The RedSox Sucks thread

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by verybdog, Oct 21, 2004.

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  1. verybdog

    verybdog New Member

    Jun 29, 2001
    Let's see how many RedSox haters out there...
  2. yellowbismark

    yellowbismark Member+

    Nov 7, 2000
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    Right here, I hardly feel sorry for the "cursed" team from Boston with the second highest payroll in baseball.

    The only thing more painful than picking sides in a Yankees-Red Sox series is picking between George Bush and John Kerry.

    I do have to admit though, that series comeback was impressive.
  3. jmeissen0

    jmeissen0 New Member

    Mar 31, 2001
    page 1078
    it's the world series the nation deserves and wants

    ny can suck an egg
  4. Caesar

    Caesar Moderator
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    Mar 3, 2004
    Cubs-Sox is my ultimate.

    And that's dead serious. Baiting a Cards fan is just an added bonus. :p
  5. Achtung

    Achtung Member

    Jul 19, 2002
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    *crickets chirping*
  6. verybdog

    verybdog New Member

    Jun 29, 2001
    The reason RedSox beat Yankees is that they were extremely lucky. The god was on their side. That's why i see it.

    It remains to be seen if that still be the case in the world series.
  7. otterulz

    otterulz Member

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    Explain the whole luck thing? Lucky that the umpires called A-Rod out after his girl-slapping? Lucky how?
  8. verybdog

    verybdog New Member

    Jun 29, 2001
    Lucky how? RedSox was not supposed to beat Yankees after down three games. It's not even luck, perhaps it's a miracle.

    And miracle doesn't happen every week you know.
  9. zverskiy yobar

    zverskiy yobar BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Mar 10, 2002
    curse... what ********ing curse?
    last I checked the Bosox ******** have gotten to the series numerous times... whats this ******** about a curse???they just freaking balls when they get there.
    Heck.. the White Sox havent won a series in nearly as long...and haven made a trip since the late 50's... you dont see them talking bout a curse.. and what about the teams that have bnever even been to a series...

    sure its only been forty or so years since they ahve been around.. but the Houston Astrs have yet to make the trip.. or how about the Rangers... they have never been either as the Rangers or Senators.I am sure there are other teams who have been around and havent made it or have had long streches...

    its typical east loud mouths though foaminmg at the mouth... Blah Blah Blah.. Red Sox... Blah blah.. Yankees... Blah Blah Blah.. we suck big balls on the east coast...

    ******** the Cardinals
  10. DoctorJones24

    DoctorJones24 Member

    Aug 26, 1999
    Dude, first of all, the White Sox haven't won in LONGER than the Sox. And if they get close, you can bet the house that the media will jump on the whole "Curse of the Black Sox" thing. After all, both the Cubs and Red Sox "curses" are media creations, nothing more.

    Heck, which team is more "cursed," one that had a plane go down with it's most beloved player on board? One that had a legend in his prime who hadn't missed a game in 15 years get stricken with a rare disease THAT THEN GETS NAMED AFTER HIM?

    The only real curse for Red Sox fans is to have to put up with the shrill Boston sports press, led by Bob Ryan and Dan Shaunessy, for all these years.
  11. ProfZodiac

    ProfZodiac Moderator
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    Closing thread. No need for pissing matches.

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