrous.
I love how guys like Peter Gammons are so nostalgic about baseball. Dude needs to get a grip. They are a bunch of overpaid athletes. Now they are a bunch of frauds as well. Cry me a river. MLS pay attention. Don't become like these other leagues. NBA=Marijauna use and gangsta rap.....did I forget that little fight with the fans NHL=Season....what season NFL=They use steroids..but prescribed by team trainers MLB=What else can you say.
http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/20.../2005/02/22/bonds.press.ap/index.html?cnn=yes Bonds calls reporters liers and says he doesn't think that steroids help your eye or your swing.
What an assfvck. Of course it doesn't help your eye. But damned if it doesn't help your swing. I touched on it before, if something gets your bat through the hitting zone even a split second sooner, that's a dramatic advantage.
Bonds will not admit to ever doing it. The bottom line is that he gained an advantage from it and is pissed that it is a poorly kept secret.
As soon as Barry Bonds starts having recurring injuries that accompany long term steroid use, or has noticable weight loss that occurs when someone stops taking steroids, then I'll be with you. Until then, I'll continue to go by what we know...that we're in the midst of one of the greatest hitters of all time.
Ok, I will put this forward though, Ken Griffey Jr. No steriods, look at the injuries he has had. And his size is constant, Bonds used to be similar in build, then he got big. hmmm......