Yea, you can host some torrents. People could send you the vid files, and u could convert them into torrents and host em.
puddleduck - I appreciate the good intentions There are a few ways: 1. Seed the torrents for as long as humanly possible. If you see a bunch of seeds on one torrent, then support another torrent. This will really help easy the bandwith burden on people (like me) who are the first hosts of the file. 2. I could use some help with vbulletin. Mostly with the graphics stuff, but honestly I dont really care if the forum is 'bare bones' as long as it does the job! (as you can tell from the ugly tracker page!)
I would love to help out too... can someone tell me how to make bit torrent files and then upload them/ seed them?
there will be tutorials posted on the forums site connected to the tracker soon. The forums are around 3 hours old so give it a bit
puddleduck - I appreciate the good intentions There are a few ways: 1. Seed the torrents for as long as humanly possible. If you see a bunch of seeds on one torrent, then support another torrent. This will really help easy the bandwith burden on people (like me) who are the first hosts of the file. [/QUOTE] Will do. Check your pm's.
maxxed, I love your site and I wanted to contribute so I made you some logos for the site (la liga, bundesliga, serie-a, cl etc.) and Im emailing these to you right now, I hope these will come handy
anttiapantti - the logos are GREAT, and they will all be used on the site first thing tomorrow morning Thanks so much, very very much appreciated.
I'm sure the chinese web-tv channels will broadcast some of the bigger name matches tomorrow, Manutd, chelsea, arsneal, milan juve etc. Will post on maxx if no one else does. But remember Uefa video action is availiable in the usa and its fairly cheap so the best CL coverage can be received there.
I can cap Barca - Celtic , Bayer Leverkusen - Real Madrid , Lyon - Manchester United. I'll make torrents of them when i do that.
Maxx, your site is very good looking now with all those images! Thanks for the update and thanks to those who sent him the images! Keep up the good work
grrr..i couldn't cap Celtic - Barca since the tv schedule was wrong. On the TV channel's website it said it started at 2:30 and it actually started at I only got the first half..i'll try to cap bayer leverkusen - real tomorrow
it was supposed to start at 2:30 but it didnt because of crowd conditions or something like that. nice match though came on tsn in canada!!
OK. Is the Torrent on MaxXed site the entire match? Or just one half? Either way, keep up the good work! We need more Seeders!
Is anyone seeding the England vs Greece 2002 torrent? Besides me? And I am only at 76% completed on the download.
if u were runnin 2 downloads that had ok speed then all of the sudden started 2 more downloads would the last 2 run slower cuz u had so much up? im just askin cuz i have EPL Highlights and Chelsea CL game goin and they both started with ETA 3 hrs and now i just started Arsenal v PSV and CL highlights and they both have long ETAs also i downloaded the match of the day sept 11 file and it wont play in windows media player and it is being called a 'RAR File' the Arsenal PSV match im downloadin is also called an RAR file. how do i play these? am i missing codecs?
Its an extraction tool to extract the .rar you downloaded. Its like winzip as someone said, its to compress large files into a smaller format. should have a free copy for you.