The Miguel Saga (threads merged)

Discussion in 'SL Benfica' started by Frank Cunha, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    Miguel future could be in the B team

    Miguel still got a few years under contract didn't not report saying the contract his not value of July 1 st.

    His either going to have to fine a club like Tiago did and pay Benfica 10 million euros or going to have the same faith like other players did, like Sokota, Maniche etc.
  2. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    here are some of the portuguese fans comments

    Segunda-feira, 4 Julho
    12:40 - Ave de Rapina
    Que mal te fica Miguel esta atitude. Se queres ir embora "a mal" tudo bem; é ver a clausula de rescisão e que te levem. VIVA O BENFICA !!!!

    12:40 - Bruno Baptista
    Miguel uma lição de vida grátis! Cá se fazem, cá se pagam! Lembras-te do Hugo Leal! Podes ver o teu futuro nele... a ingratidão é uma coisa muito feia. Sem motivos para rescindir isto vai-te sair dos bolsos! Espero que acha outro motivo para não apareceres!

    12:38 - Rui Santana
    Para que serve a equipa B?? realmente está a precisar de um apanha bolas!!

    12:38 - joao elvas
    Deixem o miguel em paz. O k ele tem feito pelo benfica e agora assim. os benfiquistas só sabem e kritikar.Ele tem todo o direito a sair komo outro kualker. ja ta há muito tempo no benfica agora ker ir para outro clube fora de portugal. kual e o mal deiaxem- no em paz. Deviam e agradecer, o k ele tem feito no benfica nos ultimos anos. Viva o sporting!!!!!!!!!

    12:37 - Ricardo Matos
    Deixem-no sair! Só faz falta quem está com o coração no Benfica! atitudes como esta não orgulham os benfiquistas, jogadores que não têm respeito pelas instituições nem revelam qualquer profissionalismo não são precisos. Muito deve o Miguel ao Benfica que o tornou um dos melhores lateral direito da Europa! E agora faz isto... mais vale deixá-lo ir ao preço da chuva do que ter jogadores contrariados no plantel que só vão provocar a destabilização do balneário... Força BENFICA!!

    12:36 - Diogo Cunha
    INGRATO! Tu deves pensar que és o rei! Lembra-te que se tu hoje és o jogador que és o deves ao S.L.B. e aos seus adeptos que sempre te apoiaram... reconsidera esta decisão e pensa pela tua cabeça porque ainda vais a tempo!

    12:36 - André
    ai esta o k é a xamada BOMBA de Pré-Época...ahahaha k pena...maior pena tinha eu se o miguel rescindir e jogar de azul e branco para o proximo ano..n me admirava nada...estamos a precisar de um lateral direito..lembram-se?! ;) FORÇA POOOORRRRTTOOOOOO ;D

    12:35 - Tiago
    Vás ou não para o Porto,(coisa que eu não acredito), o teu futuro clube secalhar até vai ter que pagar mais que os 10milhões,talvez 15(clausula de rescisão).Mais uma coisa,se esta notícia é verdadeira, somos nós adeptos que não te queremos mais,és fraco de cabeça e se DEUS quiser vai-te acontecer o mesmo que a Hugo Leal,Edgar,Edgar Caseiro,Filipe Gaidão.Estes jogadores ingratos e terão sempre o mesmo destino,e depois, daqui a uns 3 anos não te venhas oferecer ao BENFICA! Nem pareces da ZONA J!

    12:34 - Wilson Sequeira
    vem para o Porto!!!

    12:32 - João Carlos Calado dos Santos
    Ora o Miguel tem razão ele tem que mudar de equipa...vai sair do Benfica e deverá ir para o Benfica B, o que era justo e assim ja não haveria falta de respeito e até servia de exemplo para outros jogadores que queiram agir assim...brincar com uma istituição como o Benfica é digna de castigo e multa elevadissíma...enfim mais um "pesetero".Saudações Benfiquistas.

    12:32 - jose carlos
    Em cheio, então não era o Liedson e o Enak que faltavam ao respeito ao clube que lhes pagava o ordenado???? Um já chegou o outro vem a caminho. Ao que parece o "Miguel" não quer vir,ou não vai mesmo, (depende do Sr. José Veiga, EH EH!!!) está com medo de passar vergonha na Champions. Como podem ver em todos os clubes há sempre algum bode expiatório. Liedson e Enak no Sporting, Miguel no Benfica, Mcarthy no Porto. Deixem-se de criticar os outros e olhem para voces. MAI NADA

    12:30 - joao elvas
    O k o miguel ker sei eu!!! ker ir para um clube de jeito. Viva o Sporting!!!!!!!

