Even more pathetic than Metros fans. http://www.sorryeverybody.com/ Jim Treacher has a selection of the best
My favorite part about the pictures are the ones that flunk the global test. There are a massive number of the pictures that have different languages written in them. I'll give you odds on if you can find one with several languages that was actually written with a foreigner in mind rather than copy and pasted from Babelfish. Remember people, online translators need to be grammar AND spell checked!
I just love looking through those pix. It's addicitve. The thing that strikes me, apart from how many complete douchebags there are out there, is how much they rely on the rest of the world's opinion. "Since a lot of French people don't like Bush. clearly Bush is bad". This is wht they call "intelligent reasoning" I just love it.
The thing is this. I have no problem with people being anti-Bush. You can have a coherent and reasoned arguement against his policies. I have a coherent and reasonable argument against some of his policies. But these folks seem to have no coherence, no reason, and frankly, no self-respect.
This reminded me of a great Simpson's quote. "Well, anybody that speaks German can't be bad!" Yea Germany!
Germany? "Made mistakes"?? Why whatever could he be referring to? Reminds me of a line I read the other day about Japan: they were the fiercest, most aggreassive and warlike people on Earth until one day we nuked them and they decided to become pacifists. This is like deja vu all over again. The left, whcih considers itself highly evolved and infinitely more intelligent than everybody else, thinks that the solution to war is peace. That is to say, they have really strained their little brains and determined that war is bad. They then congratulate themselves on how evolved they are to have actually realized this. The solution to war is not peace. Dead people are peaceful. Plants are peaceful. People chained up in filthy prisons are peaceful. But becoming peaceful is not the answer to war. The answer to war is justice, freedom and equality under the law.