I actually think that is false and comes from some satirical FB post many years ago. https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/...tians-show-85-would-disown-their-child-if-the If anybody has a link to the actual poll/survey that confirms the meme to be true, I'll appreciate it.
Too good to leave in the music thread. Need a watch, need a university degree, need a Bible, how about a pair of gold shoes. “BUT that’s not all.” How about being the lead in your Boy Band. MAGA only 10 Grand for the de lux electric. Take a White House tour and visit the gift shop for our best of China souvenirs.
From FOX News (not, but it should be) Tonight on SEAN HANNITY, we will discuss Joe Biden's illegal, immoral and unconstitutional pardon of Hunter Biden. With me are experts Bernie Kerik, Dinesh D'Souza, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, and Paul Manafort. You don't want to miss our fair and balanced coverage!
So Trump, the big McSlob is trying to fat shame Christie. "Mocking Chris Christie for being (a) out of shape and (b) eating McDonald's underscores that the Trumps are the least self-aware people on the planet."
Seriously !!!! I think the rest of the world are wondering WTF next. For their entertainment. “You won’t believe how many countries are in the world. There must be over 100.” DJT 211 nations have entered the World Cup. For their entry to FIFA play offs.