Almost 100% of those polled think there will be a rate cut, according to the Fed Watch Toll (which is quite accurate). The percent which says 50 points has been yo-yoing up and down, yet it is significant that that number is not a small percentage.
Dark Brandon is on a roll... BREAKING: THE DOW JONES JUST CROSSED 40,000 📈📈📈— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) August 14, 2024
But reasonable in a playing with fire sort of way, not in a guaranteed disaster sort of way... he looked bad at a debate, but he's not all out of marbles.
Yep but considering the market dropped a 1000 points a week ago and the right was screaming about a "Kamala crash", it is good news.
Absolutely. I think he's cognitively still there, just really slowing down (which makes his lifelong stuttering issue much harder to overcome).
Let's stop beating this dead horse. "Not all out of marbles" is meaningless in the context of what Biden was expected to do this summer and autumn. Yes, Biden is absolutely not senile like the Republicans suggest. However, there are several issues which make his decision to drop out the most rational that could have been made. And these are literally beyond dispute, I think: 1. While 80-year olds are usually not senile (not unless they suffer from some disease like Alzheimer or dementia), people this age lack endurance. I had several close relatives which lived until 87, 88 and 89: none of them "lost of their marbles" almost until their death (their last weeks don't count), however they were all incapable of putting a lot of effort into any kind of activity without needing a significant amount of rest. That is pretty much what happened with Biden. Biden simply could not be president and campaign at the same time: it was just not physically possible anymore. It's a 12-hours job at least and there is no way an 82-year old man can pull it off; still being cognitively capable is not enough. And no, having your (meager) public appearances carefully managed is not campaigning. Can you imagine Biden doing the number of events Harris has been doing for the last 3 weeks? Trump is probably having the same problem, so let him sweat in the sun in order to stay in the race. 2. When you are past 80, you can decline fast. Biden is "not all out of marbles", but 4 years is a huge amount of time when you are nearly 82 years old. 3. When you are past 80, any medical issue, even a minor one, can knock you over. Also, the likelihood of a serious medical event like a stroke or a hear attack is high. What kind of campaign is that when you constantly have to worry whether your candidate could end in a hospital next week or next month? Now, the Democrat campaign can finally get this monkey off its back and it shows. There was literally no enthusiasm in the Biden campaign, just a grim desperation to keep Trump out of the White House at any cost. The Harris campaign has enthusiasm in spades. 4. On a personal level, did we really want Biden to die in office like Roosevelt? Especially after it became clear that there is no need and Kamala can do at least just as well as him in the election? The reasons for Biden to drop out had nothing to with with his cognitive capacities. At this point, constantly ruminating about how unfair it was for Biden start to look irrational. The Presidency was not Biden's personal reward, nobody pushed him to decide to run again and there is a good chance a lot of Democrats would have preferred if he hadn't, even though they did not say it out loudly.
Are we? We have a very dramatic Presidential campaign going on and it is rightly getting most of the attention (even if Harris was behind, it still should have most of the attention). Yes, I have not heard a lot of news about Biden, but I don't get the feeling that he is being pushed out to the pasture. I get the feeling that he is being allowed to be his normal, low-key President, and being allowed to walk out to pasture. At least, now that he has withdrawn.
I don't want to say members of another party are hypocritical, but aren't the people that keep pointing out that Biden was old and diminished... mostly also the people that thought Ronald Reagan was the Best President Ever? The guy with Alzheimers/Dementia during his second term?
He'll get a proper sending off next week in Chicago and a rousing outpouring of love and gratitude for a lifetime of service to this country. It couldn't have been scripted much better, he will get to leave with his dignity intact. Hopefully he has at least a couple of years left to relax with Jill and enjoy his remaining days.
You think? Far be it from me to defend the Republicans, but it is not really the same. Biden's problem is campaigning, because you have to travel all over the country and take part in public events - and do this every week. That is exhausting for an old individual. Biden, though, is perfectly capable of being president, sitting in the White House all day and having meetings with his cabinet. If worse came to worst, the Vicepresident and the cabinet can do most of the job for you. Ditto Reagan. But the Vicepresident and the cabinet cannot campaign in the candidate's place.
it was interesting hearing about how Obama coped with this in 2012. it is not easy when you have the actual presidents job to do. obamas campaign schedule was bonkers compared to biden. and trump as we know may only do one or two things a week.
TBH I hope he lives to be 100 like Jimmy has and every year on his birthday his biggest fans get to shout "******** you" to the rest of the country.
Day 1 and Day 2 are going to be a love fest for Biden, and what he has done for the country (re: to set up Harris). Day 3 is going to be the set up for Harris, and how great she can be. Day 4 will be Brat Fire! I was talking about how in 2008, there is a great picture of Barack on the stage with Michelle, and it is clear Michelle has embraced her position, but that Barack has not yet come to grips with it. Yet, what I was most impressed by that night was that he was not accepting the nomination at Ball Arena (formerly the Pepsi Center), but at Mile High in front of 84,000. I can see a similar thing happening in Chicago, with Harris accepting the nomination in Wrigly field, or more likely, Soldier Stadium (or what ever it is called now).
Go Joe! Tell them like it is…. Biden has no fucks left to give: “I told you, my policies are working. Start writing that way. Kay?”— chris evans (@notcapnamerica) August 14, 2024
Come on, you KNOW this: Wrigley Field. Just like the chewing gum. Owned by the turdish Ricketts family. Soldier Field. The piece of shyte that useless, worthless, corrupt piece of shyte Daley built, instead of the retractable dome that a World Alpha City needed. But, all of that is immaterial, it'll be at United Center and McCormick Place.