    12:29 - Gonçalo Oliveira
    Que ingratidão!!! Mas se ele tem contrato, nãos tem salários em atraso, não vai poder dar a mesma justificação do Hugo Leal... só tem é de cumprir o contrato, e se algum clube der o que o Benfica pede... adeus, o Benfica não vai sentir audades!!!!

    12:28 - JOSÉ BRÁS
    Que venha o Rafael (Lateral direito sub-20 do Brasil)

    12:28 - ernesto camilo
    isso hj em dia e normal ele nao qer o benfica .os jogadores casam com os clubes os clubes com jogadores. o benfica ja nao qer outros certos jogadores e o miguel tbem tem suas opcoes ,mas q se cumpra o q esta no papel o resto e conversa.vejamos se o miguel consiga convencer o pretendente em pagar milhoes e depois va embora pra la com o valor de feijoes porq ele nao passa disso .pra qem ta no mundo do futebol isso e triste e normal ,tal clubes e tal fifa so qerem dinheiro e porqe nao o miguel....mas q paguem por favor e nada de baixar o preco forca slbenfica 4 ever and ever

    12:28 - Paulo SIlva
    Vamos a ter calma, caros benfiquistas. Já todos estamos habituados a notícias falsas nos jornais desportivos, para agitar o Benfica. É preciso esperar por declarações oficiais de alguém (do Miguel ou do Benfica) para criticarem assim o Miguel. O facot de ele não se ter apresentado no treino pode ter várias justificações. Vamos esperar, e não fazer o jogo que a imprensa desportiva gosta muito - pôr em alvoroço os benfiquistas.

    12:27 - Carlos Pires
    O miguel vai-se pq tem medo de o Alex lhe tirar o lugar no clube de lateral direito. Força ALEX vais tirar-lhe o lugar no clube e na selecção pq O BENFICA e a SELECÇÂO ñ tem lugar para ingratos

    12:27 - Nuno Lopes
    Anda pró porto que te recebemos de braços abertos. Para além de nós precisarmos de ti, ainda podes jogar numa equipa melhor que essa onde estás. FESTIVAL

    12:27 - Guilherme
    Se ele quiser rescindir espero que a direcção não o faça a bem. Façam com que ele tenha de pagar o máximo possivel. Se ele não estiver disposto a isso metam-no a jogar na B. E se ele não aparecer melhor porque não lhe pagamos os ordenados. Vai ser + 1 caso Jardel. Temos o Alex que vai ser melhor do que tu pois não deve ser ingrato.

    12:27 - Francisco Borges
    Nao consigo acreditar nisto... um jogador que renova o seu contrato ate 2010, e agora quer sair a forca do clube que lhe deu o prestigio que ele tem hj +é de rir..mas comentanto o resto axo que se ele quer ir embora que va... so faz falta quem esta e quem quer estarQue va po dinamo que la e que ele esta bem. Ganha bem joga num campeonato de sapateiros e o benfica ganha 10 milhoes de euros que bem falta fazem!
  3. ferreirajl

    ferreirajl New Member

    Jun 5, 2002
    Lisbon, Portugal
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    I thought it was supposed to work the other way know? The B team developing players for the main team? :D
  4. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    not with Benfica, his playing with the wrong people, also check the fans comments, his not the first or the last, look what happen to other guys the left the club in the same situation, beside Maniche

    his done with Benfica and with the national team, because the fans will make his life difficult, his best way his to get out of Portugal and play somewhere in Russia
  5. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    more on Miguel,
    players like Miguel just lose all there credebility when they think they are better then the club the feed him since he was a youth player

    Benfica made him into one of the best RD, could be his afraid he was going to lose his spot to Alex
  6. Aveirenses

    Aveirenses Member

    Mar 3, 2004
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    I don't know what to say to this thread.

    He's BEEN done with the National team because he hasn't been better than Ferreira in I'd say over a year now.

    He wants out of Benfica, and for that reason he should be over with them.

    But I find it so funny that Benfiquistas are complaining about the situation Miguel is creating; especially over the Dede chaos they stirred up in Germany.

    If Miguel stays it just shows how desperate the board members of Benfica are.

