We've had trouble coming up with an actual "Sons of Ben" song...Bryan unleashed this doozie on us Wednesday. Try not letting it get in your head [youtube]VfwNn7BCGEk[/youtube]
HAHA... I always end up singing this song to the little one. It is so hard to get out of your head. I want the audio track
rep. Nice work Bolton. Right after we were at the stadium site and I ran it by the guys, we were walking back to the parking lot and couldn't stop singing it. We happened upon some politicians and we were talking about the site and they asked me what I thought. I replied phenomenal and the four other guys with me went "do do do do do"
i want to say that A) you're a jerk. I've had this song stuck in my head for the past few days. and B) this would be great to get the entire crowd singing.
Oh my. The problem for me is that this song is tied to a failed relationship a couple of years ago (in an annoying kind of way, don't ask), so it kind of ruined this song for me. But otherwise a brilliant idea.
I've had this song stuck in my head for four days now. Damn you, Bolton! If a random gentleman slaps a sleeper hold on you Wednesday night, you'll know who it's from.
Wait until we start singing it on Wednesday night. We will probably do at least three songs on Wednesday. Dale Philadelphia The Sons of Ben Four Leaf Clover
The folks I'm working with hate me right now(annoyance factor = high), as I've infected them with this earworm. Damn thing spreads like wildfire(participation factor = high), cause we've all heard it countless times over the years. It does sound good in chorus(euphonic factor = high), and singing it just makes ya smile. Nice work! do do do do do do do do do
I know this was for a joke... BUT how much more classic could you get if you DID indeed sing this chant. It would sound pretty freakin' awesome! Plus, who else is even gonna think up that crap!?