The Official Hernán López Muñoz thread

Discussion in 'San Jose Earthquakes' started by Beckham7, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. jeff_adams

    jeff_adams Member+

    Dec 16, 1999
    Monterey, Ca
    Let’s be honest, has there been even a single decent CAM during the Fisher era? I’m not talking about a few moments with Francisco Lima, or TT under Leitch. DeRo in 2005 was the last time the Quakes got consistent quality play from that position, despite bringing in player after player like MPG, Chofis, Sanchez and many others. The Quakes never seem to know how to use a CAM anyway.
    Beerking repped this.
  2. xbhaskarx

    xbhaskarx Member+

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    Chofis wasn't bad at times, even MPG had his moments... but what does "no decent CAM during the Fisher era" have to do with DM Carlos Gruezo??
    markmcf8 repped this.
  3. xbhaskarx

    xbhaskarx Member+

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    Someone watch this and report back pls
  4. mjlee22

    mjlee22 Quake & Landon fan

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Gruezo = $3M
    López = $6M (as originallly announced)

    When I was in college, there was a pretty popular gambling technique where if u made a bad bet, you put double down on the next bet, in order to catch up.
  5. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    Doubling down on Gruezo would be re-signing him in 2025 for twice the money.
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  6. mjlee22

    mjlee22 Quake & Landon fan

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Well, you have to be a real optimist to double-down, which I suppose most gamblers are?

    that’s why I never bet more than I can afford to lose ($5), because I am a pessimist.
  7. Boysinblue

    Boysinblue Member

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  8. Kaitlyn

    Kaitlyn Member+

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    Javier Robles who looked great then waived after the first game.

    Ramon Sanchez would have been a great CM if Yallop knew how to use the damn guy.

    I love Lopez, but I don't trust Luchi.
    markmcf8 repped this.
  9. NedZ

    NedZ Member+

    May 19, 2001
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    I've wanted an Argentinian #10 for many a year. We'd play Portland and I would wish we had a Diego Valeri. We'd play Austin and I would wonder why we could not find a Driussi. Now we have one (though he is only 23). I'm hopeful he will be able to provide Pellegrino and Espinoza and Jebo with the service each requires and unlock their potential.
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  10. NedZ

    NedZ Member+

    May 19, 2001
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    Lopez was on Luchi's wish list during the offseason. Had he been available for transfer, our record would probably be better than it is now.
  11. markmcf8

    markmcf8 Member+

    Oct 18, 1999
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    OK, so we finally have a DP #10.

    Luchi (and Ian) will actually play a #10 in the #10 position. So that’s a positive.
    Now, we just need to see if Hernán is good, and if he fits in with our team.

    I am optimistic! BUT, I also know that we’re 1 and 9. So we won’t be making the playoffs. The question now is how can we do in the remaining games. Can we build something that we can carry into next season? We have always failed to carry on any momentum from the end of one season to the next. I’ve never understood how at the start of every season we look like a completely new team.

    This season is done. We suck.
    So we need to figure out how to work as a team, and how to carry on success from one season to the next.

    Go Quakesfans!!
    DisappointedInSanJose repped this.
  12. markmcf8

    markmcf8 Member+

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    MPG was good, but we always played him out of position. We were stupid.

    Not that MPG was great, but he was good.

    Go Quakesfans!!
  13. jeff_adams

    jeff_adams Member+

    Dec 16, 1999
    Monterey, Ca
    Yep, there are lot of guys that got shuffled outside by our coaches. Chofis, Magnus and Thompson were supposed to be center channel players that ever really played there. What great CAM play did Luchi display in Dallas? They hardly scored goals under his tactics.
  14. SJTillIDie

    SJTillIDie Member+

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    Orlando couldn't find a use for MPG either and waived him less than a year after they got him from us.
  15. SJTillIDie

    SJTillIDie Member+

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    A much better long term signing than Vela.
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  16. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    Yeah it’s not even close IMO. Not that Vela couldn’t have helped us but different profile player and I think we really desperately need what Hernán brings. Plus, 23, and presumably on the upside vs. 35 and almost done. Hernán will be in his 3rd year with us in our “championship year”, 2026 :).
    xbhaskarx and markmcf8 repped this.
  17. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    Don’t get ahead or yourself. Wait a couple of days.
    xbhaskarx and don gagliardi repped this.
  18. Earthshaker

    Earthshaker BigSoccer Supporter

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    Are you just talking about his physical appearance?
    And he actually played in two games for us.
  19. Kaitlyn

    Kaitlyn Member+

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    Nope, I thought he was a good player.
  20. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    I don’t remember Robles at all. I do remember another CM we waived after a game or 2 - Tressor Moreno. He didn’t seem too fond of running. So many failed attempts at CAM I can’t keep track.
    markmcf8 and Kaitlyn repped this.
  21. Kaitlyn

    Kaitlyn Member+

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    Not that it matters, but the conversation Rachel posted on her Linkdein a few weeks ago that @Beerking and others were talking about that raised a ruckus and her conversation with Shawlee pretty much confirmed fact. Shawlee told her they were willing to spend the money on an identified player and were trying to make it work.

    She also posted 3 days ago "The Quakes have found Waldo" and Shawlee liked it.

    For those who have Linkedin, I will share her page in private if you want to follow her.
    bsman, markmcf8 and Beerking repped this.
  22. Beerking

    Beerking Member+

    Nov 14, 2000
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    I'll wait to be glad, until then I'm skeptical.
  23. Goodsport

    Goodsport Moderator
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    bostero24 repped this.
  24. Earthshaker

    Earthshaker BigSoccer Supporter

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    He was a jobber who was playing in the Argentine second division, and played for 14 different teams in about a 14 year career. He was nearly at a new team every year. And these teams seemed to have come to the same conclusion the Quakes did, the guy wasn't very good.
    Beerking, Boysinblue and Kaitlyn repped this.
  25. Kaitlyn

    Kaitlyn Member+

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    Your use of Jobber has changed my opinion.

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