You think that some objective and observable truth exists that establishes that the Democrats economic policies will favor the median American over the Republican economic policies so that reasonable people cannot differ when choosing between them? I presume your clairvoyance when it comes to economic predictions means that you really kill it in the stock market yes?
Nancy is in no position to criticize. She's part of the problem. Unless she prefaces it with a "my bad, oops, I'll be ok with my ten thousand dollar fridge and unlimited ice cream lol" no one should be calling her.
Especially on the topic of hanging on well past the time to hang it up.Unless she leads with, “as a politician who did not know when to quit. . . “
Well, let's look at it historically. Looking at the Clintons policies+results, the Obama policies+results and Biden's policies+results, I would believe Harris' would be no different. Especially if I compare it to the crashes produced by Bush, Bush and Trump (not a crash as COVID came first). Then we have the 80 or so Nobel Prize winners in economics that favored the Dems plan over the Republican plan.
Yes, but they're elites and everyone knows that people who have not studied something all their life know better than people who have!
Bidens policies and results are objective, indisputable evidence of what exactly? What is the objective verifiable evidence that Biden’s specific policies affected the economy in a superior way to Trump’s policies? Please explain to me how you are controlling for COVID. For those 80 Nobel laureates, I’d love to see how many of them predicted the Great Recession and otherwise reliably predict economic outcomes. It’s very interesting to me how politics have replaced the human need for religion in so many of you.
Are you fucking kidding me? Have you been living under a rock? No, I will not do your research for you. I feel like I have had this argument to death with trumpers, take the time to show them the data and they are all like, "Yeah, well, gas was $1:18 under Trump so..." I'm done, Google it yourself. The info and the data is there. The irony of this comment. Trumpers wear the MAGA Flag like the cross of Christ. They have actually replaced Jesus' teachings for Trump's bullshit - proudly.
I agree with her not being in a position to speak about this stuff but it doesn't make her wrong. If she is wrong it's in not saying he should have gone a couple of years ago.
No, she's wrong in bringing that up when she could have done so much more to push back the fascism when she had the chance. This isn't a sudden "oops, fascism just happened lol where'd that come from?" It's been going on for a while and all she did was prop them up and spend more time attacking the left than fighting back the insanity.
You can read history and find that tariffs were a significant contributing factor to the Great Depression. But you know what? That's probably just some woke bullshit -- so you just keep doing you, Mr. Economic Genius.
Yeah, to be clear, I was referring to the stuff about Biden needing to have dropped out before instead of waiting until he had to be dragged out, screaming and kicking.
10 mins in and this is terrible. But I am guessing he is setting up an answer. I am hoping to get to the good part ...
Feels like a scripted infomercial selling something. But yeah, pretty obvious that Trump tapped into that anti-establishment sentiment. t was central to Trump's original campaign. mMany years of Democrats and Republicans delivering very little measurable to the average worker, that one could tap into that frustration and exploit it. Thus the saying that both parties are two sides of the same coin. Interesting part is that Trump was able to do that without attacking big corporations. I mean, how do Democrats expect to represent the worker if they are beholden to big corporations as he mentions ?
He mentions some of the things we've discussed here including, (although it's only a minor point), something that came across as rather cloth-eared to me in the Harris campaign... that of the evening with the pop and sports and movie stars. I know that sort of thing is something of a feature in american politics but in an election where being an elitist had been made a negative by one side, it sounds tone deaf. But they also mentioned the matter of incumbency and that Harris was actually swimming against the time which, again, we've discussed. I also found the old film of Reich speaking about 30 years ago where he details the problem with the idea of moving large numbers of jobs abroad and designing a society around being mainly concerned with people with degrees. This is the thing... it's not like it wasn't said that being more concerned with the idea of 'centrism' was a long term answer. A LOT of people said it wasn't, including Reich. Also, as I've said before, the issue is NOT that working class people will necessarily vote for Donald trump. I mean, some will, obviously but most won't. The problem is they just won't vote, AT ALL! In 2020 we could convince them electing Trump again would be 'the end of democracy' but that's a hard trick to pull off twice in a row. Also, of course, last time TRUMP was the incumbent They also discuss that, although the last democratic administration under Biden DID try and help the working class but that was after 4 decades of rising inequality and deprivation. As I say, it's important to remember that poor people often don't vote. NOT that they'll vote for the fascist particularly.
