The Podcasts, Blogs & Tweets Thread

Discussion in 'Archives: CD Chivas USA' started by hovz1105, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. sodi_gar

    sodi_gar Member

    Aug 2, 2006
    murrieta, ca
    CD Chivas USA
    Nice job fellas. Good quality, content and you brought out the leading experts in all things Chivas . If you need a guest podcaster for some color commentary I'm available. But seriously good show. When's the post Colorado slaying show gonna air?
  2. EastLAChiva

    EastLAChiva Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Section 138
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We recorded last night. Should be up by tomorrow? We'll give you an update on itunes so that Goats fans can download on theri iphones, ipads, or ipods.


    Thanks for offering! Pm me.
  3. Rulas

    Rulas BigSoccer Supporter

    Apr 3, 2007
    Chicago Fire
    Sounds good guys. A little rough around the edges, but understandable being only the second show. Also, was that a beer can I heard opening near the beginning? Lol
  4. EastLAChiva

    EastLAChiva Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Section 138
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Its gonna be rough for a while until we get the hang of it.
    What do you think it was, Rulas? Hehehehe!

    Pura Chivas USA!!
    Solamente LA Goats!!
  5. EastLAChiva

    EastLAChiva Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Section 138
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    First those of you who didn't know already, What the Flock podcast (All Chivas USA, All the Time) is now available on itunes. Chingao!
    You can also follow us on twitter at:



    About us: Glyco and I talk Chivas USA. This week we had Adam Serrano talking about Robin Frazier and formations. If you can't get enough of our LA Goats, please give us try!! Think Cheech and Chong talking footie.

    glyconerd and ekker3 repped this.

    Aug 2, 2007
    CD Chivas de Guadalajara
    Nat'l Team:
    Good stuff Elac & Glyco
    keep it up locos
    glyconerd repped this.
  7. ekker3

    ekker3 Member

    Feb 10, 2007
    CD Chivas USA
    homeboy, this podcast is badass!!
    great work, and many thanks
    glyconerd repped this.
  8. Truhero

    Truhero Member

    Aug 2, 2010
    Section 101
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Nice podcast guys!
  9. EastLAChiva

    EastLAChiva Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Section 138
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    The new podcast will be up shortly (manana?) This week we had Christian Miles (aka El Burro Blanco). We talk Super Clasico, Smurfs, and the future of the franchise.

    You might want to listen for Christian's story of how he became involved with Chivas USA and his reputation for pronouncing the names in his style! Funny guy. En serio.
  10. EastLAChiva

    EastLAChiva Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Section 138
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Be sure to downoad the latest edition of "What the Flock!?" It is available today (earlier than normal!).
    We talk Sounders, Salaries, US Open Cup, and to this guy:
    Jose Domene explains the "Didier Drogba to Chivas USA" rumors and his love for tacos!

  11. sodi_gar

    sodi_gar Member

    Aug 2, 2006
    murrieta, ca
    CD Chivas USA
    I thought that was a picture of John Leguizamo
  12. EastLAChiva

    EastLAChiva Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Section 138
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'll ask him tto be on the podcast next!!
  13. ekker3

    ekker3 Member

    Feb 10, 2007
    CD Chivas USA
    on the real, ELAC and Glyco are doing a fantastic job with that podcast. love the casualness of it. check it out if you havent already.

  14. sodi_gar

    sodi_gar Member

    Aug 2, 2006
    murrieta, ca
    CD Chivas USA
    So elac , domene didn't seem like we had our eyes on any prospects for the summer transfer window?
  15. EastLAChiva

    EastLAChiva Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Section 138
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    That's the thing about chivas USA, they never reveal anything happens. I know of one player they are looking at, but at this point its pipe dream.
  16. sodi_gar

    sodi_gar Member

    Aug 2, 2006
    murrieta, ca
    CD Chivas USA
    That sounds interesting . Dreams can become realities. I mean, who would have ever thought Juan agudelo would have been on our team?
  17. EastLAChiva

    EastLAChiva Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Section 138
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    True that.
  18. MARCH_

    MARCH_ Member

    Aug 16, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  19. EastLAChiva

    EastLAChiva Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Section 138
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Hey Guys,
    Please check out our latest podcast on all things Chivas USA, What the Flock?!
    We have MLS writer Adam Serrano, who dropped a few nuggets after the loss to RSL and Evan Ream (pictured) who is doing a research project called MLS This crazy vato and his friends are going to 15 different MLS games and talking to various, random MLS fans. Good guy. Orale!

  20. hovz1105

    hovz1105 Member

    Nov 14, 2009
    Los Angeles
    Nat'l Team:
    Mr. EastLAChiva, have you done a podcast on the subject of Relocation and (ugh) Rebranding? Sometimes estoy siego and I can't see shit. If you have can you please post a link here or PM me if one should exist?

    Also, if you haven't, do you ever plan on doing a podcast on the topic above? I ask because it is maddening to keep reading the same shit about the team by lazy fans from other clubs that wont research the damn subject and always say "DURRRRRRRR become the LA AZTECS DURRRRR" It would be cool to point them to a podcast instead of having them read because apparently reading is just too strenuous (<---who knew?).

    Thanks for reading.
  21. glyconerd

    glyconerd Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Los Angeles
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    ELAC talked to Bruce McGuire regarding the subject. We split last weeks show into a dedicated show.

    I personally think we all need to start demanding it and talking more about moving into our own home.

  22. EastLAChiva

    EastLAChiva Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Section 138
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Be sure to listen to the new podcast.
    Questions were answered!

    We have this guy
    and this guy
    on our show.
  23. sodi_gar

    sodi_gar Member

    Aug 2, 2006
    murrieta, ca
    CD Chivas USA
    Your guys' show is chingon. Seriously broders. sometimes I listen to it on the way home from a long shift in the ER and it helps me unwind and have a little laugh before I get home.
    EastLAChiva repped this.
  24. EastLAChiva

    EastLAChiva Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Section 138
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    That's great news! Im glad someone is taking us "serious".
    Don't forget to use the WTF word of the day!
  25. SteveUSSF_ref8

    SteveUSSF_ref8 Member+

    United States
    Oct 25, 2010
    Sun City, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Hey ELAC, I took your advise and actually listened to "What the Flock", last night. I found it to be very entertaining. It was the podcast about the Vergara news conference. I would have to said they had interesting points to bring out about the club. I one thing that baffles me about Vergara, is that be insists that the club is in LA to stay, which I hope is true. But why doesn't put Los Angeles is the name of the club. Such as" Club Deportivo Chivas Los Angeles", it would go a long way for Chivas to be accepted by the LA market and give the club a true identity. This is one big reason, why the Galaxy have become successful in the LA area, not just because of the DPs, not just beacuse of success on the field, but because they are identified as a Los Angeles team. Therefore I feel there are 3 important factors which need to be addessed on Chivas USA.
    1) Get their own stadium
    2) Sign two DPs.
    3) Put LA in the team name.

    By the way, don't beleive for one minute that Chivas USA is the most hated team in the MLS.
    EastLAChiva repped this.

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