i just picked up another pair of vapors, this time black ones and the kangaroo version. i was hoping that they wouldnt be the same as previous ones, but unfortunately , it still cramps my last toe. no blister though, and the touch is awesome. this is my 5th pair of vapors after: chrome r9s grey/red flames mist blues and i have to say they are my favourite.
Go to Goooooooooooooogle and search for Nike Vapor. on the first page, scroll down and you will see a pic of three different Vapor 1 colours. I think that they are the best three colours there has been. Also, how do you post links and pictures? Thanks.
There is another thread in which there is a poll on the vapor colours and my favourite coulor is the Black/ Red, Photo Blue, K leather Black and the Vapor II orange vapors that are yet to come out.
I find that vapors don't have enough cushioning, even though this enhances your speed it damages your ankles and knees as i unfortunately found out- it hurts. I might buy a pair of K vapors from america on www.eastbay.com to see if they are any diffrent. On the Nike website there is alink on there which connects you to the Nike Id section and on the pictures on link it shows a pic of Blue with yellow lining and flashed vapors which look really nice but i have never seen these anywhere else on the website or on any other for that matter. Anyone know anything about them???????/
Thier is another website that does them in pearl aswell as black and white and they are a sort of purpley, beigey sparkly colour, but they are about 20 quid more, but my pc broke and i lost the website.
you cant link pictures from your computer, you have to upload them onto the internet for others to be able to see them. try www.imageshack.us
I would only buy a pair of vapors if the were black with silver accents and an orange nike tick. School colours you see.
Nike should go witha bunch of new colors like u could customize them of any of the colors like Lime green and gold or White and Red or Orange blaze and cinder spmething like that
Dont know if this has been posted, but are these vapors? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=20866&item=7126690549&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW
Then shoebacca is also wrong, b/ he is selling similar ones. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=20866&item=7126100370&rd=1