    The main thing is no one wants to pay that much for Miguel, and can you really blame them? Miguel hasn't really done anything this season. In Europe, well, I won't bring that up; because I know a certain little tough-ass will then come here and bitch and moan and say "oh did you find tickets to the liga honra?? hahaha im such a funny mother ********er." Superliga, the case remains nearly the same. He was injured for a while in the middle of the season, and he never showed anything DEFENSIVELY. And that is why Benfica are getting mickey-mouse bids. No one is going to pay that much for a defender who can attack better than defend; and especially for the type of size Miguel has.
  7. ferreirajl

    ferreirajl New Member

    Jun 5, 2002
    Lisbon, Portugal
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    I hope we buy him.
    I know it will piss off a lot of people when we sell him for 20 million next year :D .

    edit: I just heard a rumor here at work that Miguel was on the news a while ago saying he considers himself a free player?? :confused: Can anyone confirm?
  8. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    I can't disagree :cool:
  9. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    by the way I gave you a rep for having the ball's to come to the Benfica forum and say like it is
  10. Aveirenses

    Aveirenses Member

    Mar 3, 2004
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    He's trying to get released from his contract. He has a contract until 2010, so unless he's just pretending the contract is over it's still in effect unless he gets them to release him from that contract.
  11. ferreirajl

    ferreirajl New Member

    Jun 5, 2002
    Lisbon, Portugal
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    O Jogo is talking about "rescisão unilateral" (translation?)
  12. Aveirenses

    Aveirenses Member

    Mar 3, 2004
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    He wants to rescind his contract. The unilateral part I dunno... One lateral? Collateral? Got me there.

    PAUL SILVA New Member

    Aug 4, 2004
    Toronto, Canada
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    it means Miguel (one party) wants to rescind his contract. Unilateral is a one party agreement, one sided or "binding" one party.
  14. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    the first big bomb of the new season :rolleyes:

    TO DEVILS Member

    Jun 10, 2005
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    I aggree with Frank this is a big bomb but let's not forget Hugo Leal from Porto. They went and picked him up last year, loaned him to Academica and know they let him go. But i guess only Benfica stories sells papers.

    Benfica has to sell Miguel......i would place him in the B team make him sweat a bit and sell him. Lets not forget he denied to be sold to D. Moscow for 12 million for Benfica because he doesn't want to go to Russia.

    So Benfica denied him Fiorentina for 5-6 million, good for LFV.

    He had a great Euro that was it, he did ******** all in the Superliga. I rather have Alex than him. I would sell him for 7 million+pre-season game next year with gate money going to benfica and be happy that he is gone.
  16. benficafan100

    benficafan100 New Member

    Jun 29, 2004
    Oshawa Ontario
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    Im so mad right now if he leaves ill be even more angry.Whats his purpose to leave?hes on a championship team,starting right back,best right back in Portugal possibley even the world(i said possibley),we made him what he is,he was going to be a striker now look hes gotta get this through his head that we made him what he is today.He has to remember what this club has done for him,he just has to remember because hes obviously forgotten in about 4 years what Benfica has done for him which is sad to see.Players like these realy annoy me,once he leaves hes going to remember what he is missing when he leaves i hope he feels guilty once he leaves
  17. metro fan

    metro fan Member

    Apr 29, 1999
    Union, NJ
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    Well i wouldnt sya I want Alex rather than Miguel. But I wouldnt lethim go for 5-6 million. If Ferreira netted 20 million, Miguel is worth at the very least 10-15.

    I smell a behind the scenes move here. His rep Paulo Barbosa is up to no good. Would be surprise to see him in Porto
  18. Aveirenses

    Aveirenses Member

    Mar 3, 2004
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    If Benfica don't negotiate a deal for him to Valencia where he wants to go; it wouldn't be that surprising. But, I think it'll come down to Benfica's transfer negotiation tactics being questioned again. The last time they got a good amount for a player was Poborsky, and look what happened.
  19. metro fan

    metro fan Member

    Apr 29, 1999
    Union, NJ
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    Dont forget Tiago
  20. Aveirenses

    Aveirenses Member

    Mar 3, 2004
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    How much did they get for him? I'm pretty sure it was less than they got for Poborsky. (not being sarcastic, I actually forgot how much they got :p )
  21. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    with all the problems he cause Benfica, I think Benfica would be happy with anything in the 5 to 10 million euros range

    TO DEVILS Member

    Jun 10, 2005
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    For what he did last year he is not worth more than 6-7 million.

    If they had sold right after the Euro i would say 10-15 Million.
  23. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    he didn't have a good year at all and he might be feeling the pressure by Alex,

    TO DEVILS Member

    Jun 10, 2005
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    Alex had a better season. The two games he had with the NT also showed how good he really was.

    Alex is going to do great in Benfica, i think Miguel is done as a Benfica player. LFV may try to calm it down, but the fans won't forget it.

    I wonder what the reaction will be to Tiago when they play Chelsea.
  25. benficafan100

    benficafan100 New Member

    Jun 29, 2004
    Oshawa Ontario
    Re: Miguel future could be in the B team

    Tiago will probably not as bad if Miguel leaves

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