What made me cringe in the first 10 mins was the part about people somehow being better economically but feeling they aren't. The message of saying "you're doing good economically you just don't know it" is never good ... and the MSM media did that a lot in this cycle. I understand it's a tough sale to make that things could have been worse than they are if it weren't for Biden's policy for example. There is no easy answer for this politically. With regards to the Hollywood stars .. 100% agree. There was a clip of MSNBC I saw where one of the show participants was praising how much of a perfect campaign Kamala ran saying she got the endorsement of Queen Latifa and she had Beyonce and Taylor Swift on board. I know what she probably means, but it's completely tone deaf and out of touch to judge the success of a campaign by the Hollywood stars they bring.
One thing about politics in general is that, (particularly in the modern world with trading blocks and huge geopolitical agreements being the main controlling factor), it's actually quite hard to improve people's lives in a meaningful way. It's actually easier to make their lives WORSE than better.
Absolutely. Honestly I think the best years since I've been in the US (early 90s) were the Clinton years and the internet boom. And if we are being honest ... all the talk about how bad things have been in the last how many years with inequality, there is a lot less poverty in the US compared to the supposedly great 1950s and early 60s AFAIK.
I have a feeling that a lot of people aren't living within their means or are right at their limit. A while back, I posted a tweet of a Republican pollster complaining about inflation and mentioned a $150 delivery order. When pressed, he mentioned that he was DoorDashing Outback Steakhouse, specifically steak and lobster, and two bloomin onions for a family of four. I will say that when people said that doing DoorDash for Outback might be reckless, the guy doubled down. At that point, if one's complaining about costs while doing that, one might need to reevaluate their finances. And their priorities. A lot of complaints I heard about costs, was usually from people who either decided to buy an $80k truck with no down payment at 17% interest, from people who were getting take out, DoorDash, or going out to eat several times a week. Even back in 2009, when prices were much lower then, my parents hammered it into me to not go out to eat all the time. And it's a common thread I see in personal finance articles and on finance forums. I also had a colleague who complained about finances pre-Covid, took me pointing out that he got UberEats 3 times a week that he cut it down to once in a while. The same with people complaining about gas prices. I see so many people driving vehicles that look like they're suited for Arctic tundra and the most adventurous thing they might do is drive to their uncle's cabin in Northern Michigan on a dirt road that's well maintained. Meanwhile, I'm driving a tiny Honda and not a Ford F150 with the Honda paid off and having great fuel efficiency. As for the media, they dropped the ball on covering prices. Case in point, that family of nine (Abnormal in today's times) CNN interviewed and they still mixed up the price of milk. When the story was called out, the journalists involved with the story just said people were being mean to the family, not wanting to admit that maybe buying frozen PF Changs isn't exactly savvy.
Pretty much any history of the depression, or any biography of Herbert Hoover or FDR... Edit--I don't think anyone claims they were causative, but rather an accelerant. It is true that inflationary actions can help a bit by allowing pressing debt to be paid off in cheaper dollars than it was incurred in; but before that can work, the debtor has to have some source of dollars somewhere...
Trump has 74,729,200 votes (50.5%) in 2024 so far and 74,224,319 in 2020 Biden got 81,284,666 in 2020 Kamala has 71,028,223 so far 10,000,000 votes different in an election where Democrats were saying if Trump gets into power it will be the last one? Something doesn't add up. Except this: @24:00 their strategy for poll watching is discussed. They started their program during the primaries, refined them and deployed it to areas where election fraud was suspected last time. Unless you want to claim that the 10million who thought it was very important to remove Trump last time, just didn't care this time. I don't buy it. His numbers essentially stayed the same. Red pill time.
Yes. As far as I've been in the US, that has always been my observation that because credit is relatively cheap, people have been living beyond their means for a long time. Consumer debt has really spiked up since the Obama years. It's like a castle of cards that at one point will crumble IMO. Personally I think a big, and I mean big recession is coming next year. People have a lot of their worth in equities and value of their properties. The market is going through a last blow off top where real FOMO will kick in and then a big crash will happen. It's gonna fall on Trumps hand but had Kamala won, it would have been the same IMO. His tariffs plan might only make it worse. I hope I am wrong.
Well the individual I was responding to seemed to believe it was significant "You can read history and find that tariffs were a significant contributing factor to the Great Depression." So what do you think were the biggest or more influential factors and how did tariffs accelerate this?