Oh that damn communist liberal media is attacking Jill Stein, calling her a "longshot"! Obviously, they're biased. By getting the 1% of the vote! The future VicePresident of the USA
Speaking as someone who's done political ads for a living, that political ad is shit. But I gave her money anyway.
It means they didn't bother to get ballot access in a state where they're likely to get only double-digits in the popular vote.
I know... just amused. Nothin' but love for Mr. Warmth, but Oklahoma is a burr on the ass of America.
How are the ballot access laws in OK? A major problem for minor parties is they obviously raise less money than the majors, and then have to spend a huge portion of that just to get on the ballot.
Oh, they'd get a couple thousand. From the diary of a soldier in the US Army Expedition to Oklahoma Region after the Louisiana Purchase and prior to Indian Removal: "This land is fit for nothing more than rattlesnakes and Indians" Unnecessarily Difficult. Well that and their stupid ass ideas... That being said, 3rd parties in Oklahoma would do nothing but Balkanize the Right in this state and their arms race to out conservative each other.
Not a good idea. Next election, the GOP will just use her numbers in states like yours and mine (if she gets on the ballot in Alabama) to argue that the Dems have lost ground.
CNN, in a completely unsurprising journalistic failure, has buried the lede in this article, in which they whisper that if Johnson and Stein are included in their poll, they peel off 6% of likely voters. That is, to me, a shockingly high number, despite the misleading headline. It makes you wonder what would happen if CNN, or any other network, gave them the time and respect that they deserve.
Oklahoma is a joke state living 200 years in the past. A place where people actually take pride in their stupidity. This is real America.